TagLib 1.11.1 (Oct 24, 2016)
* Fixed binary incompatible change in TagLib::String.
* Fixed reading ID3v2 CTOC frames with a lot of entries.
* Fixed seeking ByteVectorStream from the end.
From the 6.0 release notes (https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Notes/6.0/):
The libsamplerate based resamplers are now deprecated, because they
offer no particular advantage over speex. Packagers can drop the
dependency to libsamplerate, unless they specifically want to keep
enabling the libsamplerate based resamplers for some reason.
libopenmpt 0.2-beta20.2 (2016-10-22)
[Bug] The C API could crash instead of failing gracefully in out-of-memory situations.
[Bug] libopenmpt_stream_callbacks_fd.h and libopenmpt_stream_callbacks_file.h were missing in Windows development packages.
[Bug] Plugins did not work correctly when changing the sample rate between two render calls.
[Bug] Possible crashes with malformed IT, AMS, MDL, MED, MPTM, PSM and Startrekker files.
[Bug] Possible hangs with malformed DBM, MPTM and PSM files.
ParamEq plugin emulation didn't do anything at full gain (+15dB).
Avoid enabling some ProTracker-specific quirks for MOD files most likely created with ScreamTracker 3.
Tremolo effect only had half the intended strength in MOD files.
openmpt123: Improved section layout in man page.
to be illegal (and is on netbsd.) this fixes 100% cpu usage seen
while doing nothing at all. (it still writes nul to /dev/audio while
doing nothing, but that takes little cpu :)
"This release adds a new function ebur128_relative_threshold(), adds the
new channel definitions from ITU R-REC-BS 1770-4 to the channel enum, and
fixes some build issues."
Updated options to match supported ones, removing the guile one.
Many more options could be handled:
ruby, forth, alsa, oss, jack, pulseaudio, gmp, ladspa
but are not right now.
The default extension language is now s7 (a scheme), included.
Snd 16.8.
cmn: Michael Edwards got cmn to work in ECL.
s7: object->let
changed ->byte-vector to string->byte-vector
let-temporarily is now built-in
checked: sbcl 1.3.8|9, gtk 3.21.5
Thanks!: Michael Edwards.Snd change log
6-Sep: Snd 16.8.
28-Jul: Snd 16.7.
14-Jun: Snd 16.6.
30-May: snd-lint.scm, symbol takes any number of args.
6-May: Snd 16.5.
29-Mar: --with-webserver configuration (Kjetil Matheussen)
28-Mar: Snd 16.4.
18-Mar: s7webserver directory (Kjetil Matheussen)
20-Feb: Snd 16.3.
11-Jan-16: Snd 16.2.
2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Nov: Snd 16.1.
19-Oct: Snd 16.0.
11-Sep: Snd 15.9.
1-Aug: Snd 15.8.
15-Jun: Snd 15.7.
11-May: Snd 15.6.
3-Apr: Snd 15.5.
20-Mar: changed the no-gui repl to use repl.scm in the s7 case.
27-Feb: Snd 15.4.
25-Jan: Snd 15.3.
2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------
18-Dec: Snd 15.2.
5-Nov: moved all the motif stuff (xm.c, snd-motif.scm etc) to the *motif* environment,
OpenGL (gl.c, snd-gl.scm) to *gl*, and gtk (xg.c, snd-gtk.scm etc) to *gtk*.
4-Nov: Snd 15.1.
25-Sep: Snd 15.0.
17-Sep: moved snd-x*.c to snd-motif.c
18-Aug: Snd 14.9.
9-July: Snd 14.8.
31-May: Snd 14.7.
23-Apr: Snd 14.6.
18-Mar: Snd 14.5.
12-Feb: Snd 14.4.
4-Jan: Snd 14.3.
2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------
22-Nov: Snd 14.2.
15-Oct: Snd 14.1.
11-Oct: removed frame.scm and mixer.scm: frames and mixers are obsolete in the scheme version of Snd.
11-Sep: Snd 14.0. Homogenous vectors, write readably, libc.scm, libgsl.scm.
5-Sep: removed kmenu.scm and oscope.scm.
