Commit graph

32 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
eec6b59941 gauche: Various fixes.
This package can only have possibly worked on NetBSD/x86_64 previously, now it
at least works on SunOS too.
2018-07-26 16:55:29 +00:00
a56768ce96 Update to 0.9.6
* Use gmake for pattern rules

Release 0.9.6

Major feature upgrade

  * Notable feature enhancement:
  * New modules and procedures
      + R7RS-Large Red Edition support (WiLiKi:Gauche:R7RS-RedEdition)
      + New srfi support:
      + Other new modules and procedures:
  * Incompatible changes
  * Other bug fixes

Notable feature enhancement:

  * Static linking and standalone executable support: Now you can create a
    standalone executable from Gauche program. See blog entry and "Building
    standalone executables" section.
  * Single shell-script installer (blog entry).
  * REPL enhancement: Pretty printing (blog entry), online document display (
    blog entry) and search (blog entry).
  * Method dispatch optimizations (1, 2).
  * Procedure inlining optimizations (1, 2)
  * Windows console Japanese handling: Thanks to @hamayama, numerous fixes to
    use Japanese on Windows command prompt is incorporated.
  * Bump to Boehm gc 7.6.6, thanks to @qykth-git.
  * Support mbedTLS as an additional TLS support, thanks to @qykth-git. See
    rfc.tls for the details.
  * format finally supports floating number formatting ~f. It also supports a
    subtle rounding mode switch regarding binary to decimal conversion (blog
  * Support of using multiple versions of Gauche in parallel---from 0.9.6 and
    after, you can invoke a different version of Gauche by gosh -vVERSION, as
    far as VERSION of Gauche is also installed. This isn't much useful now
    (VERSION must be 0.9.6 or later), but will be handy with future releases.
  * Sampling profiler now works on Windows, thanks to Saito Atsushi and
    @hamayama (although it can only sample the attached thread).

New modules and procedures

R7RS-Large Red Edition support (WiLiKi:Gauche:R7RS-RedEdition)

12 libraries (out of 17) are supported:

  * scheme.list List library (formerly srfi-1)
  * scheme.vector Vector library (formerly srfi-133)
  * scheme.sort Sort libraries (formerly srfi-132)
  * scheme.set Sets and bags (formerly srfi-113)
  * scheme.charset Character-set library (formerly srfi-14)
  * scheme.hash-table Intermediate hash tables (formerly srfi-125)
  * scheme.ideque Immutable deques (formerly srfi-134
  * scheme.generator Generators (formerly srfi-121)
  * scheme.lseq Lazy sequences (formerly srfi-127)
  * Boxes (formerly srfi-111)
  * scheme.list-queue Mutable queues (formerly srfi-117)
  * scheme.comparator Comparators (formerly srfi-128)

Those are still accessible as srfi-* names, but new code is recommended to use
the scheme.* names.

New srfi support:

  * srfi-64 A Scheme API for test suites
  * srfi-66 Octet vectors
  * srfi-74 Octet-addressed binary blocks
  * srfi-96 SLIB prerequisites
  * srfi-129 Titlecase procedures
  * srfi-141 Integer division
  * srfi-143 Fixnums
  * srfi-145 Assumptions (built-in)
  * srfi-146 Mappings
      + srfi-146.hash Hashmaps
  * srfi-149 Basic Syntax-rules template extensions (built-in)
  * srfi-151 Bitwise operations
  * srfi-152 String library (reduced)
  * srfi-158 Generators and accumulators

Other new modules and procedures:

  * pprint - pretty printer.
  * assume-type macro and type-error procedure.
  * define-inline is now official.
  * hash-table-compare-as-sets, tree-map-compare-as-sets - compare those
    mappings as sets
  * let-values, let*-values: now built-in.
  * In gauche.process: do-process!, do-pipeline, run-pipeline!.
  * In gauche.unicode: char-east-asian-width
  * In gauche.uvector: uvector-binary-search, u8vector=? ..., u8vector-compare
  * In gauche.charconv: Conversion routines accepts u8vector as well as
  * In gauche.sequence: delete-neighbor-dups, delete-neighbor-dups!,
    delete-neighbor-dups-squeeze!, group-contiguous-sequence
  * In gauche.threads: atomic and atomic-update! allows more than one timeout
  * text.template: Simple template expander, based on built-in string
    interpolation feature.
  * Char-set can be immutable. char-set-freeze and char-set-freeze! are used to
    make a char set immutable. Literal char-sets are immutable, as other
    literal objects.
  * rfc.http: You can now use stunnel process to do https connection instead of
    Gauche's rfc.tls module. Note that it only works with command mode of
    stunnel---which isn't available on Windows.
  * rfc.tls: Now that we support mbedTLS and server certificate authentication,
    a minimal document is added.
  * get-uint, get-sint, put-uint!, put-sint!.
  * gauche.generator: generator->uvector, generator->uvector!, generator->
    bytevector, generator->bytevector!.
  * data.random: regular-string$ - creates a generator that generates random
    strings that match the given regexp.
  * string-incomplete->complete: Add :escape mode to escape illegal bytes in
    lossless way.

Incompatible changes

Some change undocumented behaviors; others change because of bug fix.

  * Literal character sets (#[chars]) are now immutable, as other literal
    objects; it will raise an error if you try to mutate it.
  * getter-with-setter now associates the setter to the getter in immutable way
    ('locked'); it will raise an error if you try to change it. It is the way
    specified in srfi-17. It also allows Gauche to inline setters. (NB: Many
    predefined setters are now locked. If your existing code alters them it
    will cause an error.)
  * list*, cons* - Requires at least one arg, as specified in srfi-1. Zero
    argument doesn't make sense, although previous versions of Gauche allowed
  * append, append! - Now it is an error if the arguments except the last one
    is a dotted list. We've tolerated it before, but it's rather error prone.
  * util.match: The way to match record instance with positional variables are
    changed for more reasonable way. We hope no code depends on the previous
    way, which was broken anyway. See the blog entry for the details.
  * twos-complement-factor: We fix the behavior when 0 is passed; it used to
    return 0, now it returns -1. The latter is consistent with srfi-60.
    Unfortunately we documented the former behavior, so it breaks
  * string-split: Splitting an empty string now yields an empty list instead of
    (""), as srfi-152 specifies

Other bug fixes

There are too many; we list up some notable ones.

  * The behavior of guard when no clauses are satisfied and the exception is
    reraised is now R7RS-compatible (
    ). When using R7RS, with-exception-handler is R7RS compatible (which is
    slightly different from built-in with-exception-handler, compatible to
  * unwind-protect: Fix bug with interaction of call/cc.
  * rfc.tls: axTLS interface had MT-hazard.
  * er-macro-transformer: Fix hygienity issue (
    Gauche/issues/250 )
2018-07-24 14:52:18 +00:00
99413d2ce9 Update gauche to 0.9.5
Release Notes:

Better R7RS conformance

  * Keyword-symbol integration: Gauche keywords (e.g. :key) can be symbols
    that are automatically bound to itself. It breaks the backward
    compatibility in some corner cases, however, so we haven't make the
    change in effect by default in 0.9.5. Setting the environment variable
    GAUCHE_KEYWORD_IS_SYMBOL turns on this feature. See Keywords, for the
    details. We urge you to test your code with this feature turned on,
    for pretty soon (probably in the next release) we'll make this feature
    effective by default.
  * R7RS raise is now conformant of R7RS (which is slightly different from
    Gauche's builtin raise, which is srfi-18 conformant).

