- Add `mob clean` command that removes orphan wip branches that might be
a left over of someone else doing a `mob done`. This is especially
helpful when using a lot of feature branches. If you call `mob clean`
on an orphan wip branch, it will switch you to the base branch,
falling back to main/master if the base branch does not exist.
- The values `squash`, `no-squash` and `squash-wip` for MOB_DONE_SQUASH
can be set not only via env var, but now in the .mob configuration
file as well.
Changes in version 4.7-0 (2022-04-18)
* html.contents.data.frame: properly closed html <a>
* simPOcuts: new function to demonstrate variation in odds ratios
due to random chance
* R2Measures: new function to compute various pseudo R^2 measures
* putHcap: added new capabilities around the subsub argument
* print.summary.formula.response: added markdown argument
* knitrSet: added rudimentary quarto support
* knitrSet: sense figure labels of the form fig-... used by Quarto,
and generate correct cross-reference
Changes in version 4.6-0 (2021-10-05)
* package: improved author formatting in DESCRIPTION
* html: markupSpecs$html$session: added citations for any Harrell
packages that are loaded, respecting current output format in
effect with knitr
* soprobMarkovOrdm: new function to compute state occupancy
probabilities from proportion odds model fits
* plotCorrM: new function to graph correlation matrices and gap
time relationships using ggplot2
* ggplotlyr: new function to use plotly::ggplotly to render ggplot2
graphs but intercepting hover text to remove extraneous labels
* Fixed Heiberger email address
* propTrans: removed zero frequency combinations
* combplotp: fixed bug in case regarding recognition of positives
nnn * propsPO: fixed making y factor
* soprobMarkovOrdm: added as.data.frame(generated data)
* estSeqMarkovOrd: extended timecriterion function to allow user to
return the event/censoring time and indicator, and to allow
groupContrast to compute using a variance formula
* estSeqMarkovOrd: trapped errors better, returning attribute
failures, and added maxest and maxvest argument to declare large
parameter or variance estimates as failed iterations; changed
from vgam to vglm and sped up computations by using previous
coefficient estimates as starting values
* session in markupSpecs: added citations for several other packages
* soprobMarkovOrdm: extended to work with VGAM package
* describe: fix error with . (thanks to Cole Beck;
* many: tests for presence of suggested packages using
requireNamespace (thanks for major editing work by Duncan Murdoch
at https://github.com/harrelfe/Hmisc/pull/143 motivated by
* mdb.get: fix for Windows by changing from system to system2
(thanks to Rainer Hurling at
* summaryM: fixed error with prN=TRUE with latex (thanks Matt
* Shotwell in https://github.com/harrelfe/Hmisc/pull/109)
* many: fix partial argument matching warnings length ->
* length.out in rep (thanks Bill Denney in
* https://github.com/harrelfe/Hmisc/pull/128)
* rcspline.restate: was dropping + for exactly zero coefficients
(thanks https://github.com/harrelfe/Hmisc/pull/118)
* mdb.get: remove brackets from table names (thanks
* latex: added new argument comment so that the generated comment
can be suppressed (thanks Giuseppe Ragusa
* sas.get: added new argument for variable case (thanks Tyler Hunt
* format.df: changed to use system option OutDec when cdot is not
specified (thanks https://github.com/harrelfe/Hmisc/issues/142)
* C code: changed calls to warning/error routines
* formatdescribeSingle: changed for character value to make 'NA' work
Changes in version 4.5-0 (2021-02-27)
* approxExtrap: changed x and y to as.numeric. Thanks: juha.heikkinen@luke.fi
* upData: fix column subsetting for data.tables
* dotchartpl: intercepted missing Diff
* simMarkovOrd, soprobMarkovOrd, intMarkovOrd, estSeqMarkovOrd: new
functions for Markov proportional odds model simulation and
calculation of state occupancy probabilities
* ggfreqScatter: added by argument
* VGAM package added to Suggests in DESCRIPTION
* html markupSpecs mdchunk: added caption argument, allowed for vectors
* propsTrans: added labels argument for plotly, added numerators
and denominators in tooltips, fixed bug where factor levels were
reversed if odds.ratio specified
Changes in version 4.4-2 (2020-11-25)
* rcorr: captured loss of precision leading to square root of a
negative number. Thanks: Ann Voss <avoss@novanthealth.org>
* summaryS: sapply was doubling names
* pairUpDiff: created for dotchartpl - function to pair up grouped