9-Aug: write.scm, removed pretty-print.scm.
3-Aug: Snd 13.9.
17-Jul: many changes to the configure script, added tools/make-config-pc.rb.
30-Jun: Snd 13.8.
11-Jun: removed the view files dialog from the gtk version, including all the
related extension language functions, and view-files-select-hook.
25-May: Snd 13.7.
14-May: glistener.c/h (gtk listener).
22-Apr: Snd 13.6.
12-Mar: Snd 13.5.
4-Feb: Snd 13.4.
2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------
25-Dec: Snd 13.3.
30-Oct: Snd 13.2.
20-Sep: Snd 13.1.
8-Aug: Snd 13.0.
3-July: removed ptree-channel and max-virtual-ptrees, optimization, run.c.
(clm 5.0, sndlib 22.0).
26-Jun: Snd 12.12.
4-Jun: removed the --with-static-* configuration switches.
21-May: Snd 12.11.
11-May: all scheme-side hook code changed. removed print-hook.
1-May: removed mus-audio-describe, ESD audio support, audinfo.
12-Apr: Snd 12.10.
5-Mar: Snd 12.9.
Feb: s7: added random-state?, hash-table-iterator?, and morally-equal?
clm/cmn/snd/s7: removed snd1.html and snd-contents.html (these were
using Javascript for stuff that is now built into html), and
translated the rest of the html files to html5.
snd: removed the recorder, recorder-dialog, snd-g|xrec.c,
changed various menu names and added a view:with-grid menu
moved dialog buttons around at random,
removed save-macros and named keyboard macros,
added context-sensitive tooltips to the gtk version,
changed the gtk listener default font to Monospace 11,
the "minibuffer" is now a "statusbar". This means it is not
editable, so all the key sequences that used to prompt for
info are either undefined now, or use a dialog instead.
removed minibuffer-history-length, prompt-in-minibuffer, clear-minibuffer,
and report-in-minibuffer. Replaced the latter two with status-report.
removed sound-specific search-procedures (i.e. there is only one search procedure)
removed the bomb function
2-Feb: Snd 12.8.
27-Jan: removed snd10.scm.
2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------
30-Dec: Snd 12.7.
8-Nov: Snd 12.6.
29-Sep: Snd 12.5.
19-Aug: Snd 12.4.
18-Aug: removed snd9.scm.
14-Jul: removed thread stuff.
11-Jul: Snd 12.3.
30-May: Snd 12.2.
24-Apr: Snd 12.1.
5-Apr: lint.scm.
25-Mar: show-full-range, info-popup-hook.
21-Mar: with-interrupts.
18-Mar: Snd 12.0.
18-Mar: removed time-graph-hook; replaced by combined-data-color.
10-Mar: space=play or pause, tracking-cursor stuff changed.
4-Mar: 'src' button in Save-as dialogs to do automatic sampling rate conversion.
1-Mar: delete-selection-and-smooth, delete-samples-and-smooth.
23-Feb: sync-style variable: sync-none, sync-all, or sync-by-sound (the new default).
Options:Controls menu item, and Edit:Unselect
show-selection and unselect-all.
show-full-duration, initial-beg, initial-dur, ask-about-unsaved-edits.
with-toolbar, with-tooltips, remember-sound-state, with-smpte-label.
new built-in toolbars, removed toolbar.scm and panic.scm.
removed Snd.gtkrc, Snd.ad, and the totally obsolete X resources stuff.
The built-in popup menus are now context sensitive, and the files popup.scm
and gtk-popup.scm have been removed.
with-menu-icons (Gtk only).
12-Feb: Snd 11.13.
7-Jan: Snd 11.12.
2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------
29-Nov: Snd 11.11.
5-Nov: add|delete-watchers removed, replaced by effects-hook.
25-Oct: Snd 11.10.
22-Sep: def-clm-struct is now just a synonym for defgenerator.
19-Sep: removed snd7.scm and snd8.scm.
18-Sep: Snd 11.9.
19-Aug: removed the Gdk backend option; cairo is now the only choice.