New modules and procedures

  * Renamed modules (old names are still valid, but new code should use
    the new names):
      + Data structure implementations are now named data.*; so
        util.queue, util.sparse, util.trie are renamed to data.queue,
        data.sparse, data.trie.
      + Module text.unicode is renamed to gauche.unicode, for it's
        essential for R7RS support.
  * New modules:
      + data.cache - Cache
      + data.heap - Heap
      + data.ring-buffer - Ring buffer
      + data.imap - Immutable map
      + data.ideque - Immutable deque
      + text.console: Simple console control module, works on both
        vt100-ish terminals and Windows console. Try examples/snake.scm to
        see it in action.
      + util.dominator - Find a dominator tree of a directed graph.
      + util.levenshtein - Calculate various edit-dinstances.
      + util.unification - Unification algorithm.
  * Low-level hygienic macro support by er-macro-transformer.
  * New builtin macros and procedures:
      + and-let1.
      + macroexpand-all - Expands everything in the given form.
      + sys-available-processors - query # of processor cores at runtime.
      + symbol-append.
      + sys-getgroups, sys-mkdtemp.
      + debug-label - Get unique label of an object.
      + length<?, length>?, length>=?, length=? - We had length<=?, so why
      + encode-float, inverse of decode-float.
  * In gauche.uvector:
      + New procedures:string->u32vector!, string->s32vector!,
        make-uvector, port->uvector
      + Generic accessor and mutator uvector-ref, uvector-set!.
  * In gauche.sequence:
      + New searching procedures - sequence-contains,
        break-list-by-sequence, break-list-by-sequence!, sequence->
      + New utilities - common-prefix, common-prefix-io.
  * In gauche.array: Add constructors u8array, etc., for the consistency.
  * In gauche.lazy: lappend-map
  * In gauche.generator: gflatten, uvector->generator.
  * In gauche.process:
      + run-process-pipeline - for easier pipelining.
      + shell-tokenize-string.
  * In gauche.termios: sys-termios-copy
  * In gauche.test:
      + test-none-of - As an expected value.
      + test-script - To test script files.
  * In gauche.vport: List ports are added. See open-input-char-list,
  * In data.queue: mtqueue-num-waiting-readers.
  * In data.trie: trie-longest-match.
  * In data.random: samples$, for random sampling.
  * In text.csv: Middle-layer procedures: csv-rows->tuples,
    make-csv-header-parser, make-csv-record-parser.
  * In rfc.uri: uri-ref to access components of uri conveniently.
  * In rfc.http: http-status-code->description.

Added srfi supports

  * srfi-69: Basic hash tables
  * srfi-111: Boxes
  * srfi-112: Environment inquiry
  * srfi-113: Sets and Bags
  * srfi-114: Comparators
  * srfi-117: Mutable queues
  * srfi-118: Simple adjustable-size strings
  * srfi-121: Generators - Covered by gauche.generator.
  * srfi-128: Comparators (reduced) - the comparator is actually built-in
    to Gauche's core, so that other built-in mechanism such as hashtables,
    treemaps, sort, etc. can take comparators.
  * srfi-131: ERR5RS Record Syntax (reduced) - Subset of gauche.record.
  * srfi-133: Vector library
  * srfi-134: Immutable deques - Covered by data.ideque.

More pleasant interactive experience

  * Better error message while loading/compiling, using <mixin-condition>
    mechanism. Details.
  * Improved describe.
  * Toplevel REPL commands. See blog entry, or see the manual section
    "Working in REPL"
  * Scheme-defined procedures maintain source code and source location. It
    can be queried by source-code and source-location. The source location
    is also shown by describe. (Source code isn't kept for precompiled
    Scheme code for now.)
  * Online REPL document (info procedure, or ,info/,doc toplevel command)
    now shows just the named entry.
  * Experimental support of line-editing. If the environment variable
    GAUCHE_READ_EDIT is set and the terminal is capable, you can use line
    editing (with emacs-like key binding). This feature still in early
    development stage and has number of known issues---especially,
    multiline edit only partially work. If you're brave, give it a shot,
    but don't blame me if your REPL explodes.
  * You can invoke editor from repl by (ed file-or-procedure) (see ed). If
    the source location is known, you can directly jump to the source of
    the procedure, edit, and reload it.
  * Now REPL consumes the trailing newline of input S-expr; that is, when
    you type (read-line) on REPL, it waits for your input. Before, REPL
    didn't consume the trailing newline, so (read-line) immediately
    returned when it sees the newline character left in the input buffer,
    but that confused users.
  * use, select-module, export, import - Now these forms evaluate to zero
    values instead of #<undef>, for less cluttering of REPL.

Other notable improvements

  * gauche.configure: More feature tests on compilers and linking. Start
    using package.scm for the source of package metainformation.
  * Extended number syntax:
      + You can insert _ in prefixed numeric literal for readability, e.g.
      + Polar notation of numeric literal recognize pi suffix, e.g.
        2@0.5pi => 0.0+2.0i.
      + The reader recognizes CL-ish #<radix>r syntax, e.g. #3r121 for 121
        on base 3 (which is 16 in decimal).
  * Hashtables are now salted, meaning, it uses different hash functions
    at least for each invocation of the program, so that it is immune to
    the hash collision attack. The hash function is deprecated, replaced
    by default-hash, portable-hash and legacy-hash. See the manual entry
    for the details.
  * sys-sleep, sys-nanosleep: Changed to retry sleep/nanosleep by default
    if it is interrupted by as signal.
  * A new debug special reader macro: #?,, which can be used as #?,(proc
    arg ...). When evaluated, it displays the form (proc arg ...) and each
    value of arg, then calls proc with those arguments and displays the
    return value(s). Similar to #?= but you can also check the actual
    value of arguments. The #?= stub is also improved to show the thread
    from which it is displaying.
  * gauche.vport: open-output-uvector now takes an option to make the
    output buffer extendable.
  * load searches .sld suffix as well, as some other R7RS implementations
  * Stack trace now works for threads (but you have to call report-error
    within guard clauses explicitly, for by default unhandled error is
    propagated to the thread that calls thread-join!).
  * gauche.uvector: s8vector->string and u8vector->string now take
    optional 'terminator' argument, convenient to extract NUL-terminated
    string from fixed size buffer.
  * More flexible port number selection in make-server-socket
    and make-server-sockets.
  * data.sparse: Allow default value per vector (a sparse vector returns
    its default value when unset element is accessed).
  * rfc.http: Handles ipv6-style server address spec, e.g. [::1]:8888.
  * file.util: copy-file - Now takes :if-exists and :append keyword
  * crypt.bcrypt: Update bcrypt implementation and changed the default
    from 2a to 2b.
  * gauche.termios: Support mintty on MSYS.
  * rfc.tls: Add basic server-side certificate support.

Changes that may alter the behavior of existing code

  * gauche.generator: gtake - changed optional argument spec to match
    srfi-121. Existing code that needs the old behavior can use a new
    procedure gtake*.
  * If a hygienic macro inserts a fresh toplevel identifier, that
    identifier is renamed. E.g. if you say

    (define-syntax define-x (syntax-rules () ((_) (define x #t))))

    and then


    the toplevel x is renamed and can't be referred to from outside. This
    is not explicitly specified in R7RS, but renaming is consistent with
  * U+180e Mongolian Vowel Separator is no longer treated as a whitespace
    character, since Unicode 6.3.0 changed its category from Zs to Cf.
  * when, unless - Now they require at least one expr in their body.
  * require: Now loads a file into a special module, instead of #<module
    gauche>. This may catch an error that was previously ignored. See the
    manual entry for the details.
  * include, include-ci: Now relative pathnames, including ones that begin
    with ./ or ../, are taken relative to the includer file. Before, files
    beginning with ./ and ../ are treated specially, just like load. But
    it is less useful for include and just increases confusion.

