All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
The following distfiles could not be fetched (some may be only fetched
./databases/cstore/distinfo cstore0.2.tar.gz
./databases/cstore/distinfo data4.tar.gz
3.7.0 (09/14/2015)
Feature request #521 Alias name in SQL History search dialog.
Upgraded to latest RSyntax version (2.5.6).
The new version has a clipboard history which is accessible
through ctrl shift v.
A little drawback of the new version is that background colors
are not supported in syntax styles.
Feature request #485 Execute multiple SQL statements on one
click without selection
The new feature executes all SQLs in the editor.
If there are multiple SQLs in the editor the statement
separator has to be used.
The feature is accessible through a new tool bar button,
tools popup and the alt shift ENTER key combination
Feature request #484 Query output preferences --> Allow table
and text output simultaneously
Note: SQL result output as table or editable table now
includes text output in an extra tab.
That's why there should be only few cases where
choosing text output in Session Properties makes sense
Feature request #479 Add option for tab names to contain only
Alias name
The option can be found at menu File --> Global Preferences -->
Tab General --> Bottom of section Appearance
Feature request #487 Show AS label as column header (if present)
If a SQL result contains at least one column whose column name
is not equal to its column label a button is shown at the header
of the tab named "Result".
By this button one can toggle display between column names
and labels.
Note: To configure the default display see menu File ->
Global Preferences -> Tab Data Type Controls -> Top of panel.
WIKI table Plugin: Added support for JIRA/Confluence Markup Style
Thanks to Thomas Hackel for the merge request.
Feature request #501 Overview/Charts Tab: Distinct Counts
- Distinct counts for an Overview as a whole are now displayed
right next to the column name
- Distinct counts of Intervals are available as tool tips
as well as a new details window which is accessible through
the right mouse menu
Sybase dialect support when using jtds
Thanks to Sumit Agarwal for the merge request.
On Mac OS X the SQuirreL now uses the acorn icon instead of the
default java coffee cup icon.
Thanks to Martin W. Kirst for the merge request.
New command line parameter:
Short form: -detectEDT
Long form: --detect-long-running-swing-edt-events
The parameter has no arguments.
The parameter enables SQuirreL to detect long running Swing
Event Dispatch Thread events.
When the dispatch thread is blocked for longer than two seconds
a warning containing a thread dump is written to the logs.
Upgraded to the latest RSyntax version (2.5.3).
Syntax Plugin: Made background color for white spaces affect
the whole SQL editors background, see menu File --> New Session
Properties --> tab Syntax
Note: If you combine this feature with the Metal-Charcoal Look
and Feel you can make SQuirreL appear in "fashionable" black.
Thanks to Duane Redfern for the patch.
When adjusting table column widths a maximum width may now be
See menu File --> Global Preferences --> Tab General -->
right column
Speeded up reading and writing Alias properties. As result
opening and closing a connections will be much faster for big,
complicated databases.
Thanks to Jaroslaw Jarmolowicz for the patch
Starting and stopping SQuirreL is much faster for big,
complicated databases
Thanks to Jaroslaw Jarmolowicz for the patch
Postgres Plugin:
- For postgres query plans explain was used which is less
accurate than explain analyze so it was changed to use it
- Previous implementation had limitation of producing query
plans only for SELECT queries. It was changed so query plan can
work for every type of query.
- Query plan executions are wrapped in transaction so they don't
change database state.
Thanks to Jaroslaw Jarmolowicz for the patch
Bug fixes.
Problems found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to the cstore or mariadb55-client distinfo files.
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical SQL client written in Java
that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant
database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.