Commit graph

11 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
dae9bbeb43 audio/din: Updates to 51.1
Changes since 50.2:

DIN Is Noise 51.1:
  * improved DIN font *
  ! fixed drone arrow defaults save/load !

DIN Is Noise 51:

   + drone is anchored or launched on creation
      anchored means stays fixed at the place of creation
      launched means 'flies' off based on its velocity and gravity
        try with Menu > Drone Tools > Add / Wand
      set at Menu > Drone Params > Defaults

  + set velocity +/ acceleration vectors of drones to presets via Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Set velocity/acceleration
    + presets are +ve or -ve vertical, horizontal, velocity, acceleration and zero

  + auto flip (clock < > anti-clock) auto rotating velocity/acceleration vectors every some degrees
    + via Menu > Drone Params > Auto flip > Set / Unset / Toggle
    + default 'every some degrees' is 90 degrees

  + gravity
    + presets for gravity vector
       0, left, right, up and down
    + gravity tracks mouse position
      + click Gravity > Mouse
    + gravity tracks the first among selected drones
      + click Gravity > Drone
        ! as drone selection changes, gravity may track a different drone !
      - removed Menu Drone Params > Track gravity

  + mesh polygon filling per drone color

  * color of a launched drone is same as color of the launcher
    * try changing color of the launcher as drones are launched

  * changed color of velocity/acceleration vectors to move away from green (used for selection) and red (used for errors)
    * cyan = color of velocity vector of all drones
    * (reddish) magenta = color of acceleration vector of all drones

  * changed arrow visualisation of velocity +/ acceleration vector of all drones
    * Head
      * edit the position of the arrow tip
        * can go 'above' the vector tip ie > 1.0
        * can go 'below' the drone location ie < 0.0
        * can be on the body ie 0 <= tip <= 1.0
    * Shoulder Position
      * edit position of the arrow's shoulder tips
    * Shoulder Width
      * edit width of the arrow's shoulder
    + Cap or Decap the arrow

  + set default arrow head, shoulder position and width, cap from Menu > Drone Params > Defaults
    + used when adding & wanding drones
    + change existing drone's velocity/acceleration vector arrow params via Menu > Drone Params > Visual

  + improved geometric chuck
    + on a chuck with N drones, the first N - 1 drones have trail set to 0
      + the last drone has trail set to 10000
    + toggle auto reset trails
      + Menu > Drone Params > Chuck > Auto reset trails
    + 2 changes above aid visualisation and experimentation instead of manual trail
      resize/reset every time after changing a chuck param
    + toggle chuck outline
      + click Menu > Drone Params > Chuck > Draw chuck outline
      + aids screenshotting
    + chuck outline drawn per drone color

  * default scale/rotate drones center to microtonal keyboard center

  * default selected range to C Eb

  + mouse wheel on microtonal keyboard to scroll along horizontal
    + press SHIFT and scroll to scroll along vertical

  * short form of echo command is .

  * improved bpm handling of drone pendulums and meshes

  * improved drone trail handling/display

  * close menu after setting modulation direction

  ! fixed bug in zoom of curve editor when mouse slider is active !
  ! fixed draw crosshairs on drone mesh preview !
2021-07-12 14:58:35 +00:00
d4dc775ee5 audio/din: Updates to 50.2
Changes since 50.1:

DIN Is Noise 50.2 :
  :( fixed bug in drone modulation editor introduced in DIN 50 :)
2021-04-18 11:26:01 +00:00
1acb6a2704 audio/din: Updates to 49
Changes since 48:

DIN Is Noise 49:

  /* position (instead of modulation until DIN48) affects velocity vector of drones

  /* Set center for rotation and scaling of drones:

    Menu > Drone Tools > Auto Center uses average center of selected drones
    Choose Menu > Drone Tools > Set to mouse and Click on it to set center to
    point under mouse cursor. Click to stop.
      You can also click and just move the magenta cross that marks the center

  on mouse slider:

  /* warp mouse position when rolling wheel
  /* press / to toggle warp mouse at boundary

  * improved the drone selector / drone mesh/pendulum preview on microtonal keyboard

  * show hz/vol for selected drones only (instead of all drones until DIN48)

  ! fixed: flip (using ` key shortcut) between instruments loads the correct editors !


