- mocha, cucumber and shoulda are development dependencies (fixes
requirement for thoughtbot-shoulda too)
- Forced rubigen to use activesupport 2.3.5 (as the last < 3.0
version). It will upgrade to use 3.0.0 when it is released.
- Trying to remove a circular rubigen->newgem->rubigen dependency issue
- Return #write_manifest which was accidently removed
- Moved website into gh-pages branch
- Preparation for integration back into Rails
- --git/-g option for generated files to be added via git commands
- after_generate hook for generators (used as rails' templates mechanism)
- bumped activesupport requirement to 2.2.2
- upgraded internal files to support latest newgem (removed config/
folder, moved config to Rakefile)
- support for RAILS_ROOT as a destination root
- removed references to Merb which now has its own generator system;
can access any merb generators via 'rubigen' helper app
- RubiGen::Base.active can be changed to a RubiGen::Base subclass that will
be used for lookups (e.g. RubiGen::Base.active = Rails::Generator::Base)
- rubigen tests now pass against ruby 1.9.0 and ruby 1.9.1(prerelease 2)
- puts are sent to an explicit #stdout which can be STDOUT or a StringIO
passed from tests; test output is now clean!
Changes from 1.3.2:
== 1.3.4 2008-11-12
* ruby_app: fixed reference to non-existent version.rb [jperkins]
== 1.3.3 2008-10-21
* prepend_sources correctly places arguments at start of sources list
* removed lib/rubigen/version.rb; RubiGen::VERSION is in lib/rubigen.rb now; there is no RubiGen::VERSION::STRING
* Fixed the require statements in generated tests for rails/merb generators
* Rails::Generator::Base is a valid generator superclass
* Rails generators have alternate template (based on standard NamedBase)
* test helpers define RAILS_ROOT for rails generators
* component_generator: specific subclasses for rails + merb generators,
not the generic RubiGen::Base
A framework to allow Ruby applications to generate file/folder stubs
(like the rails command does for Ruby on Rails, and the `script/generate'
command within a Rails application during development).