Bug fixes

  * Fixed numerous bugs in hygienic macro expander.
  * When a module exports an inherited binding from renaming, it wasn't
    searched properly.
  * util.match: Fixed a bug that doesn't handle match expressions
    generated by hygienic macros.
  * Make -fcase-fold option affect REPL as well.
  * fixnum-width: It returned a number one smaller than the correct value.
  * Fixed a number reader bug handling very big or very small exponent.
  * srfi-13: Fixed a bug in xsubstring when 'from' argument is negative.
  * parameterize: Fixed a bug that failed to restore parameter values in
    some edge cases.
2016-10-13 00:30:13 +00:00
80aaeaf63c Update gauche to 0.9.4. Changes are:
Release 0.9.4

Major feature upgrade

  * R7RS support
  * Notable improvements
  * A bunch of new procedures and enhancements
  * Tons of bug fixes
      + Fixes that may break the compatibility
      + Miscellaneous fixes

R7RS support

Gauche now supports R7RS-small ( ). It can load R7RS libraries
and execute R7RS scripts seamlessly. (There are minor caveats; see ref:Standard
conformance). See also ref:Library modules - R7RS integration for the details
of how R7RS is integrated.

The backward compatibility to the legacy Gauche code is kept as much as
possible; in short, you can keep using existing Gauche code and write new code
in pretty much the same way.

It's up to you to write code in traditional Gauche way or R7RS way: If you plan
to make the code portable, you may want to stick with R7RS, but if you need to
depend on lots of Gauche-specific libraries, there's not much point to adopt
R7RS structure, for you can't run it in other implementations anyway.

Notable improvements

  * REPL is slightly improved: You can access history (ref:Working in REPL).
    And describe shows known bindings when called on symbols. The default
    writer now do not show shared structures, for it confused newcomers; it
    still shows circular structures in srfi:38 notation.
  * data.random: Random data generators.
  * module for lazy sequence of primes, testing primality, and prime
  * srfi-106: Basic socket interface.
  * PIPE signal handling is changed. By default, Gauche effectively ignores
    SIGPIPE; the system calls will generate EPIPE system-error instead. Since
    the signal delivery timing differ in the Scheme world from C world,
    handling SIGPIPE reasonably is difficult, while handling system error is
    straightforward and synchronous. Note that EPIPE error from stdout and
    stderr terminates the process immediately, so that the Gauche script don't
    spit error messsages when used in command pipelines and the destination
    command exits prematurely. See ref:Handling signals for the details.
  * write and display is now R7RS; that is, they won't explode by circular
  * On Windows, system interface functions now properly handles multibyte
    filenames, command-line arguments and enviornment variables. Contribution
    from SAITO Atsushi.

A bunch of new procedures and enhancements

  * New numerical procedures:
      + On rationalization: rationalize, real->rational, continued-fraction;
        see Gauche-blog:20120925-rationalize. As a bonus, now converting
        flonums to exact number can produce more readable (simple) rational
        numbers; see Gauche-blog:20120930-exact.
      + On integer operations: exact-integer? (r7rs) expt-mod, twos-exponent,
      + Gamma functions: gamma, lgamma.
      + r7rs division operators floor/, floor-quotient, floor-remainder,
        truncate/, truncate-quotient, truncate-remainder.
  * expt now returns exact value if possible, even the exponent is non-integer
    (but exact rational).
  * New list and vector procedures: length<=?, list-set!, vector-map (r7rs),
    vector-for-each (r7rs), vector-tabulate.
  * New regex procedures: rxmatch-substrings, rxmatch-positions,
      + Also, regex objects now have read-write invariance.
  * rfc.json: Now you can customize mappings between json array/object and
    Scheme objects. Also parse-json* is added to parse multiple JSON objects
    from a single source.
  * gauche.generator: New procedures: gconcatenate, gmerge, gbuffer-filter.
  * gauche.lazy: New procedure: lconcatenate
  * gauche.uvector:
      + u8vector-multi-copy!, u8vector-append (and all other TAG variations).
      + string->u8vector etc.: Added immutable? optional argument to produce
        immutable uvector, which avoids copying the string contents. u8vector->
        string also avoids copying if the source vector is immutable.
  * rfc.http: Support for basic authentication added.
  * file.filter: file-filter may leave the destination file untouched if it
    won't be changed, by :leave-unchanged option. Also added new procedures:
    file-filter-for-each, file-filter-fold, file-filter-map.
  * You can now load script from non-regular files (e.g. device files). Useful
    for one-liner such as gosh -E... /dev/null.
  * Char-set now adopts collection framework, and also they're applicable
    object to test membership.
  * Trie (util.trie) now adopts dictionary framework.
  * make-tree-map accepts single compare argument instead of = and <.
  * rfc.hmac: Pick appropriate block size according to the digest algorithm
  * string-split: Accept an optional argument to limit the number of the
    result, much like Perl's similar operator.
  * command-line (r7rs)
  * include and include-ci (r7rs)
  * util.sparse: sparse-vector-ref and sparse-table-ref now have generalized
  * symbol=?, boolean=? (r7rs).
  * Reader supports #true and #false for r7rs.
  * Negative zeros (-0.0) are recognized when it matters.
  * generator-find
  * cond-expand supports library clause (r7rs).
  * text.unicode: utf8->string, string->utf8 (r7rs); string-ci=? etc. that
    handles Unicode full case mapping, as required by R7RS.
  * dotimes and dolist now supports omission of variable.
  * letrec* (r7rs).
  * rfc.base64: base64-decode and base64-encode support :url-safe keyword
    argument to use url-safe alternative characters.
  * syntax-rules: Support r7rs enhancements.
  * define-values: Made r7rs compliant.
  * sys-errno->symbol, sys-symbol->errno.
  * Built-in sort procedures now supports srfi-95. See ref:Comparison and
  * digit->integer, integer->digit: Extended to handle digit characters other
    than [0-9]; Unicode defines a bunch of them.
  * gauche.dictionary: Bimap can have default conflict resolution.
  * Console procedures are enhanced. Contribution from

Tons of bug fixes

Fixes that may break the compatibility

  * The reader syntax \xNN is now interpreted as R7RS-way by default
    (semicolon-terminated, Unicode codepoint). If we don't find the terminating
    semicolon, we interpret it as the legacy syntax. However, there are
    ambiguous cases that lead to incompatible behavior. You can switch the
    reader mode by reader-lexical-mode to make it fully comatiple to the old
  * The hash function for char-set behaved poorly, so we changed it. If you
    have saved the hash value of char-sets in the previous versions of Gauche,
    you need to recalculate them.
  * We no longer coerce the result to inexact when dividing an exact numebr by
    exact zero; we used to return +inf.0, but that interpretation is no longer
    allowed since R6RS. Now it raises an error.
  * It is now an error to pass strings containing NUL characters to external
    libraries that expects strings. For example, passing "foo.scm\0.exe" to
    open-input-file throws an error. Allowing it would make potential security
    issue. If you need to pass a byte array that may contain 0, consider using
    u8vector instead of strings.
  * copy-bit-field: The argument order is switched - Gauche was following the
    old SLIB interface, but it was changed during SRFI-60 discussion. We now
    comply the new argument order for the portability, and the old code that
    uses this procedure need to be changed.
  * rfc.uri: Use uppercase for percent-encoding of special chars, as
    recommended in RFC3986. Watch out if the code relying on the case of
  * srfi-13: Switched the argument order of string-filter and string-delete;
    they are changed after finalization, to be in sync with srfi:13's reference
    implementation. (Usually reference implementation is fixed to match the
    spec, but in this case, quite a few Scheme implementations had been using
    the reference implementation as it was, and changing it would have broken
    existing code.) Fortunately we could support both order so that the
    existing code will keep working, but we recommend to change the code to
    match the new order if possible.