  /*  when scaling or rotating drones, change scale or angle increments using mouse slider (see
      DIN 48 CHANGELOG below for how to do this) to change scaling +/ rotation 'speed'
2020-11-12 12:24:23 +00:00
5a28a1bfc0 audio/din: Updates to 48
Changes since 47.1:

DIN Is Noise 48:

  /*  create drone pendulum based on number of drones instead of spacing

  /* convert selected pitched drones to noising drones and vice-versa.
    + CTRL + . to convert selected pitched drones to noising drones
      or Menu >> Drone Tools >> Drone > Noise
    + CTRL + , to convert selected noising drones to pitched drones
      or Menu >> Drone Tools >> Noise > Drone

  /* mute and unmute selected drones
    + SHIFT + , to mute selected drones or Menu > Drone tools > Mute
    + SHIFT + . to unmute selected drones or Menu > Drone tools > Unmute

  /* Zero and Reset gravity from Gravity widget

  /* Zero velocity of drones

  /* Start and End angles for geometry > sound plugins on curve editor
    + ie., Circler, Rose_Milker and Lissajous
      + you can now turn a part - an arc - of rose and lissajous curves into waveforms/envelopes/modulators!
    + Phase for Spiraler
      + End angle found from Turns

  /* Start, End points in Countries plugin on curve editors

    + turn 'arc' of a 'country polygon' into waveform/envelope/modulator

  /* set Phase of each harmonic in Sine_Mixer

    + press g to toggle between harmonics and phase 'levels'
    + Phase levels is blue
      + goes from 0 deg (bottom) to 360 deg (top)

  /* press f to toggle paint harmonics (or phase) in Sine_Mixer

  /* overlay last screen (instrument or editor) on curve editor

  /* !EXPERIMENTAL! mouse slider increment scaling

    When using mouse slider:

      press , to set increment to 1/N of original increment
      press . to set increment to Nx of original increment
      press 1,2,3...9 sets N = 1,2,3...9
      press 0 to set N = 10
      default N = 10

  /* if selected drones exist, set initial menu tab to Drone Params on microtonal keyboard

  * ` to flip to last screen
      * flip between editors
      * flip between instruments

  * improved curve editor
    * curve samples display, curve component picker, cursor display

  * improved auto splitting 'box that has a ball' in Mondrian
    * results in better trapping of ball(s) in box(es) :)

  ! fixed dont warp mouse when mouse slider activation aborted !
  ! fixed add/remove gravity widget on menu toggle !
  ! fixed load/save of launched drones !
  ! fixed reset velocity & gravity !
  ! fixed crash when clearing all harmonic bookmarks and moving sine mixer !
  ! fixed name of radius curve in spiraler plugin !
  ! fixed drones per minute as float instead of int !
  ! removed release location from the title bar as COVID-19 has grounded me in Chennai, India :( !
2020-09-04 13:02:57 +00:00
4066ce1b52 audio/din: Updates to 47
Minor description fix.

Changes since 46.3:

DIN Is Noise 47 @ Chennai, India
	+ Menu > Drone Params now split into 3 tabs:
		+ Modulation:
			+ has controls to edit drone modulation parameters like AM/FM depth, BPM
		+ Visual:
			+ has controls to edit drone trail length, handle size,
				connection stiffness (see below), colors (see below) etc
		+ Motion:
			+ controls to edit drone parameters like velocity, acceleration,
				drones per minute, lifetime etc

	+ On the mouse slider
		+ when you can slide both horizontally and vertically:
			+ press SHIFT to slide just vertically
			+ press CTRL to slide just horizontally

	/* connect and disconnect drones
		+ Workflow:
			+ select a bunch of drones (eg., Menu > Drone Tools > Select all drones)
			+ Menu > Drone Tools > Connect
				+ DIN connects drones in selection order
					+ points one drone to next
						+ last drone points in the direction second last drone points

						+ To select drones in desired order, select drones one at a time by
							click+moving a box around a drone and use SHIFT / CTRL keys while
							selecting to add to existing selection or remove a drone from selection

				+ Steps @ 1 connects drones successively, this is default
					Steps @ 2 connects alternate drones
					Steps @ 1 2 does both
						try other steps sequences:
							eg., 1 3 5 OR 1 2 4 etc
							!note! separate steps with SPACE not comma

			+ Just select a drone and move (Menu > Drone Tools > Move) and all the
				connected drones move to keep their original distance on connection.

