Obviously I couldn't get things right on the first commit. Why didn't I see
this, you ask? Because I had been running all my builds without PKG_DEVELOPER
enabled and only noticed this when 'make changes-entry' wouldn't work at
the last minute.
chunkwm is a tiling window manager for macOS that uses a plugin
architecture, successor to kwm. chunkwm represents windows as the
leaves of a binary tree, and supports binary space partitioned, monocle
and floating desktops.
Development is happening on macOS Mojave (10.14), but OSX El Capitan
(10.11.6) and newer should work fine. Older versions may or may not be
compatible and will not be officially supported.
chunkwm is controlled via the chunkc command-line utility, which sends
commands to chunkwm to manipulate windows.
chunkwm does not handle any keyboard input. A third party program (e.g.
skhd) is needed to map keyboard events to chunkwm actions via chunkc.