Miscellaneous fixes

  * Fix: thread-terminate! caused SEGV when called on a thread that's not
  * Fix: Character reader produced incorrect values in some #\uxxxxx input.
  * Fixed incorrect/missing stack traces, contributed from Vitaly Magerya.
  * Fixed subtle bugs in conversion between rationals and flonums.
  * util.match: Fixed match-define.
  * force: Fixed leak, introduced between 0.9.2 and 0.9.3.
  * write-ber-integer ignored the port argument.
  * On Windows, the socket code had a fd leak.
  * text.diff: diff ignored :equal keyword argument.
  * rfc.tls: Fixed file descriptor leak.
  * rfc.json: Propertly handles surrogate pairs.
  * unwind-protect: The cleanup handler wasn't called properly if the process
    exits within the body.
2014-07-21 07:40:07 +00:00
d8ab2c15dd Fix PLIST. Spotted by dholland. 2012-05-13 08:22:48 +00:00
5b2dcad8c4 Update to
Here is list of changes:
Fix documentation build problem when configured to use non default
Fix build problem on Windows/MinGW.

* New Features
    o Lazy sequences: An efficient and seamless support of mixing lazy
      evaluation with ordinary list procedures. Forcing delayed
      evaluation is implicit, so you can pass lazy list to normal list
      procedures such as car or fold. See the manual entry for the
      details and examples.
    o gauche.generator: A general utilities for generators, a thunk that
      generates a value every time it is called. Lazy sequences are built
      on top of generators. See the manual entry for the details.
    o Threads are now supported on Windows/MinGW build. It is directly
      based on Win32 thread API instead of pthreads; but Scheme-level
      semantics are almost the same. The cond-expand conditions are
      slightly modified to accomodate both thread models--- see Threads
      for the details.
    o add-load-path macro now accepts an optional argument to make the
      given path relative to the currently loaded file. This is useful to
      distribute a script accompanied with library files; for example,
      specify (add-load-path "." :relative) in the script makes the
      library files searched from the same directory where the script
      exists. Then users can just copy the directory to anywhere and run
      the script.
    o A chained-application macro $: Incorporated the feature which has
      been experimented as This macro allows (f
      a b (g c d (h i j))) to be written as ($ f a b $ g c d $ h i j).
      Although it is slighly longer, it is sometimes work better with
      indentation of deeply nested function calls. See the manual entry
      for the full explanation.
    o A new gosh option -m module allows the main procedure to be
      searched in the specified module instead of the default user
      module. This allows a Scheme file to work both as a library module
      and an executable scripts (e.g. for running tests or demos); name
      the test program main but not export it, and it won't affect
      ordinary module users, but you can test the module by using -m

* Incompatibile Changes
    o util.queue: Thread-safe queue can now be created with zero
      max-length, which is handy as a synchronization device. This is an
      incompatible change---previously, specyfing zero to :max-length
      means unlimited queue length. (Cf: Queue of zero length ).
    o Fixed a regexp bug in treatment of BOL/EOL assertions (^, $) within
      the assetion blocks such as (?=...). Regarding BOL/EOL assertions,
      these assertion blocks are treated as if they're stand-alone. The
      fixed behavior is now compatible with Perl and Oniguruma. The code
      that counted on the previous (buggy) behavior may break by this
    o Removed gauche.auxsys module. This module contained several
      less-used system procedures; now they are in the core. The module
      was autoloaded, so not many code should be affected by this change.
      Only the code that explicitly refer to this module needs to be

* Improvements
    o Many frequently-used list procedures (all of util.list, and some of
      srfi-1) are now included in the core. The module util.list is no
      longer needed, although it is kept just for the backward
      compatibility. From srfi-1, the following procedures are now in the
      core: null-list?, cons*, last, member (extended one), take, drop,
      take-right, drop-right, take!, drop-right!, delete, delete!,
      delete-duplicates, delete-duplicates!, assoc (extended one),
      alist-copy, alist-delete, alist-delete!, any, every, filter,
      filter!, remove, remove!, filter-map, fold, fold-right, find,
      find-tail, split-at, split-at!, iota.
    o New macros and procedures: values->list, fold-left,
      regexp-num-groups, regexp-named-groups.
    o New procedure applicable? can be used to check object's
      applicability finer than procedure?. Related, a special class
      <bottom> is added, which behaves as a subtype of any classes.
    o Build process is overhauled to allow out-of-source-tree build.
    o Regular expression engine is slightly improved. For example, it now
      calculates the set of characters that can be a beginning of a part
      of regexp, and uses it to skip the input efficiently.
    o thread-terminate! now attempts to terminate the target thread
      gracefully, and only tries the forceful means when the gracefull
      termination fails.
    o open-input-file now accepts :encoding #t argument, which tells the
      procedure to use a coding-aware port. That is, it can recognize
      coding: ... specification in the beginning of the file. Useful to
      process source files.
    o map is now restart-safe, that is, saving continuations in middle of
      mapping and restarting it doesn't affect previous results. This is
      required in R6RS.
    o Various small improvements in the compiler and VM stack layout.
    o gauche.test: test-module now checks the number of arguments given
      to the global procedures. This is useful to catch careless
      mistakes. In rare cases that you do intend to pass number of
      arguments incompatible to the normal usage of the procedures, list
      such procedures in :bypass-arity-check keyword argument (It is
      possible because of the dynamic nature of the language---methods of
      a different signature may be added later, for example).
    o gauche.test: test-end has a keyword argument to exit with non-zero
      status if test failed. New function test-summary-check exits with
      non-zero status when the test record file indicates there have been
      failures. Both are useful to propagate test failure to upper levels
      such as continuous integration server.
    o srfi-42: Support :generator qualifier to allow using generator
      procedures in a sense of gauche.generator.
    o file.util: touch-file and touch-files takes various keyword
      arguments similar to touch(1) command.
    o rfc.http: A new parameter http-proxy allows to set the default http
      proxy. The https connection now uses a library bundled to Gauche,
      no longer requires external stunnel command.
    o GC is bumped to bdwgc 7.2-alpha6.

* Bux fixes
    o Fixed an incorrect rounding bug when inexact numbers were given to
      div and mod.
    o Fixed another division bug in /., when both dividend and divisor
      are too big to be represented by floating-point numbers.
    o In quasiquote expander, unquote and unquote-splicing are recognized
    o force is now thread-safe.
    o Fixed some MT-hazards in file loading/requiring. Thanks to Kirill
      Zorin for tracking those hard-to-find bugs.
    o Fixed a bug that made (regexp-compile '(alt)) Bus Error.
    o Fixed another regexp bug that didn't handle case-folding match
      beyond ASCII range. Patch from OOHASHI Daichi.
    o gauche.parameter: Accessing parameters created in unrelated threads
      used to raise an error. It was annoying, since such situation could
      occur inadvertently when autoload is involved. Now the parameters
      work regardless of where they are created.
    o rfc.json: Fixed a bug that produced incorrect JSON.
    o rfc.http: Fixed the behavior of redirection for 3xx responses. You
      can also customize the behavior.
    o gauche.threads: Fixed a bug in thread-sleep! when passed an exact
      rational number.
    o stream-count didn't work.
2012-05-13 06:08:10 +00:00
3eaaee9f5d - Update gauche to 0.9.2. See below for the list of changes.
- Replace the HOMEPAGE with the url used in the document
  such as README etc.
- Drop minoura@ from MAINTAINER as per his request on twitter.