					'But then one lizard (or iguana) moved, and all moved'
						- VS Naipaul, Among the Believers

				+ Use Connection Stiffness parameter to control the 'elasticity' of
					the connections (Menu > Drone Params > Visual)
						+ This is a global parameter, affects all connections among all drones
			+ Menu > Drone Tools > Disconnect to disconnect the connected drones
				+ Select a drone in the middle of a chain and disconnect splits the chain in two
				+ Select the 'head' drones of two different chains and connect to merge the two
					chains into one

	/*	new curve & curve editor to sculpt amplitude (aka depth) & bpm of
			drone pendulum's drones
		+ access using Menu > Editors > Drone Pendulum
		+ edit curves even after creating drone pendulums!
			+ affects drone pendulums selected drones belong to
			+ use Menu > Overlay Instrument on the editor to see the effects of the
				edits while making them.

	/* new color sliders to set the color of selected drones
		+ 2 sets of 3 sliders (1 for Red, Green and Blue).
			+ Top set called Top
			+ Bottom set called Bottom
			+ Select some drones and
				+ change color to Top to set color of all selected drones to the RGB of Top sliders
				+ change color to Bottom to set color of all selected drones to RGB of Bottom sliders
				+ change color to Blend to set color of all selected drones to RGB blended from Top to Bottom sliders
					+ first selected drone color is from the Top sliders
					+ last selected drone is from the Bottom sliders
					+ other drones take inbetween colors

					+ To select drones in desired order, select drones one at a time by click+moving a box
						around a drone and use SHIFT / CTRL keys while selecting to add or remove drone to an
						existing selection

				+ change color to Random to set random colors on all selected drones
					+ not truly random but a random color between RGB of Top and Bottom sliders
						+ useful as colors are random but still from a certain part of the spectrum

			+ If drones are noise, their color is grayscale, derived from just the Red channel of Top
				and/or/both Bottom sliders, based on the chosen scheme.
			+ If you edit a color slider, DIN hides the menu so you can see the edits better, hit ESC or click on Close
				to finish/abort

	/* abort octave shift
		+ useful to take the key note away from 'piano notes' into 'weird' pitches yet still have 'scales' based on
			this new key 'note'.
				+ without Abort this was still possible by editing the octave shift curve
					(Menu > Editors > Octave Shift)
		+ to set the key back to a note, goto Settings screen and use the Key spinner
		+ click Menu > Misc > Abort on Microtonal-Keyboard, Mondrian and Binaural Drones instruments
			+ or press SHIFT + ESC
		+ click Abort button on Keyboard-Keyboard
			+ or press n

	/* edit arrow width, depth for each drone
		+ until DIN46, this was global
		+ very useful for snake/centepede like visualisations of connected drones

	* scale drones
		* press CTRL to scale along horizontal
		* press SHIFT to scale along vertical

	+ moved Scale, Rotate drones to join Move in Menu > Drone Tools
	+ SHIFT + e to scale selected drones
	+ CTRL + e to rotate selected drones

	+ press ` to flip between current instrument and last used curve editor

	+ detach Spinners from Menu when using the < and > buttons to decrease/increase values

	* Optimised GUI controls
		* field, spinner etc

	\0/ fixed crash when browsing waveforms on keyboard-keyboard
	\0/ fixed search field in countries
	\0/ fixed value field in number for bits of char
2020-05-23 17:42:32 +00:00
b793d34c49 audio/din: Updates to 44.0.2
Changes since 43.0.1:

