Upstream changes:
0.62 Sun Jul 13 21:49:16 PDT 2014
- Actually make the 5.8.1 change I said I did in 0.61
0.61 Sun Jul 13 21:47:14 PDT 2014
- Make Inline dep on perl 5.8.1 per The Lancaster Consensus
- Fix Metadata errors
0.60 Sun Jul 13 21:19:48 PDT 2014
- Use the new ZD Contributing file
0.59 Sat Jul 12 12:11:10 PDT 2014
- Finish migrating and updating docs
0.58 Fri Jul 11 07:02:12 BST 2014
- Fix tabs, add $VERSIONs, fix prereqs
0.57 Fri Jul 11 02:05:00 BST 2014
- Inline::C separated from Inline
0.56_03 Thu Jul 10 13:36:04 BST 2014
- The "with" interface changed slightly - to get right $language use
- Add Contrib file
0.56_02 Thu Jul 10 03:36:04 BST 2014
- Remove AutoLoader stuff.
0.56_01 Wed Jul 9 17:10:04 PDT 2014
- Move to Zilla-Dist
- Remove Inline::C from Inline dist
0.56 9 Jul 2014
- Clean up formatting and whitespace
- Removed a "sleep" from Inline::Foo::build
0.55_05 8 Jul 2014
- Make "with" hook return undef croak, test that.
0.55_04 8 Jul 2014
- Suppress warnings in older perls from C/t/14void_arg_PRD.t.
- setruid throws exception not just on Win32 - trap in t/08taint.t.
- C/t/14void_arg_PRD.t - Fix typo.
0.55_03 1 Jul 2014
- Update ToDo to post 0.44(!)
- repository cpan metadata added, typo fixes (thanks dsteinbrunner)
- Update "with" hook to be class method, not function (and test).
- Make "make dist" update C/ and Inline::MakeMaker's $VERSION.
- Undo change disabling BUILD_NOISY for Win32 when shell eq 'cmd'
0.55_02 date Sun 22 Jun 2014
- Version updated to 0.55_02 and released to CPAN
- - additional changes to -T handling. (Thanks Ed J).
0.55_01 date Mon 5 May 2014
- Update version number to 0.55_01
0.55 date Mon 28 Apr 2014
- Version 0.55 released to CPAN
0.54_05 date Sun 13 Apr 2014
- Update version number to 0.54_05.
- Inline.pod - Add documentation regarding "with" and modules. (Thanks to
Ed J.)
0.54_04 date Wed 10 Apr 2014
- Add META.yml & META.json to distro
- Released to CPAN.
0.54_03 date Wed 9 Apr 2014
- Released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.54_01.)
0.54_01 Mon 31 Mar 2014
- Update version nmuyber to 0.54_01
- Makefile.PL - add META_MERGE info (thanks David Steinbrunner).
- Inline.pod - Correct typos (thanks David Steinbrunner).
0.54 Sat 29 Mar 2014
- Update version number to 0.54
- Release version 0.54 to CPAN
0.53_02 Fri 7 Mar 2014
- Update version to 0.53_02
0.53_01 Thurs 12 Sep 2013
- - Update version number to 0.53_01
0.53 Wed 1 May 2013
- Version 0.53 released to CPAN
0.52_02 Wed 24 Apr 2013
- Version 0.52_02 released to CPAN
0.52_01 Thurs 11 Apr 2013
- Version 0.52_01 released to CPAN
- - in sub read_DATA() replace:
@{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)(__\S+?__\n)/, $data
@{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)^[ \t]{0,}(__\S+?__\n)/, $data;
Otherwise some non-markers can be treated as markers.
Thanks to Chris Nighswonger and Stefan Seifert.
Added C/t/21read_DATA.t and C/t/22read_DATA_2.t as the test cases.
NOTE: This is not a complete fix - it's still possible to
write code (albeit in an unorthodox fashion) such
that a non-marker can be treated as a marker.
