Add tex-toptesi{,-doc} 5.86f Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses
Add tex-stringstrings{,-doc} 1.23 String manipulation for cosmetic and
programming application
Add tex-probsoln{,-doc} 3.04 Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
Add tex-flowfram{,-doc} 1.17 Create text frames for posters, brochures or
Add tex-europasscv{,-doc} 2015 Unofficial class for the new version of the
Europass curriculum vitae
Add tex-envlab{,-doc} 1.2 Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
Add tex-newlfm{,-doc} 9.4 Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
Add tex-cuisine{,-doc} 0.7 Typeset recipes in LaTeX
From yhardy in pkgsrc-wip. Cleanup by me.