DIN Is Noise 44 @ Chennai, India

	!+! new noise generator in DIN Is Noise!
		+ using drone UI
		+ choose if a drone drones a pitch or makes noise
			+ Menu > Drone Tools > Drone is Drone OR Drone is Noise
				+ OR SHIFT + q
			+ when a drone makes noise:
				+ a low frequency 'drone' makes low frequency noise
				+ a high frequency 'drone' makes high frequency noise
				+ manipulate drones ie move, modulate, launch, orbit to
					manipulate noises!
				+ choose Menu > Editors > Noise Interpolator to
					+ edit the noise sample interpolator curve

	+ use drone pendulum's parameters to turn rows and/or columns
		of a drone mesh into drone pendulums! :)
			+ works best when you make all drones of the mesh at the same time
				+ so set In seconds to 0
				+ and make drones in:
					+ ascending or descending rows
					+ ascending or descending columns
			+ apply to AM BPM and/or FM BPM to turn rows and/or columns of drone
				mesh as drone pendulums!

	+ flip button to flip start/end bpm of drones in drone pendulum

	+ harmonic bookmarks on Sine Mixer
		+ click on + to bookmark selected harmonics
		+ click on - to delete selected bookmarks
		+ click on x to delete all bookmarks
		+ click bookmark to select harmonics linked to it
			+ SHIFT click to select more bookmarks

	+ DIN switches menu to:
		+ Drone Params when drones selected
		+ Voice when Voice is enabled
		+ Ranges when a range is selected

	+ new microtonal keyboard shortcuts:
		+ SHIFT + f selects range under cursor
		+ CTRL + f to switch between change note to note and change note by octave
		+ CTRL + v to change both notes (to another note or by octave) of current range
		+ CTRL + g to change left note (to another note or by octave) of current range
		+ CTRL + h to change right note (to another note or by octave) of current range
		+ SHIFT + b to change height of current range
		+ CTRL + b to change height of entire microtonal keyboard

	+ rearranged menu items on Drone Params
		+ brought drone AM depth and FM depth together
		+ brought drone AM BPM and FM BPM together
		+ moved Rotate and Scale drones to Drone Params tab from Drone Tools tab

	+ new ~ checkbutton on all spinners to toggle random increment
		+ click > on spinner to edit random increment
			+ in field after ~ label
			+ default is -100% to 100% of steady increment ie value in +- field

	+ press ESC to abort active octave shift on current instrument

	+ press g to toggle draw cursor guide on curve editors
		+ useful for aligning curve components
		+ activate with keyboard shortcut only, may appear on menu in future

	* improved turn and speed ball operator on Mondrian
		+ using new noise / random algorithm!

	* improved bezier curve generation

	* improved expression evaluation in numeric fields

	* improved warper default curves

	* improved waveforms library

	! fixed bug: DIN may crash when deleting a vertex of curve that has point modulation !
	! fixed bug: make absolute values of a binaural pair available for editing
							 when selection changed from multiple pairs to one pair. !
	! fixed bug: num pad + and - to change slit size on Mondrian !
	! fixed bug: non decaying notes when ball volume < 0 on Mondrian !
	! fixed bug: in display of Selected Range number on Microtonal Keyboard!
	! fixed bug: reposition drones when left note of first range, right note of last range changed !
	! fixed bug: in 2600 patch !
	! fixed typo: paris instead of pairs in binaural drones instrument !
2020-02-12 12:13:19 +00:00
3c6672f9d2 audio/din: Updates to 43.0.1
Changes since 43:

DIN Is Noise 43.0.1 @ Chennai, India
	! fixed bug: builds to evaluation instead of licensed version !
2019-11-06 11:23:25 +00:00
daf096cbf0 din: Updates to 43
Changes since 42:

