pdfTEX: Support JPEG Exif as well as JFIF; do not even emit a warning if
\pdfinclusionerrorlevel is negative; sync with xpdf 3.04.
LuaTEX: New library newtokenlib for scanning tokens; bug fixes in the normal
random number generator and other places.
XeTEX: Image handling fixes; xdvipdfmx binary looked for first as a sibling
to xetex; internal XDV opcodes changed.
MetaPost: New numbersystem binary; new Japanese-enabled upmpost and
updvitomp programs, analogous to up*tex.
Infrastructure: The fmtutil script has been reimplemented to read
fmtutil.cnf on a per-tree basis, analogous to updmap. Web2C mktex* scripts
(including mktexlsr, mktextfm, mktexpk) now prefer programs in their own
directory, instead of always using the existing PATH.
Currently, the mhchem bundle consists of two packages: mhchem
and rsphrase. The mhchem package provides two commands: one for
typesetting chemical molecular formulae and one for typesetting
chemical equations with these formulae. The rsphrase package
contains the text of all official Risk and Safety (R and S)
Phrases that are used to label chemicals. At the time being,
these phrases are available in Danish, English, French, German
(current spelling), and Spanish.