observations for sorting by descending differences and computing
approximate confidence intervals for the difference given
individual confidence limits
* dotchartpl: added new arguments and functionality to handle
quantities other than proportions (e.g., hazards) and streamlined
code using pairUpDiff
* propsPO: added tooltip text for gpplot that will be transmitted
to ggplotly; reversed order of categories so lowest category put
at bottom of bar
* dotchartpl: suppressed confidence intervals when the number of
groups is not 2; fixed bug where hover text confidence intervals
were repeats of the last computed interval instead of properly
using all the intervals; added dec argument
* added estSeqSim and gbayesSeqSim functions
* ggfreqScatter: stopped varying alpha and just varied color, as
alpha collided with the color scheme
* histSpike: added minimal=TRUE and bins arguments
Changes in version 4.4-1 (2020-08-07)
* popower: added approximate S.E. of log(OR) in results
* propsPO: new function for exploring proportional odds
* propsTrans: new function for showing distributions of successive
state transitions
* changed acepack to suggests
* multEventChart: new function for multi-state event charts based
on code written by Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
* getHdata: changed to use hbiostat.org/data/repo
* markupSpecs$markdown$tof: new function to render a table of
figures with short captions
* knitrSet: added capfile argument to store figure tags and short captions
* getLatestSource: changed to use GitHub and hbiostat.org/R/packagename/dir.txt
* histboxpM: added width argument
* upData: handled zero-length subsets (Thanks: Will Gray)
* upData: made faster for large datasets
* ffCompress: removed from package and put in Github Rscripts
* Changed maintainer email
Changes in version 4.4-0 (2020-03-22)
* combplotp: new function for attribute plots with plotly
* summaryP: made to work with new default stringsAsFactors=FALSE
* plotlyM: fixed bug where need to unlist if only one graph produced
* plotlyM: added ECDF support through fitter='ecdf'
* keepHattrib, restoreHattrib: new functions for saving Hmisc
attributes that can be restored later, e.g., after data.table
processes a data frame
Changes in version 4.3-1 (2020-02-07)
* Depend on survival >= 3.1-6
* pomodm: checked that x is sorted
* markupSpecs: added ord function for ordinal representation of integers
* mChoice: removed unused argument sort. from help file
Changes in version 4.3-0 (2019-11-07)
* Corrected typos in aregImpute help file. Thanks: Mark Seeto.
* describe: changed to print 5 lowest and highest values even if
frequency table printed, added a line of printed output
specifying any rounding done for the frequency table
* vcov.fit.mult.impute: use vcov.orm if object has orm class.
intercepts=mid logic was not working for this
* New service function convertPdate to do automatic date
conversions and handle partial dates such as YYYY and mm/YYYY
with imputation, for cleanup.import
* cleanup.import: new arguments autodate, autonum, fracnn
* describe: formatted dates if there is only one distinct value;
changed to sense date or date-times, for Gmd not format as
* plot.describe: treated date/time variables as numeric
* cleanup.import: refined autonum considerNA
* ggfreqScatter: added stick=TRUE argument
* markupSpecs: changed math and similar functions to use
... argument instead of x
* summaryDp: new function for plotly dotcharts stratifying
separately on a series of variables
* dotchartpl: added height argument
* html.describe: fixed but where markupSpecs$html utility function
last arguments were not named in calls
Changelog taken from https://github.com/erlang/rebar3/releases
3.18.0 Latest
add support for otp24 optional applications
use git command in non interactive mode
git_resource: ignore stderr in get_patch_count when calling git rev-list
fix NIF compilation on Apple M1.
fix issue for duplicates options of 'parserfile' in 'yrl_opts'
support for --all argument in unlock
support for --all argument in upgrade
support for --all argument in upgrade plugin
add --relnames option to allow selectively building of multiple releases
bump bbmustache to support unicode attributes
proper respect of GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR
bump certifi to 2.8.0
don't crash on printing non-ASCII characters
upgrade providers to 1.9.0
This release is mostly bug fixes, and repairs prior broken builds of
elixir dependencies, but also includes a couple of useful features.