Brief summary of Gauche 0.9.2:

 [New Features]
     * Case mapping and character properties are fully supported,
       compatible to R6RS and R7RS draft (both based on Unicode
       standard).  Character-wise case mapping (char-upcase etc.) and
       property queries (char-alphabetic?, char-general-category,
       etc.) are built-in.  Context-aware string case mapping
       (string-upcase etc.) is provided in the new text.unicode
       module. (Note: srfi-13's string-upcase etc.  are unchanged;
       they are defined to use simple case mappings.) The text.unicode
       module also provides conversion between utf-8/utf-16 and
       Unicode codepoints.
     * Windows binary distribution is now in MS installer (*.msi)
       format, created with WiX. It's safer than the previous *.exe
       format created by NSIS, which had a bug that smashes PATH
       settings when it is too long.
     * A convenient wrapper for atomic execution is added in
       gauche.threads. See this intro post.
     * Benchmarking utilities resembles to Perl's Benchmark module is
       now available in gauche.time. See this post for an
     * with-lock-file: A long-awaited feature to use lock files
       conveniently. It is in file.util module.
     * Added full support of srfi-60, integer bitwise operations.
     * gauche.cgen: Some API that Gauche uses to generate C code
       become public. See the manual for the details.
 [Incompatibile Changes]
     * control.thread-pool: add-job! now takes timeout argument. If it
       is omitted and the job queue is full, add-job! blocks. It is a
       change from 0.9.1, in which add-job! returns immediately in
       such case. To get the same behavior, pass 0 explicitly to the
       timeout argument.  The argument order of wait-all is also
       changed to take timeout optional argument first. In 0.9.1 it
       never timeouts.
     * If --enable-multibyte flag is given to ./configure without
       explicit encoding, we now assume utf-8. It used to be
       euc-jp. This is for the consistency. We don't think this change
       affects many, for the document has always been told to give
       explicit encoding name for this option.
     * The --enable-ipv6 configure option is turned on by default. It
       shouldn't cause problems on modern OSes. If you ever get a compile
       error in module on a platform that lacks modern API,
       specify --disable-ipv6 option to ./configure.
     * (This is an internal change of undocumented feature. We mention
       it just in case if some extension packages depend on this.) In
       the initialization code generated by genstub or precomp, it
       used to be possible to refer to the current module by mod. Now
       you should use Scm_CurrentModule() instead. Also,
       gauche.cgen.unit now doesn't include <gauche.h> automatically.
     * The compiler is improved to avoid creating a closure at
       execution time when it doesn't close local environment. For
       example, (map (^x (* x x)) lis) doesn't create a closure;
       instead, the internal lambda is compiled as if it is a
       toplevel-defined procedure. (Yeah, it's a simple lambda
       lifting. We didn't do it since it could slow down the
       compiler. Now the compiler is efficient enough to handle it.)
     * Supports zero or multi-argument unquote/unquote-splicing, as
       defined in R6RS.
     * sys-exec and sys-fork-and-exec now supports :detached keyword
       argument to make the child process detached from the parent's
       process group.
     * Buliltin reverse and reverse! takes optional list-tail
     * A new builtin procedure map* that can deal with dotted list.
     * Common Lisp-like ecase macro is added.
     * The extended lambda formals (:key, :optional, etc) are now
       available in define-method as well.
     * New built-in function sys-clearenv, useful to fork subprocess
     * rxmatch-case accepts (else => proc) form, just like case.
     * Socket address objects (e.g. <sockaddr-un>) can now be compared
       by equal? based on its content. Useful to put them in a
       hashtable, for example.
     * gauche.uvector: A new procedure uvector-copy! that can copy any
       type of uvectors.
     * gauche.test: A new test expected result constructor test-one-of
       allows to check if the test result matches any one of possible
     * control.thread-pool: Now a pool raises <thread-pool-shut-down>
       condition if the pool has already be shut down and no longer
       accepting new jobs. terminate-all now takes :cancel-queued-jobs
       keyword argument to stop the pool immediately, instead of
       waiting for all the jobs to be finished. Canceled jobs are
       marked as killed . New APIs: thread-pool-results,
     * rfc.json: Allow construct-json to take optional output port for
       the consistency.
     * rfc.uri: A new procedure uri-merge that can be resolve a
       relative uri in regart to a base uri.
     * rfc.cookie: Recognize :http-only cookie attribute introduced in
     * Now the tilde `~' expansion of sys-normalize-pathname works on
       Windows as well to refer to the current user's home directory;
       it tries environment variables heuristically to find it. To
       refer to other user's home directory by ~user is still only
       available on Unix platforms, though.
     * util.combinations: combinations is optimized to handle leaf
       cases efficiently.
 [Bux fixes]
     * Fixed a bug that the number parser hangs when reading
     * Integer multiplication routine had a code that depended on
       undefined behavior of C; it worked on gcc but revealed the bug
       on clang-llvm.
     * Fixed a module bug on the visibility of bindings of extended
     * gauche.parameter: Fixed a couple of bugs on parameter objects.
     * Numeric comparison procedures such as < didn't work correctly
       when more than four arguments were given. The bug was
       introduced by incorrect optimization.
     * Fixed bugs in lognot, logand, logior and logxor, which crashed
       when non-integer ratinoal numbers are passed.
     * port->string, port->string-list: These procedures returned
       prematurely when the input contains an illegal byte sequence
       for internal encoding. Now they return an incomplete string
     * srfi-1: Some srfi-1 procedures that are built-in were not
       exported, causing errors when you wanted to import them
       selectively, e.g.  (use srfi-1 :only (fold)).
     * util.queue: Fixed list->queue to work.
     * binary.pack: Fixed a bug that the result may be truncated if
       the input contains byte sequences that can be interpreted as
       invalid character multibyte sequences.
     * srfi-42: Fixed a hygiene bug; the previous versions failed when
       only toplevel macros are imported using :only import option.
     * rfc.json: Fixed a bug that didn't escape double-quotes in the
       string, and didn't handle empty array.
     * Coding-aware ports didn't count lines correctly in CR-only or
       CRLF line endings.
     * Fixed a problem that caused crash after changing metaclasses of
       a class metaobject. An additional protection mechanism is in
       place in the class metaobject so that it won't be in an
       inconsistent state unexpectedly.
     * Fixed sys-setenv in which you couldn't omit the overwrite
       argument, even if it was described optional.
     * Fixed build problem of on Solaris.
     * Fixed a bug in gauche-package that caused an error when
       *load-path* contained a nonexistent path.
     * Fixed a bug in string comparison routine that surfaces in a
       special architecture.
     * The printed output of <time> was incorrect when its value was
     * There was a bug in the reader it reads ().() incorrectly.
     * Fixed a bug in format to allow ~* to position after the last
     * Fixed GC compliation problem on OSX Lion.
2011-09-16 07:49:25 +00:00
264de9ac32 Fix the location of SITE_ARCH_DIR. It was changed not to include
full gauche version in r6983 of sourceforge repository.
2010-12-16 06:58:20 +00:00
028433ae35 Update to Gauche 0.9.1
New in Gauche 0.9.1: Major Feature Enhancements