DIN Is Noise 43 @ Chennai, India
	+ move groups of harmonics on sine mixer
		+ shift + click harmonic on sine mixer to select / deselect
		+ moving one of the selected harmonics moves all the selected harmonics
			'But then one lizard (or iguana) moved, and all moved'
				- VS Naipaul, Among the Believers
			+ but shift when moving moves just the selected harmonic
		+ all, none, invert buttons for gross selection
	+ resize phrase position slider
		+ DIN saves/reloads slider
	+ change both notes of selected range using mouse slider
		+ Use Menu > Ranges > Change note? > Both
	- removed Change Left note, Change Right note menu items in Menu > Ranges
		+ replaced with Change note? Left Right Both menu items
	+ scrub / scratch point modulations
		+ click on Scrub and move up or down
	+ Sync on Point Modulator
		+ workflow is
			+ select modulations
				+ pause
				+ sync
				+ play
	+ voice volume minimum can be < 0 [voice waveform flips]
	+ spinner to set absolute drone master volume
		+ drone master volume can be < 0 [drone waveform flips]
	- removed mute drones button
			* just spin drone master volume to 0
	+ save/load auto apply state on sine mixer
	+ save/load drone selection state
	+ save/load drone frozen state
	+ save/load plugins fold state for each curve editor
	+ save/load auto select launched drones flag
	+ turn on/off UI in all screens, not just in instruments
		* optimised
	+ click repeat of Apply button and key repeat of shortcut r for continous apply
		of plugin output to curve
		+ useful/interesting when point modulating custom sin/cos/radius curves etc
	+ drones per minute is floating point instead of integer
	* improved phrase handling for voice on microtonal keyboard
	* improved plugin browser on curve editors
	* changed default drone handle size to 3
	! fixed bug: turning on/off ui on point modulator may crash DIN42 !
	! fixed bug: pressing shift/ctrl effected selection box when not previewing mesh !
	! fixed bug: changing parameters on Number plugin didnt update preview !
	! fixed bug: frozen drones saved to disk thawed on reload !
	! fixed bug: didnt save/load turns on spiraler !
	! fixed bug: rotate/scale of drones happened in UI loop, now moved to audio loop !
	! fixed bug: stopped gravity editing when menu displayed !
2019-09-14 16:08:31 +00:00
942af2c6da din: Update to 42
Changes since 41:

DIN Is Noise 42 @ Chennai, India
	Dedicated to Dad, Mr Narasimhan Sampath [06-10-1943 >> 16-04-2019]
	+++ Point Modulator on all curve editors, new for DIN42 +++
		+ modulate any point on any bezier curve along horizontal (ie X) and
			vertical (ie Y) axis over BPM
			+ eg., when done on a waveform, leads to timbral modulation, look @ the FFT :)
					+ try on shapeforms too!
					+ try on decays, delay feedback and volumes, pitch and range modulation
						curves etc etc!
		+ to modulate, click on the + button on the Point Modulator panel
			+ now pick a point on curve (any vertex or tangent) to modulate
				+ DIN draws a dotted line joining a state button to the point on curve
					+ nothing is modulating yet
				+ change X depth to modulate the point along horizontal axis over BPM
					+ the point should start moving along the horizontal
				+ change Y depth to modulate the point along vertical axis over BPM
				+ change X BPM and Y BPM to change the rate ie speed of modulation of the point
				+ when more than one point is modulating,
					+ click on None to deselect all modulating points
					+ click on a point's state button to change modulation params for just that point.
						+ use the X depth/BPM, Y depth/BPM spinners to change the params
					+ use All, None and Invert to select more than one state button and thus more than
						one point.
						+ use the X depth/BPM, Y depth/BPM spinners to change params for selected points
		+ press play button to toggle point modulation of selected points
		+ press kill button to kill point modulations of selected points
		+ point modulations are saved [and loaded] to [from] disk :)

	+++ Captures - mouse capture panel on all curve editors, new for DIN42 +++
		+ play, pause and kill captures
		+ To record a mouse capture, position mouse on the curve item
			that you want to assign the mouse capture, choose Menu > Mouse capture > Start,
			move mouse as you please and click or ESC to finish.
		+ To assign the mouse capture, choose Menu > Mouse capture > Assign and pick
			the curve item to assign the mouse capture.  You can assign the same mouse
			capture to other items by repeating the same.
		+ mouse capture is *not* saved to disk [maybe in a future release]

	+ Overlay pitch and volume distrubution on microtonal-keyboard:
		+ Menu > Misc > Overlay pitch distribution
		+ Menu > Misc > Overlay volume distribution
		+ Pixels Per Level
			+ more pixels, less acurate rendering of distribution but faster
			+ less pixels, more accurate rendering of distribution but slower
			+ Default is 5 pixels
	+ Mirror whole curve or curve vertex/tangent about Horizontal and Vertical axis
	+ Swap 2 curves [experimental, only works on editors with 2 curves]
	- removed Close button from Menu
2019-05-11 13:18:48 +00:00
eb010fae79 din: Update to 39.0.1
Changes since 38a:

DIN Is Noise 39.0.1 @ Chennai, India.
	! FIXED build !

