0.4.4 - 2011-10-26
* Generally improve swftoscript and decompiler
* Change makefdb to name output files by font ID, to play nicer
with swftoscript.
* Add support for 'class A extends B' syntax in actioncompiler
* Fix bug in 'makeswf' failing to catch some compile errors
(bugzilla #94) and being too silent in swf embedding errors
* Fix bug in action compiler dealing with class methods (bugzilla #94)
* Add support for libpng > 1.4 (bugzilla #96)
* Add font kernings support (bugzilla #95)
* Add button characters export capabilities
* Add support for 'swfAction <code>' syntax in asm blocks
* Implemented --enable-tests configure option
* Fixed 'make dist' packaging
* Fixed domain name in punycode resolution
* Expand @package@ in etc/*.xml.dist.in
* storage_ldapvcard compilation fixes
* Implement debug logging into file
* Fix invalid default router.xml (Unterminated XML comment tag)
* Fixed libstorage_la_SOURCES
* Implemented support for fake (PBX) sessions in SM
* PBX integration priority setting support
* Fix a crash that occurs when c2s connecting clients passed the defined
connection limit
* Log S2S retry timeout to main log
* Do not log messages when not enabled or empty logfile configured
* bugfix: SRV RR handling: fix domain name parsing and crash in case
if no port is specified on input for SRV record query
* (trivial api) dns_set_opts() now returns number of unrecognized
options instead of always returning 0
* dnsget: combine -f and -o options in dnsget (and stop documenting -f),
and report unknown/invalid -o options (and error out)
* dnsget: pretty-print SSHFP RRs
Changes between 0.9.8w and 0.9.8x [10 May 2012]
*) Sanity check record length before skipping explicit IV in DTLS
to fix DoS attack.
Thanks to Codenomicon for discovering this issue using Fuzz-o-Matic
fuzzing as a service testing platform.
[Steve Henson]
*) Initialise tkeylen properly when encrypting CMS messages.
Thanks to Solar Designer of Openwall for reporting this issue.
[Steve Henson]
from 1.116 to 1.117.
pkgsrc changes:
- mark requirement update of p5-PPIx-Regexp to 0.022
Upstream changes:
[1.117] Released on 2011-12-21
New Policies:
* Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration reports
constructs like 'my $x += 1'. Contributed by Mike O'Regan
Policy Changes:
* BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr: Add explicit 'use version'.
RT #68498.
* CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs: Add 'pbp' to the default_themes list.
RT #71093.
* ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions now understands that
tr///r (introduced in 5.13.7) does not change its operand.
* ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions now understands that
'//=', '<<=', and '>>=' are assignment operators. RT #70901.
* ErrorHandling::RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval now allows things
like grep { eval $_ }. RT #69489.
* Modules::RequireExplicitPackage now has configuraion option
allow_import_of, to allow the import of specified modules before
the package statement. RT #72660.
* RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses no longer thinks
that [A-Za-z_] matches \w. RT #69322.
* RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCaptures now skips the first
block of an 'if' or 'elsif' if the regular expression is bound to
its operand with the '!~' operator. RT #69867.
* RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCaptures now looks into lists
and blocks in the replacement portion of the regular expression if
/e is asserted. RT #72086.
* RegularExpressions::RequireDotMatchAnything,
RegularExpressions::RequireExtendedFormatting and
RegularExpressions::RequireLineBoundaryMatching now honor defaults
set with 'use re "/modifiers"'. RT #72151.
* Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs now recognizes '+' as a prototype
* Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars now recognizes bracketed
variables embedded in interpolated strings (e.g. "${$}"). For the
purpose of the 'allow' configuration, these are considered
equivalent to the unbracketed form. RT #72910.
Other Changes:
* Corrected POD in Perl::Critic::PPI::Utils. RT #68898.
* Perl::Critic::Violation source() method now returns the line
containing the violation (not the first line) when the statement
containing the violation spans multiple lines.
from 0.021 to 0.026.
Upstream changes (keep in mind versions with underscores marking developer releases):
0.026 2012-02-24 T. R. Wyant
Add support for \F (fold case), added in 5.15.8.
0.025 2012-01-04 T. R. Wyant
Tolerate leading and trailing white space around the regular
expression. These are still round-trip safe, since the white space
is tokenized.
Make Changes file conform to CPAN::Changes, and add
xt/author/changes.t to ensure continued compliance.
0.024 2011-12-17 T. R. Wyant
Reinstate author test xt/author/manifest.t, which was clobbered
shortly before the release of 0.021_10.
0.023 2011-12-08 T. R. Wyant
Correct address of FSF in the version of the GPL distributed in
LICENSES/Copying. Thanks to Petr Pisar for picking this up.
0.022 2011-11-24 T. R. Wyant
Correct various documentation errors.
The default-modifier functionality is no longer considered
No code changes since 0.021_11.
0.021_11 2011-11-15 T. R. Wyant
Don't initialize effective modifiers with '^', since that wrongly
asserts that /d has been seen somewhere along the line.