+ New Features
  o Extended formals: Built-in lambda, define etc. can
    recognize optional and keyword arguments, a la Common Lisp.
  o Enhanced module mechanism: Now you can rename, choose,
    or add prefix to the symbols when importing other modules.
  o Efficient record types: A new module gauche.record provides
    ERR5RS (srfi-99) compatible record types. It is also upper
    compatible to srfi-9 records.
  o More support for multithreaded applications: Thread-safe
    queue is added to util.queue, and thread-pool feature is
    provided by the new module control.thread-pool.
    Continuations can be passed between threads.
  o Partial continuations.
  o Enhanced Windows support.
  o New module: crypt.bcrypt: A module for Blowfish password hashing.
  o New module: srfi-98: portable environment variable lookup support.
  o New module: gauche.mop.propagate: Making object composition simpler.
  o New module: rfc.json: JSON parsing and construction.
+ Changes
  o The directory structure for Gauche installation has changed so
    that we can keep binary compatibility for the extension
    modules throughout 0.9.x releases.
  o Now it is an error to pass a keyword argument that isn't
    expected by the callee. It used to be a warning.
  o Regular expression re{,M} now means the same as re{0,M},
    which is compatible to Oniguruma.
+ Improvements
  o The compiler and the runtime got optimized more.
    The compiler now knows more about built-in procedures, and tries
    compile-time constant folding and/or inlining more aggressively.
    For example, sxml.ssax can parse XML document a lot faster.
  o ^ can be used in place of lambda, allowing more concise code.
    There's also convenience macros ^a, ^b, ... ^z and ^_ as
    abbreviations of lambda (a) etc.
  o ~ is added for universal accessing operator. (~ x y) is the same
    as (ref x y), and (~ x y z) is the same as (ref (ref x y) z),
    and so on. It can be used with generalized setter, e.g.
    (set! (~ array i) x).
  o define-syntax, let-syntax, and letrec-syntax are enhanced so that
    they can take a general expression in rhs, as far as it yields
    a syntactic transformer.
  o gauche.process: I/O redirection handling in run-process becomes
    more flexible.
  o rfc.http module now supports https connection (unix platforms only).
    Currently it relies on an external program (stunnel).
  o A new procedure current-load-path allows the program to know
    the file name it is being loaded from.
  o A new procedure .$ is introduced as an alternative name of compose.
  o Regular expressions now got read-write invariance. Some internal
    regexp routines are made public, giving users an easy way
    to construct and analyze regexp programatically.
  o rfc.822: New procedure: rfc822-date->date.
  o file.util: The procedure temporary-directory now became a parameter
    so that you can switch it when necessary. The default value is taken
    from (sys-tmpdir), which determines temporary directory in the
    recommended way of the platform; esp., it works on Windows native
    platforms. home-directory works on Windows, too.
    Procedures null-device and console-device are added to make it easier
    to write portable script across Unix and Windows platforms.
  o util.queue: New proceduers: any-in-queue, every-in-queue.
  o gauche.parseopt: When let-args encounters a command-line option
    that doesn't match any spec, it now raises a condition of type
    <parseopt-error> instead of <error>. The application can capture
    the condition to handle invalid command-line arguments.
  o gauche.uvector: New procedure uvector-size to obtain number of octets
    actually to be written out when the given uvector is written out
    by write-block.
  o dbm: A new procedure dbm-type->class allows an application to load
    appropriate dbm implementation at runtime. Utility scripts dbm/dump
    and dbm/restore are provided for easier backup and migration.
  o Procedure slot-pop! is added for the consistency with other
    *-push!/pop! API pairs.
  o When ref is used for object slot access, it can take default value
    in case the slot is unbound.
  o Made (set! (ref list k) value) work.
  o New procedures delete-keywords, delete-keywords!, tree-map-map,
  o unwind-protect allows multiple handlers, as in CL.
  o sqrt now returns an exact number if the argument is exact and
    the result can be computed exactly. Also, R6RS's exact-integer-sqrt
    is added.
  o gauche.parameter: Parameters can be used with generalized set!.
  o The default-endian parameter is moved from module
    to the core, so that this parameter controls default endian
    of binary I/O in general. For example, read-block! and write-block
    of the gauche.uvector module now uses the value of this parameter
    as the default. A new procedure native-endian is added to retrieve
    the platform's native endianness.
  o More R6RS procedures: inexact, exact, real-valued?, rational-valued?,
    integer-valued?, div, mod, div0, mod0.

A number of bug fixes.
2010-12-16 03:42:08 +00:00
8285309d48 Add user-destdir support, inspired by Gauche.spec in source tarball. 2010-02-20 13:51:12 +00:00
8133bcb135 Update gauche to 0.9. Ok'ed by uebayashi.
- patch-ae is removed since the change is included in upstream.
- patch-a[h-k] is removed since the way to handle rpath leak
  is changed; now gauche-config is also `relink'ed before installed.

Here is breif list of changes from 0.8.13:


    Gauche 0.9: Major Feature Enhancements

        * C API incompatible changes: Several incompatible C API
          changes are introduced, which may cause some extension to
          fail to compile. See API Changes in 0.9 for the details.

        * New features

              o New module: rfc.zlib: Zlib compression/decompression.

              o New module: rfc.sha: SHA2 support. rfc.sha1 is
                superseded by this module.

              o New module: util.sparse: Sparse vectors backed up by
                space-efficient trie, and hash-tables implemented on
                top of sparse vectors. They are memory efficient than
                the builtin hash tables when you want to keep tens of
                millions of entries.

              o Autoprovide: You no longer need 'provide' form for
                most of times. If (require "X") successfully loads
                X.scm and it doesn't have a provide form, the feature
                "X" is automatically provided. See the "Require and
                provide" section of the reference for more details.

              o Module gauche.test: Improved testing for
                exceptions. You can now test whether a specific type
                of condition is thrown by giving (test-error
                condition-type) as the expected result. See the manual
                entry for more details.

              o Module rfc.http: Now handles proxy by :proxy keyword
                argument. You can also easily compose
                application/x-www-form-urlencoded and
                multipart/form-data message to send form
                parameters. New procedures: http-put and http-delete.

              o Module rfc.mime: Added support of composing a MIME

              o Module gauche.threads: New procedures: thread-stop!,
                thread-cont!, thread-state.

              o Module gauche.termios: On Windows native support, this
                module provides Windows Console API instead of POSIX
                termios API, since emulationg POSIX termios on Windows
                is too much. A set of common high-level API that can
                be used on both POSIX and Windows are also added.

              o Module gauche.dictionary provides a bidirectional map,

              o run-process in module gauche.process, and builtin
                sys-exec and sys-fork-and-exec support :directory
                keyword argument to specify the working directory of
                the executed process.

              o Module file.util provides create-directory-tree and

              o Module provides low-level socket
                operations: socket-sendmsg, socket-buildmsg, and
                socket-ioctl. Call-with-client-socket takes new
                keyword args to specify buffering mode for the socket.

              o Module www.cgi: cgi-main switches the buffering mode
                of stderr to line, so that the httpd log can record
                error messages line-by-line (much less clutter than

        * Major fixes and improvements

              o Fixed build problem on OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

              o Performance is greatly improved on floating point
                number arithmetics, optional argument handling of
                builtin procedures, and case-lambda.

              o Now all whitespace characters defined in R6RS works as
                intertoken spaces in the source code.

              o A warning message is printed when a thread exits with
                an error and no other thread retrieve its status by
                thread-join! before the thread is GC-ed. This helps
                troubleshooting. Since thread-join! is the only way to
                know if the thread exitted by an error, you have
                either to call thread-join! to make sure to check the
                status, or to write the thread thunk to catch all
                errors and handle them properly.

              o Anonymous module name is #f now, instead of (somewhat
                arbitrarily chosen) |#|.

              o Some enhancements on symbols: 'uninterned' symbos are
                officially supported (symbols generated by gensym have
                been uninterned, but never been documented
                officially.) Uninterned symbols are written as
                #:symbol a la CommonLisp. Uninterned symbols are not
                registered to the internal symbol table, so there's no
                worry about name crash. The only way to refer to the
                same uninterned symbol from more than one place in the
                source code is to use srfi-38 notation (#n= and
                #n#). You can create uninterned symbol by
                string->uninterned-symbol and check whether a symbol
                is interned or not by symbol-intened?. There is also a
                new procedure, symbol-sans-prefix.