12-Aug: Snd 11.8.
9-Aug: make-index.scm (replaces index.cl and indexer.scm).
30-Jul: removed *-button-color.
8-July: Snd 11.7.
12-Jun: removed window-property, window-property-changed-hook, send-mozilla.
removed snd-gxutils.c.
7-June: Snd 11.6.
27-May: removed snd6.scm. added binary-io.scm.
29-Apr: Snd 11.5.
7-Apr: autoload support via s7's *unbound-variable-hook*.
20-Mar: Snd 11.4.
27-Feb: the run macro's argument no longer has to be a thunk.
11-Feb: Snd 11.3.
9-Feb: removed NLS support (the po directory and so on).
8-Feb: moved sound|channel|mix|mark|edit-property to C.
23-Jan: The rest of the Guile-dependent files have been removed.
This includes pd-*, rt-*, and the --with-snd-as-pd-external
--with-hobbit, and --with-rt configuration switches.
5-Jan: Snd 11.2.
2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------
26-Dec: tools/sam.c.
21-Dec: moved focus-follows-mouse to C as with-pointer-focus.
removed def-optkey-fun and def-optkey-instrument (use define* and definstrument).
16-Dec: make-current-window-display (draw.scm) moved to C as with-inset-graph.
removed Guile support.
14-Dec: peak-env support moved to C, added peak-env-dir, removed peak-env.*,
peak-env-info, read-peak-env-info-file, and write-peak-env-info-file.
11-Dec: removed midi.c and Alsa < 1.0 support.
7-Dec: removed SGI support.
4-Dec: portaudio support.
1-Dec: removed --with-modules configuration switch.
30-Nov: Snd 11.1.
23-Nov: colormaps are objects now. integer->colormap, colormap->integer.
transforms are also objects. integer->transform, transform->integer.
20-Nov: play is generic now, "old-play" is the previous form.
6-Nov: removed all support for gtkglext.
2-Nov: selection function/object. selection->mix.
28-Oct: pretty-print.scm.
22-Oct: Snd 11.0.
16-Oct: clm.rb and grani.rb (thanks to Mike Scholz).
12-Oct: generic length, srate, channels, frames, file-name, sync, maxamp.
7-Oct: removed run-safety; the run macro only works in s7.
6-Oct: removed *snd-loaded-files* and *snd-remember-paths*.
removed tools/sed-href, tools/lines.scm, and tools/check-gtk.scm.
29-Sep: mixes are objects (not ints), integer->mix and mix->integer.
all "sample-reader" and "sample_reader" names changed to "sampler".
marks are objects (not ints), integer->mark and mark->integer.
regions are objects, integer->region, region->integer.
several region functions now take the region argument first:
insert-region, make-region-sampler, mix-region, region-sample,
region->vct, region->frame, make-region-frame-reader.
sounds are objects, but integers are still ok, integer->sound and sound->integer.
players are objects.
removed export-all.scm, snd4.scm, snd5.scm.
17-Sep: Snd 10.9.
10-Sep: removed show-backtrace. default optimization is 6.
9-Aug: Snd 10.8.
6-Jul: Snd 10.7.
2-Jul: default audio in Linux is now ALSA.
28-May: Snd 10.6.
17-Apr: Snd 10.5.
26-Feb: Snd 10.4.
30-Jan: big-gens.scm (scheme-only versions of the built-in generators).
15-Jan: Snd 10.3.
8-Jan: multiprecision math support for all scheme (s7) numeric
types and functions via gmp, mpfr, and mpc. In configure,
use --with-gmp.
2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------
29-Dec: jcvoi.scm.
11-Dec: snd10.scm for sum-of-sines and friends.
28-Nov: Snd 10.2.
17-Nov: removed s7-optargs.scm -- define* is now built-in in s7.
11-Nov: removed s7-format.scm -- format is now built-in in s7.
4-Nov: moved snd-run.c to run.c (for sndlib).
29-Oct: osc.scm thanks to Kjetil.
16-Oct: removed Gauche support.
15-Oct: Snd 10.1.
3-Sep: Snd 10.0.