Implement negation of match-semantic modifiers (e.g. 'no re /u;') by
setting the relevant datum to undef.
WITHOUT NOTICE until the next production release.
0.021_10 2011-11-14 T. R. Wyant
Support for default modifiers. This includes:
* default_modifiers argument to new() in PPIx::Regexp,
PPIx::Regexp::Tokenizer, and PPIx::Regexp::Dumper
* Public method modifier_asserted() on PPIx::Regexp, to return
whether a given modifier is actually in effect. The results of the
modifier() method are unchanged.
Require Test::More 0.88 for installation. Eliminate all the 'eval
{ require ... }' logic in favor of 'use Test::More 0.88'.
Have Makefile.PL make use of {BUILD_REQUIRES} if it is available.
Fix PPIx::Regexp::Token::Whitespace->can_be_quantified() to return
Changes since sun-jdk6-6.0.31
- samples & demo directoryes dropped
- 3DNow Prefetch Instruction Support
- Adjust allocation prefetching for T4
- assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2()) failed: must support
- Remove hotspot assertion due to Solaris 8 kstat "unimplemented".
- ARM: SEGV on panda with linaro 3.1.1 running specjvm2008
- make the string table size configurable
- Parallel CMS fails to properly mark reference objects
- GarbageCollectorMXBean#getLastGcInfo leaks native memory
- C-heap growth issue in ThreadService::find_deadlocks_at_safepoint
- Memory leak in inferencing verifier (libverify.so)
- SA cannot open core files larger than 2GB on Linux 32-bit
- Introspector.getBeanInfo() should release some resources in timely manner
- File.setWritable() / File.canWrite() not behaving as expected
- CookieManager does not store cookies if url is read before setting cookie manager
- (so) Socket adapter need to implement sendUrgentData
- (so) Socket adpator is not synchronized on channel state
- (so) Suppress creation of SocketImpl in SocketAdaptor's constructor
- Cannot decode PublicKey (Provider SunPKCS11, curve prime256v1)
- Gervill for 6uXX (2): make Gervill the default synthesizer
- Problem with timezone in a SimpleDateFormat
- Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
- compiler generates bad code when translating conditional expressions
- IncompatibleClassChangeError with unreferenced local class with subclass
- 32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account
- installation fails by SMS under System Account
- Separate demos from the bundles on Windows, Solaris and Linux
- DT fails to register with Chrome
- uninstall of JRE 7 with JRE 6 on the machine left 10.0.0 deployment registry key behind
- IE9 prompts to disable Java plugin because of slow start up
- Redirection of registry keys not happening correctly with old plugin
- old-plugin liveconnect missing SecureCookiePermission
- Java Plugin does not evaluate automatic proxy files correctly on Linux: always picks first proxy
- 20ms latency always observed for LiveConnect round-trip in IE
- revisit IE LiveConnect performance fix to address applet hang issue found by Citigroup
- Java Web Start 10.1.* is considerably slower than Web Start 1.4.2, using getresource() repeatedly
- Compilation of StarOffice wordml XSLT filter via XSLTC throws exception
- JDK6u18 XSLT regression: xsl:copy-of failing to copy generated attributes
- Cipher.doFinal(ByteBuffer,ByteBuffer) fails to process when in.remaining() == 0
- (was 7011759 Bug Cloned - 6u16: Recovering buffer manager read stream underflow from protocols are
- Regular unexplained npe's from corba libs after system has been running for days
- GSSAPI/SPNEGO does not work with server using MIT Kerberos library
- Incorrect SSLEngine debug output
- Npe occurs in abstractprocessor.readfromnextstructure
- SAAJ does not set correct namespace prefix and namespace URI for attributes in some circumstances.
Changes since sun-jre6-6.0.31
- 3DNow Prefetch Instruction Support
- Adjust allocation prefetching for T4
- assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2()) failed: must support
- Remove hotspot assertion due to Solaris 8 kstat "unimplemented".