0.52 Thurs 07 Mar 2013
- Version 0.52 released to CPAN
0.51_03 Wed 28 Nov 2012
- Version 0.51_03 released to CPAN
0.51_02 Tues 20 Nov 2012
- Version 0.51_02 released to CPAN
0.51_01 Tues 20 Nov 2012
- Version 0.51_01 released to CPAN
0.51 Sat 13 Oct 2012
- Version 0.51 released to CPAN.
0.50_03 Mon 8 Oct 2012
- Version 0.50_03 released to CPAN.
0.50_02 Tues 14 Feb 2012
- - Bump version number to 0.50_02
0.50_01 Wed 8 Feb 2012
- - Add a warning prior to croaking with
M62_invalid_config_file(). That way, we'll at least see what $config
contains. This is in response to FAIL report
- Bump version number to 0.50_01
0.50 Tues 7 Feb 2012
- Version 0.50 released to CPAN
- - Bump version number to 0.50
0.49_02 Fri 3 Feb 2012
- Version 0.49_02 released to CPAN
- - Bring version numbering into line with recommendations made
0.49_01 Sun 25 Dec 2011
- As the result of input from David Oswald
- Inline.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" and fix typo
reported in ticket 73108.
- Inline-FAQ.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES"
- - Bump version to 0.49_01
- lib/Inline/ - Bump version to 0.49_01
0.49 Thurs 8 Dec 2011
- Version 0.49 released to CPAN
- - small alteration to M19_usage_language error message
0.48_02 Fri 9 Sept 2011
- Bump Inline version to 0.48_02
0.48_01 Mon 11 Apr 2011
- Version 0.48_01 released to CPAN
- t/05files.t - Have t/05files.t provide a reason for skipping the tests.
- - Create REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE config option.
- Makefile.PL - Test::Warn 0.23 or later needed for perl-5.13 and later.
(Older perls need 0.21 or later).
Upstream changes:
1.002004 - 2014-07-09
- fix prerequisite declarations for older toolchain
1.002003 - 2014-07-09
- module loading is now done while importing, making it unnecessary to load
them beforehand (RT#96995, Christian Walde)
1.002002 - 2014-05-06
- minor metadata updates
1.002001 - 2014-03-04
- fix tests and Makefile.PL to support perl 5.6
* Speed optimizations.
* Change the output when using the ``qr`` script to use ASCII rather than
just colors, better using the terminal real estate.
* Fix a bug in passing bytecode data directly when in Python 3.
* Substation speed optimizations to best-fit algorithm (thanks Jacob Welsh!).
Version 5.0.1
* Update version numbers correctly.
What's new in 6.2.0
Merge to upstream Subversion revision 674; upstream code changelog:
- Better exclusion of dates when matching phone numbers from text.
- Handle phone input in RFC3966 with missing tel: prefix
- Fixed remaining bug in ``maybe_declare`` for ``auto_delete`` exchanges.
- MongoDB: Creating a channel now properly evaluates a connection (Issue #363).
- Reverts change in 3.0.17 where ``maybe_declare`` caches the declaration
of auto_delete queues and exchanges.
- Redis: Fixed race condition when using gevent and the channel is closed.
- Now compiles on GNU/kFreeBSD
- Pool: `AF_PIPE` address fixed so that it works on recent Windows versions
in combination with Python 2.7.7.
- Pool: Fix for `Supervisor object has no attribute _children` error.
- Pool: Fixed bug with human_status(None).
- Pool: shrink did not work properly if asked to remove more than 1 process.
information for regular users without developer status.
Comment developer-only information out so that it doesn't obscure text,
it should be put into appendix or at least a separate subsection
after main text.
This is less interesting use case now that we have made bulk builds more accessible.
Besides, the information is outdated. Perhaps the section should be removed.
Version 0.7.1 (2014-06-28) *100th Anniversary of the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand*
#### Package changes
* Add `IsList` instance for GHC >= 7.8 ([Icelandjack](