1-Sep: S7 extension language.
14-Jul: Snd 9.11.
7-July: with-threaded-channels.
30-Jun: flatten-partials.
27-Jun: axis-color.
20-Jun: time-graph-hook.
6-June: with-threaded-sound (ws.scm)
2-June: Snd 9.10.
30-May: peak-phases.scm.
20-May: rt-various.[ch], rt-coroutines.scm, rt-stalin.scm, rt-DotEmacs, and
many other changes thanks to Kjetil.
many const char* changes for g++ 4.3.0.
17-May: normalize-partials is now built-in.
12-May: expandn (clm-ins.scm) thanks to Michael Klingbeil.
10-May: merged green.scm into generators.scm.
5-May: music5 port: music5.f, music5-examples, old-music5.f
The third 1.8 bug-fix release (1.8.3) was released on 19 August 2016. This release only contains bugfixes and it should be safe to update from 1.8.x.
Major bugfixes in 1.8.3
Fix Android build scripts on OS X and Windows
Fix stepping in PAUSED state in certain circumstances
Fix jackaudiosink hang when exiting
Fix udpsrc receiving multicast packets not only from the selected multicast group
Fix unnecessary decoding of unselected streams in GES
Fix (multi)udpsink randomly not sending to clients
Fix ALL_BOTH probes not considering EVENT_FLUSH
Fix average input rate calculations in queue2
Fix various locking issues causing deadlock in adaptivedemux
Fix gst-libav encoders to correctly produce codec_data in caps
Add Wayland, Windows and Rasberry Pi support to the QML GL video sink
Add support for building with OpenH264 1.6
Add support for controlling deinterlacing in GES video sources
... and many, many more!
For a full list of bugfixes see Bugzilla. Note that this is not the full list of changes. For the full list of changes please refer to the GIT logs or ChangeLogs of the particular modules.
Known Issues
gst-rtsp-server does not take address pool configuration into account for sending unicast UDP. Bugzilla #766612
vp8enc crashes on 32 bit Windows, but was working fine in 1.6. 64 bit Windows is unaffected. Bugzilla #763663
libopenmpt 0.2-beta20.1
[Bug] The test suite could fail on MacOSX or FreeBSD in non-fatal ways when no locale was active.
[Bug] Possible crashes with malformed IT, MED, MPTM, PSM and Startrekker files.
'Makefile' has now explicit support for FreeBSD with no special option or configuration required.
of a header.
Default compiler setup in netbsd disables SSE, we cannot compile stuff
that uses it - but we do have the headers for it.
Allows us to get rid of SSE disabling for sunpro compiler, it should
fail the compile test as well.
Patch from FreeBSD (pointed out by John D. Baker)
Fixes PR pkg/51209: audio/lame build fails on i386-7.99.30
This is a major milestone release!
We worked hard over the years to improve WildMIDI by looking at
how it is used downstream and working with them to offload their
MIDI-related burdens and pushing them to WildMIDI. We've included
support for the following MIDI-like formats: HMI, HMP, KAR, MIDI
Type 2, MUS and XMI. We've expanded our API to help facilitate
error detection, logging and on-the-fly conversion from MIDI-likes
to MIDI without having to initialize the library first.
What's new in 0.4.0:
API change: The library now returns audio data in host-endian format, not little-endian.
API change: WildMidi_GetVersion() added to the api, along with new numeric version macros in the wildmidi_lib.h header. the dso version is changed from 1 to 2.
API change: All long or unsigned long type _WM_Info fields changed into strictly 32bit fields (int32_t or uint32_t.)
API change: WildMidi_OpenBuffer() and WildMidi_GetOutput() changed to accept strictly 32bit size parameters, i.e. uint32_t, instead of unsigned long.
API change: WildMidi_ConvertToMidi() and WildMidi_ConvertBufferToMidi() added for MIDI-like files to be converted to MIDI.
API change: WildMidi_SetCvtOption() added to support conversion options.
API change: WildMidi_SongSeek() added to support Type 2 MIDI files.
API change: WildMidi_GetLyric() added to support embedded text, such as KAR files.