- ARM: SEGV on panda with linaro 3.1.1 running specjvm2008
- make the string table size configurable
- Parallel CMS fails to properly mark reference objects
- GarbageCollectorMXBean#getLastGcInfo leaks native memory
- C-heap growth issue in ThreadService::find_deadlocks_at_safepoint
- Memory leak in inferencing verifier (libverify.so)
- SA cannot open core files larger than 2GB on Linux 32-bit
- Introspector.getBeanInfo() should release some resources in timely manner
- File.setWritable() / File.canWrite() not behaving as expected
- CookieManager does not store cookies if url is read before setting cookie manager
- (so) Socket adapter need to implement sendUrgentData
- (so) Socket adpator is not synchronized on channel state
- (so) Suppress creation of SocketImpl in SocketAdaptor's constructor
- Cannot decode PublicKey (Provider SunPKCS11, curve prime256v1)
- Gervill for 6uXX (2): make Gervill the default synthesizer
- Problem with timezone in a SimpleDateFormat
- Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
- compiler generates bad code when translating conditional expressions
- IncompatibleClassChangeError with unreferenced local class with subclass
- 32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account
- installation fails by SMS under System Account
- Separate demos from the bundles on Windows, Solaris and Linux
- DT fails to register with Chrome
- uninstall of JRE 7 with JRE 6 on the machine left 10.0.0 deployment registry key behind
- IE9 prompts to disable Java plugin because of slow start up
- Redirection of registry keys not happening correctly with old plugin
- old-plugin liveconnect missing SecureCookiePermission
- Java Plugin does not evaluate automatic proxy files correctly on Linux: always picks first proxy
- 20ms latency always observed for LiveConnect round-trip in IE
- revisit IE LiveConnect performance fix to address applet hang issue found by Citigroup
- Java Web Start 10.1.* is considerably slower than Web Start 1.4.2, using getresource() repeatedly
- Compilation of StarOffice wordml XSLT filter via XSLTC throws exception
- JDK6u18 XSLT regression: xsl:copy-of failing to copy generated attributes
- Cipher.doFinal(ByteBuffer,ByteBuffer) fails to process when in.remaining() == 0
- (was 7011759 Bug Cloned - 6u16: Recovering buffer manager read stream underflow from protocols are
- Regular unexplained npe's from corba libs after system has been running for days
- GSSAPI/SPNEGO does not work with server using MIT Kerberos library
- Incorrect SSLEngine debug output
- Npe occurs in abstractprocessor.readfromnextstructure
- SAAJ does not set correct namespace prefix and namespace URI for attributes in some circumstances.
from 0.17 to 0.18.
Upstream changes since 0.17:
0.18 2012-05-04 16:31:53 America/New_York
- When capture or tee are called in void context, Capture::Tiny
skips reading back from the capture handles if it can do so safely
0.17_52 2012-03-09 11:45:19 EST5EDT
- Tied STDIN is always localized before redirections to avoid tees
hanging on MSWin32
- Copying and reopening STDIN is necessary to avoid tees hanging on MSWin32.
0.17_51 2012-03-07 18:22:34 EST5EDT
- Avoids reopening STDIN while setting up a capture, which avoids
some problems with pathological tied filehandle implementations
such as in FCGI
- Re-enabled tied STDIN testing for MSWin32 to see if changes above
avoid crashes seen historically
from 0.317 to 0.318
Upstream changes:
0.318 2012-05-04 22:00:34 America/New_York
App::Cmd::Tester treats undef code as 0 now (thanks, David Golden)
piles of documentation improvement also by David Golden
4.11 to 4.15.
Upstream changes:
4.15 Tue Apr 10 06:59:00 CEST 2012
- always include linux/types.h for fiemap, for compatibility to
ancient systems (Paul Howarth).
- experimental support for IO::AIO::splice and ::tee (no aio_...).
- provide SEEK_HOLE and SEEK_DATA, if available.
- work around (again!) an immensely stupid bug in RHEL, defining
autoconf macros in linux system headers (analysed by Paul Howarth).
4.14 Sat Apr 7 02:45:18 CEST 2012
- fix stat structure usage on windows, which caused bogus stat results.
- (libeio) make readahead emulation behave more like actual readahead by never failing.
- new request aio_seek.
- new request aio_fiemap.
- autogenerate the #ifdef/#define 0 blocks for symbols we export.
4.12 Fri Dec 30 08:51:25 CET 2011
- realpath would return a random value if the name was too long,
instead of -1.
- port to c89.
Fixes in 2.8.2:
- Performance improvements
- Disc space monitoring
Fixed in 2.8.1
- Fixes a bug in 2.8.0 which prevented RAM nodes from being upgraded.
* Add dependency to php-mysqli
* Language translation and date format support for all modules.
* Ability to switch on/off modules.
* Upgraders up to version 2.6.5.
* Removal of Benefits module.
* bugfixes
* Language translation and date format support for all modules except
Benefits module.
* Ability to switch on/off modules.
* bugfixes
* bugfixes
In detail, see new_changed_features.txt, but no security bug information
is provided.
Release date: 2012-05-10
Opera 11.64 is a recommended upgrade offering security and stability enhancements.
Fixes and Stability Enhancements since Opera 11.62
General and User Interface
* Stability improvements
* Resolved a handshake failure on https://autoupdate.opera.com
Network and Site-Specific
* Fixed an error where an on-demand-plugin placeholder could lower the security
status of a secure site to insecure
* Fixed an issue with some secure pages not loading - PayPal, Ebay
* dojotoolkit.org: Errors when using the dojo amd loader have been resolved
* rts.rs: A JavaScript error has been resolved
* Fixed an issue where certain URL constructs could allow arbitrary code
execution, as reported by Andrey Stroganov; see our advisory:
Fix PR pkg/46427
* Fix various issues relating to new mail notifications and filtering
on POP3 based accounts
* Fixes an occasional startup crash seen in TB 12.0
* Fixes an issue with corrrupted message bodies when using movemail