        * Windows support

              o Precompiled binary installer for Windows is now
                available. Get Gauche-mingw-0.9.exe. It is supported
                on Windows NT 3.5 and later (sorry, no support for

              o Precompiled binary does not include thread and gdbm
                support (yet). It is compiled to use utf-8 internal

              o Some Unix-specific system functions are not available,
                or have slightly different semantics because they are
                emulated via Windows API. If a function is not
                available on Windows, the reference manual says
                so. Windows version hasn't be used heavily, so expect

              o Large character set support on Windows Console is
                pretty limited. It is recommended to run gosh under
                Emacs for interactive use. See WindowsConsole for the


    Gauche 0.8.14: Maintenance release.

        * Bug fixes

              o In some cases, an argument list passed to apply wasn't

              o On some platforms, signal mask of threads could be
                altered inadvertently by exception handling due to the
                different behavior of sigsetjmp.

              o format now raises an error if there's an incomplete
                tilde sequence in the given format string.

              o Internal parameter (gauche.parameter) code had a bug
                that allocates not enough storage.

              o There was a couple of bugs in dynamic-load that could
                cause dead lock or leaving internal state

              o Module rfc.http: The 'host' field became inconsistent
                when redirection happened.

        * R6RS-ish extensions

              o R6RS reader directive #!r6rs, #!fold-case and
                #!no-fold-case are recognized now. The latter two can
                be used to change case-folding mode of the reader in
                the middle of the source code. See the manual for the

              o New core procedures: finite?, infinite?, nan?, eof-object.

              o Two argument version of log: (log z b) is for base-b
                logarithm of z.

        * Extension-building improvements

              o gauche-config script provides --rpath-flag option to
                retrieve platform-specific rpath link option
                (e.g. "-Wl,--rpath -Wl,").

              o gauche-package script accepts --local option to the
                'compile' and 'install' command to add local include
                paths and local library search paths
                conveniently. Basically, gauche-package compile
                --local=DIR package.tgz causes -IDIR/include and
                -LDIR/lib to be added to the actual compile and link
                command lines. To give more than one directory, say

              o A stub generator and ahead-of-time compiler (the
                facility to pre-compile Scheme code into VM
                instruction array as static C data) is integrated,
                allowing C and Scheme code to be mixed in the same
                source; this feature is not yet documented and the
                details are subject to change, but the curious mind
                can take a look at ext/dbm/*, which were much simpler
                than the previous version.

        * Additional improvements, new procedures & macros

              o GC is now Boehm GC 7.1.

              o Large part of VM code is rewritten for better
                performance and maintainability.

              o New procedure: hash-table-copy.

              o New convenience macros: rlet1 and if-let1.

              o You can now hook exit operation by the exit-handler
                parameter. See the "Program termination" section of
                the manual for the detailed description of this

              o Made sys-lstat work like sys-stat on Windows platform;
                one less headache to write cross-platform code.

              o Module Constants SHUT_RD, SHUT_WR and
                SHUT_RDWR are defined to pass to socket-shutdown.

              o Module file.util: New convenience procedures:
                copy-directory*, touch-files, remove-files,

              o Module dbm.*: Renamed dbm-rename to dbm-move for the
                consistency. (The old name is kept as alias for the
                backward compatibility). Added dbm-copy and dbm-move
                missing from dbm.fsdbm. Also properly detects
                variations of suffixes of ndbm-compatible database at
                configuration time.

              o Module www.cgi: :mode option is added to the MIME part
                handler passed to get-mime-parts to specify the
                permissions of the saved file.

              o Module rfc.ip: New procedure: ipv4-global-address?.
2009-11-27 09:26:06 +00:00
b49f286def Unmark destdir ready, it tries to run a program during install.
Fix PLIST. Bump revision.
2009-10-06 18:30:42 +00:00
edbc2fac64 Replace @exec/@unexec with @pkgdir or drop it. 2009-06-14 20:34:12 +00:00
62d1ba2bac Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTs 2009-06-14 18:03:28 +00:00
841dfa0e7a Convert to use PLIST_VARS instead of manually passing "@comment "
through PLIST_SUBST to the plist module.
2008-04-12 22:42:57 +00:00
d9f3a962de Add a missing @dirrm 2008-03-01 19:57:44 +00:00
d9bcd9acf1 Update to Gauche-0.8.13.
pkgsrc changes
- DESTDIR support
- use libtool
- make iconv work
- fix a PLIST error
- close PR pkg/37897

Upstream changes
- Sorry, too many to list here
2008-02-25 23:14:19 +00:00
721d9b7a4e Update Gauche from 0.8.6 to 0.8.9.
Important changes excerpted from web pages:


    Gauche 0.8.9: Major maintenance release
      + Bug fixes
      + Miscellaneous improvements:


    Gauche 0.8.8 important patch: There is a bug in main.c that makes gosh
    exits silently without reporting errors when a Scheme script raised an
    unhandled error. Please apply the patch shown in the following message:


    Gauche 0.8.8: Major maintenance release
      + Important Changes:
          o Exact rational number is supported; now you get 1/3 from (/ 1 3).
            To obtain inexact number from division of two exact numbers, you
            have to use exact->inexact explicitly. With this change you can get
            more exact result, but if your code has relied on the old Gauche
            behavior that automatically converts rationals to inexact reals,
            your code may run very slowly in this release of Gauche (since
            exact rational arithmetic is much slower than flonum arithmetic).
            For the smooth transition, a compatibility module compat.norational
            is provided, which makes the / operator behaves like before. See
            the manual entry for the details.
          o The reader is more strict about utf-8 encoding. Consequently, some
            source files in other encoding that happened to be accepted by
            previous versions of Gauche may no longer work. If you get an
            error, either convert the encoding of the source, or use "coding:"
            magic comment (See "Multibyte scripts" section of the reference
          o The test-module routine in gauche.test is fixed so that it detects
            more references to undefined global variables that have been
            overlooked. You may get an error something like "symbols referenced
            but not defined: ...". In most cases, they are from typos. See the
            manual entry of gauche.test - Unit testing for the details.
          o New modules:
              # sxml.serializer: Generic routine to convert SXML to other
                formats like XML or HTML. Written by Dmitry Lizorkin and ported
                to Gauche by Leonardo Boiko.
              # util.trie: Implementation of Trie. Originally by OOHASHI
                Daichi, and hacked by numerous Gauche hackers.
              # util.rbtree: Implementation of Red-Black Tree. Written by Rui
          o A bug in port locking routine, that caused a race condition on
            multiprocessor machine, is fixed. As a side effect, port lock
            operation became a bit faster.
          o C API prospected change: Scm_Eval, Scm_EvalCString, and Scm_Apply
            will have different API in the next release. The current API is
            kept under a different name, Scm_EvalRec, Scm_EvalCStringRec, and
            Scm_ApplyRec. If you are using those functions, please make changes
            until the next release.
      + Miscellaneous fixes and improvements:


    Gauche 0.8.7: Major maintenance release
      + Bug fixes:
      + Improvements:
2007-01-19 12:59:00 +00:00
f2c4259b7f * Clean up the way this package was trying to pass in rpath flags for
iconv and gdbm.  We now patch instead of the configure
  script and just pass in thr rpath flags via environment variables.

2006-03-31 18:35:22 +00:00
387183aeac Do not remove share/aclocal, it's in the *dist files. 2006-02-16 18:09:27 +00:00
bfdc779de0 Update gauche to 0.8.6. Patch provided by Kenji Hisazumi.
From this release we don't use external Boehm GC library because
gauche needs GC to be built with special compilation options.