API change: WildMidi_GetError() and WildMidi_ClearError() added to cleanly check for, retrieve and clear error messages. They no longer go to stderr.
Support for loading XMI (XMIDI format) files, thanks Ryan Nunn for releasing his code under the LGPL.
Support for loading MUS (MUS Id format) files, such as from Doom.
Support for loading HMP/HMI files, such as from Arena and Daggerfall.
Support for loading KAR (MIDI with Lyrics) and Type 2 MIDI files.
Build requires cmake-2.8.11 or newer now.
ver 0.19.19 (2016/08/23)
* decoder
- ffmpeg: bug fix for FFmpeg 3.1 support
- wildmidi: support libWildMidi 0.4
* output
- pulse: support 32 bit, 24 bit and floating point playback
* support non-x86 NetBSD
* fix clang 3.9 warnings
- Development taken over by Peter Pentchev.
- Import a Debian patch by Stefan Ott <stefan@ott.net> to
avoid backquotes in the usage string.
- Import a Debian patch by Stefan Ott <stefan@ott.net> and
Peter Pentchev to let the compiler and linker flags be
- Let the install program and the strip flag also be overridden.
- Check some more functions' return values for errors.
- Add some preprocessor and compiler flags to specify certain
POSIX and C environment standards.
- Reorder the #include statements.
- Also include <strings.h> for strncasecmp().
- Mark the list of genres in genre.h as "const char".
- Add a lot of GCC-specific compiler warning flags.
- Use the err(3) and warn(3) functions, they're portable enough.
- Mark several global variables as static.
- Break the display of the ID3 tags out into a separate function.
- Use "return" from main(), remove unreachable "break" statements.
- Avoid possible out-of-bound copying when storing command-line
arguments into the new tag structure.
- Expect a C99 compiler and reduce the scope of some variables.
- Use the C99 "bool" type for, well, boolean flags.
- Convert the id3.1 manual page to the mdoc format.
- Fix the fields length in the manual page - only the comment is
limited to 28 characters, the rest of the text fields are at 30.
- Use the more common "file..." instead of "file1 [file2 [file3...]]"
- Fill in some commonly-used manual page sections.
- Validate number-to-string conversions for the genre and track number.
- Fix a signedness error in the track number display.
libopenmpt 0.2-beta20 (2016-08-07)
[Bug] PSM loader was broken on big-endian platforms since forever.
[Bug] load.skip_samples ctl did not work for PSM16 modules.
There is a new "subsong" ctl, which can return the currently selected subsong.
More accurate ProTracker arpeggio wrap-around emulation.
More accurate sample tuning in PSM16 files.
Samples in DSM files were sometimes detuned and some pattern commands were not imported correctly.
More accurate import of MDL 7-bit panning command.
Only import pattern commands supported by the UltraTracker version that was used to save ULT files. Add support for command 5-C (end loop).
DMF sample loop lengths were off by one.
Unis 669 pan slide effect was too deep.
Several valid (but slightly corrupted possibly due to disk failures or data transfer errors) SoundTracker files were no longer loading since libopenmpt 0.2-beta18.
PulseAudio 9.0
Changes at a glance:
* Automatic routing improvements
* Beamforming and various other new features in the WebRTC echo canceller
* Various improvements in module-role-cork and module-role-ducking
* LFE remixing disabled by default
* memfd-backed shared memory transport
* Support for sample rates up to 384 kHz
* webrtc-audio-processing dependency minimum version bumped to 0.2
* Changed the C standard from C99 to C11.
Detailed change log:
Ahmed S. Darwish
Alexander E. Patrakov
Arun Raghavan
Barun Kumar Singh
David Henningsson
Deepak Srivastava
Gabor Kelemen
Georg Chini
Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
Jonathan Perkin
Juho Hämäläinen
Jungsup Lee
Kamil Rytarowski
Marcin Lewandowski
Milo Casagrande
Muhammet Kara
Nazar Mokrynskyi
Peter Meerwald
Piotr Drąg
Sachin Kumar Chauhan
Sangchul Lee
Tanu Kaskinen
YunQiang Su