DIN Is Noise 39 @ Chennai, India.
	+ change left or right note of the current microtonal range
		+ change to another note of the scale or any note in tuning
		+ using Menu > Ranges > Change left note
		+ using Menu > Ranges > Change right note
		+ use range picker to pick the microtonal range
	+ browse selected drones to pick one
		+ DIN hilites picked drone with green cross hairs
		+ press LEFT ARROW to pick previous drone
		+ press RIGHT ARROW to pick next drone
		+ when you reach the end, DIN picks all drones in the original selection.
			+ can keep browsing if you like
		+ you can apply any drone operation to this picked drone
			eg., launch/stop launch drones from this drone and so on.
		+ aliter Menu > Drone Tools > Browse Drone
	+ snap selected drones to notes
		! DIN snapped all drones to notes until version 38a !
		+ allows for some drones to snap to notes and others to roam free
		+ select a bunch of drones and
			+ k to toggle snap drones to notes
			+ SHIFT + k to snap drones to notes
			+ CTRL + k to unsnap drones from notes
			+ aliter Menu > Drone Params > Snap drones to notes
				+ Set, Unset and Toggle
		+ use Snap Left and Snap Right to determine how drone snaps to left or
			right note of the microtonal range:
				+ eg., if Snap Left = 0.25 and Snap Right = 0.75 drone snaps to left note
				if the drone is in first 25% of microtonal range's width, snaps to the right
				note if its beyond 75% of the microtonal range's width.
				+ eg., if Snap Left = 0.5 and Snap Right = 0.5 too, drone snaps to left note
				for the first 50% of the microtonal range's width and then snaps to the right
				note for the remaining 50% of the microtonal range's width ie the drone always
				snaps to a note.
	+ modulation now affects velocity vector of selected drones
		+ select a bunch of drones and
			+ v to toggle
			+ SHIFT + v to let modulation affect velocity vector of selected drones
			+ CTRL + v to not let modulation affect velocity vector of selected drones
			+ aliter Menu > Drone Params > Modulation Affects Velocity
				+ Set, Unset and Toggle
	+ added Curve Mix Samples to specify Curve Mix Time in samples
		+ allows for very small curve mix times
		+ changing this value changes Curve Mix Time and vice-versa.
		+ also changes when sample rate changes
	+ turns is now floating point (was integer) in spiraler
		+ allows for both partial and complete turns eg., 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2 turns.
	+ press l to toggle label vertices on any curve editor
	+ RPM increment is 1.0 on curve editor
	* default Curve Mix Time is now 1 seconds
	* improved Mirror style of snap drones to notes
	* improved drone pitch / volume tagging
	! OPTIMISED plugins circler, rose milker, spiraler, sine mixer, lissajous !
	! FIXED select attractors from any selection of drones !
	! FIXED Record and Clear Phrase in Menu > Voice !
	! FIXED labeling of notes on Mondrian when tuning changes !
	! FIXED Drone Master Volume display !
	! FIXED Gravity tracks snapped x of drone instead of absolute x of drone !
	! FIXED default modulation width for all ranges is 0 !

din: Updated the maintainer email address.
2019-01-30 01:03:47 +00:00
8ccf69f551 Import of din-38a as audio/din
DIN Is Noise is an open source, cross-platform sound synthesizer.

DIN Is Noise is a musical instrument for Windows, Mac OS X and
GNU/Linux, Use your mouse & keyboard to make high quality music.

It can accept input from your MIDI keyboard, Notes, control change,
pitch bend and clock sync.
2018-12-10 20:33:06 +00:00