New Features:
Add escript_incl_priv so escriptize priv dir inclusion works with
_checkouts and profiles
Added SSL cacert patch to support Corporate MITM Proxies
Bug fixes:
rebar3 release to honour the ignore-xref attribute
Bump relx to 4.5.0
use copied erts dir when tar'ing even when the user sets the erts
improve error message when a symlink creation fails
State extended with a filter method to filter xref_warnings
Do not require logger
Add default time warp mode of multi
optionally allow static node name prefixes
use random:uniform instead of os:pid when constructing node name in nodetool
Fix eval command to use ERL_DIST_PORT, consistency with rpc command
Fix bin script arguments to erlexec
Give compiler hints when handling run-time deps in parse_transforms
Make rebar_file_utils:system_tmpdir/1 take TMPDIR env var into account on *nix
Handle abstract code starting with a non-file attribute
Prefer erlang app to mix project
Drop bootstrap URI handling functions warnings
Prevent crashes on recursive src_dir definitions in deps
Fix ssl check hostname options for wildcard certificate
{xref_ignores} now properly works on module,
Normalize Dialyzer PLT paths
Fix optimistic registry update of plugins being upgraded
Security release. See
Major security fix around TLS validation. See
local upgrade: extract vsn of rebar3 from downloaded escript
Major security fix around TLS validation. See
This release drops multiple OTP versions as officially
supported. We're aligning rebar3 development with the OTP team's
compatibility guarantees, as some deprecations from OTP-21 were
removed in OTP-24 and we just could not maintain compatible code
bases. We're using the breakage opportunity to change just how much we
support to something more sustainable.
The release also contains extra fixes that should prove useful.
Only support 3 newest OTP versions
add support to configure application resource naming
Support ERL_LIBS libraries in escript building
Fix CLI arg order in makefile template
Increase OTP 24 readiness + move to OTP 20 min.
Bump erlware_commons and certifi
Treat applications and included_applications the same way when builing Dialyzer PLTs
Strip CLI args from provider hooks
Fix plugins upgrade for non-tuple specification
Fix bad compiler path nesting
Make dialyzer output file format configurable
Fix DAG resolving for recursive directories
Add EUnit support for sys_config options
Catch and report missing escript dependency
Relay unexpected relx return values
Bump Relx and cth_readable
relx_resolve:to_app raise error with .app file pathname
Concurrent Builds - xref interactions refinement
Add richer return values for nodetool rpc
add an option to select the application to build an escript for
Do not discard parameters --system_libs and --include-erts
Have "rebar3 plugins upgrade" work without specifying plugin name
rebar3 shell: implement various modes to print "booted" message
More path juggling fixes in the compiler
Fix OTP24 complaining about underscored variables
Handle OTP-24 function location in xref
pass no_spawn_compiler_process to compile:file/2
[BUGFIX] Revert choose_encoder being renamed to choose_formatter to fix a breaking change. For the 0.14.x release cycle choose_formatter will still exist, but will be removed in 0.15.0.
This is a list of paths that will be excluded from SCAN_DEPENDS. Most users
will not need this, it's only really useful if you happen to use shared files
included by your mk.conf that may be touched even though there was no change
made to affect dependencies.
In this version, several internal changes have been included in order to
streamline and organize better the components and to change the
management of color. The changes are pretty deep and subtle, so a bug or
unexpected behaviour is always possible. You can use the 1.4.6 rollback
point in case of trouble, but be sure to report any bug.
- Added connectors shapes, and included the BNC into that class
- Added nullator and norator shapes
- Added buzzer and reversed buzzer bipoles
- Added "dot" anchors to inductances
- Added "boxed only" option for some circular blocks
- Added DIN antenna shape
- Fixed block/input arrow connection
- Fixed a problem with generic tunable arrows
Internal changes:
- Added a generic drawing function for shapes, which are now drawn
always in background
- Added a hook system to be able to change component drawing settings
per-shape, per-class or globally
- All the 250+ shapes are now "protected" by possible external arrow and
arced corners parameters
- Completely changed the management of the shapes' color