New features in 0.8.6:

    * New modules:

	+ dbi: Database independent access layer, providing unified
	  access to various relational databases. You need separate
	  "driver" packages to access the actual RDBMS. There are a
	  few driver packages available at
	    Note: If you have been using the separate dbi module, make
	    sure you remove it before using the new dbi and dbd
	    modules. You can find the old dbi.scm under somewhere like
	    /usr/local/share/gauche/site/lib (the actualy directory
	    depends on the configuration when you've installed the dbi
	+ util.relation: A framework to work with relations (as defined
	  by Codd). The result of database access via dbi is represened as
	  a relation.
	+ text.sql: SQL parser/constructor. Full features are not
	  implemented yet, but used in dbi module for prepared queries.

    * New SRFIs:

	+ SRFI-40 (Library of streams) as
	+ SRFI-43 (vector library) as srfi-43.
	+ SRFI-45 (Primitives for Expressing Iterative Lazy
	    Algorithms) : built-in.

    * New built-in proceduers global-variable-bound? and
      glboal-variable-ref. The former supersedes symbol-bound? (
      symbol-bound? is now deprecated and will go away in the future
      releases. Code that uses symbol-bound? should change it to
      global-variable-bound?. ). The latter removes some need of using
      eval just to peek the value of the global variable.

    * New regexp procedures: regexp-replace*, regexp-replace-all*,

    * Stack overflow handling is largely improved. You can see better
      performance if your script frequently oveflows the stack.

0.8.5 was a maintainance release.


Gauche 0.8.4:

The compiler and VM have been rewritten. Now Gauche runs faster with
less memory (as fast as 1.9x, or cosumes 0.7x memory, in best cases of
our tests. But your mileage may vary.) The compiler now does simple
closure optimization, so the typical loop-by-local-closure style code
will get the advantage. On the other hand, you won't see much gain in
OO-heavy or library-heavy programs.

Other changes:

    * New features:

	  + srfi-42 (Eager comprehension) is supported.
	  + srfi-55 (require-extension) is supported.
	  + A simple sampling profiler is implemented to help tuning
	    programs. Check out "Profiling and tuning" section of the
	    reference manual. The profiler may not be available on all
	  + We provide an experimenal Windows/MinGW binary package for
	    the convenience. See download page.
2005-12-09 15:38:54 +00:00
733012f6d2 + Add GDBM support and enable it by default.
2005-03-07 03:16:46 +00:00
f5475bb211 Update for 0.8.3. 2005-01-26 09:27:38 +00:00
f007cb24a7 Updated to 0.8.1.
Gauche-0.8.1 is a maintainance release of Gauche-0.8.
Gauche-0.8 release announce is cited here:

* *New Features*

    o Auxiliary scripts: Gauche now installs a few scripts
      that help to build and install extension packages. The
      gauche-package script handles download, unpacking,
      configuration, building and installation in one command
      invocation. See the description of "Using extension
      packages" section of the manual. (NB: this feature is
      still new and may have problems, but hey, let's give a
      try.) A couple of auxiliary scripts, gauche-cesconv and
      gauche-install can be called from Makefile. They don't
      have documentation yet, but try --help option for these

    o Module util.match: Andrew Wright's match macro is
      bundled. It is modified to handle Gauche's object system.

* *Improvements*

    o A couple of performance tuning were done for I/O and
      loading Scheme files.

    o Now you can subclass <error> class as well as
      <exception> class to define your own error type. A new
      built-in macro guard, which is SRFI-34 compliant, can be
      used to handle errors selectively. Eventually the errors
      from built-in procedures will have more structured
      exception hierarchy.

    o New built-in system procedures: sys-lchown, sys-realpath.

    o Built-in sort routines now have stable versions,
      stable-sort and stable-sort!.

    o New built-in macro: let/cc.

    o New built-in keyword procedures: delete-keyword, delete-keyword!.

    o New built-in regexp procedure: rxmatch-num-matches.

    o Module file.util: new procedures: file-is-symlink?,
      file->string, file->string-list, file->list, file->sexp-list.

    o Module documented the previously
      experimental procedures: socket-send, socket-sendto,
      socket-recv, socket-recvfrom, socket-getpeername,
      socket-getsockname. Now these are official procedures.

    o Module gauche.process: process-command wasn't exported,
      even though it was documented.

    o Module gauche.test: you can control whether the error in
      the test procedure is reported or not by an envioronment
      variable GAUCHE_TEST_REPORT_ERROR and a global variable
      *test-report-error*. Useful to find a problem during testing.

    o Module www.cgi: new procedure cgi-get-metavariables;
      allows the user routine to take metavariables via
      cgi-metavariables parameter, so that cgi scripts can be
      easily modularized.

    o Module gauche.parseopt: support of "optional
      option-argument" is added.

    o Module gauche.array: homogeneous numeric array types are added.

    o Module text.html-lite: added frame-related tags.

* *Bug Fixes*
2004-08-08 07:05:38 +00:00
9102f23b9b Updated Gauche package to latest release,
Many changes were made from previous packaged version, 0.6.3;  Lots of
improvements and bug fixes, including security ones.  Please take a look
at its WWW page for more detailes.

pkgsrc changes:

- support buildlink2. is also added but not tested since
  I have not moved to buildlink3 environment yet.

- this package now uses libgcudevel/boehm-gc instead of self contained,
  slightly modified one.  It seems that this package runs under m68k.
2004-03-29 09:34:26 +00:00
7f0d850a58 Remove info files entries from PLIST. 2004-03-02 10:57:13 +00:00
d57d3b4d48 Convert to USE_NEW_TEXINFO. 2003-07-04 19:43:40 +00:00
d7f39ef4a4 Install man pages into ${LOCALBASE}/man. PR20639 by Tomoyuki Sahara. 2003-03-10 01:43:58 +00:00
a7f0e0b3b2 Upgrade lang/gauche package to 0.6.3. 2002-10-02 08:25:13 +00:00
444708f29f Updated to 0.5.4.
0.5 -> 0.5.1
 * Ported to Windows/Cygwin, HP-UX11.0 and FreeBSD 2.2
 * Incompatible fix to conform final SRFI-22
 * Various bug fixes
Gauche-gl is updated to 0.1.2 to follow Gauche 0.5.1 changes.
SXML-gauche-0.9, Oleg Kiselyov's XML tool suite, is available.

0.5.1 -> 0.5.2
  * Feature addition : String interpolation
  * Bugfixes
  * More POSIX API
  * Manpages
  * RPM packages for Linux/i386

0.5.2 -> 0.5.3
There're not many visible changes in this release
except a few bug fixes.

0.5.3 -> 0.5.4
 * Buffered port routine is rewritten to use Gauche's own
   buffering code instead of stdio.
 * Lots of high-level file/directory utility functions are added as
   file.util module.
 * Added weak vector. See "Weak pointer" section of the reference manual.
 * Added parameters. See gauche.parameter section of the reference manual.
 * Added pseudo tty interface, sys-openpty and sys-forkpty. See
   "Termios" section of the reference manual.
 * Added define-values.
 * Added port?.
 * System objects, such as <sys-stat>, <sys-group> and <sys-passwd>,
   are integrated to the object system. Information of these objects
   can now be accessed via slots, instead of individual procedures.
 * Improved dynamic string handling performance.
 * Fixed a nasty bug in metaobject protocol handling code
   that corrupted memory.
 * Fixed a compiler bug that prevented proper tail recursion in some cases.
2002-05-19 07:58:25 +00:00
525ad4ad6a Upgrade Gauche pkgsrc to 0.5.
A quick NetBSD/i386 support patch is added.
2002-02-01 08:10:39 +00:00
a437fd43cc Move pkg/ files into package's toplevel directory 2001-11-01 00:20:13 +00:00
Renamed from lang/gauche/pkg/PLIST (Browse further)