+ Install as a Ruby gem.
- Ruby on Rails 2.0 support.
- Add new command-line property '--docwrite={true|false}' to
Erubis::Ejavascript. If this property is true then
'document.write(_buf.join(""));' is used as postamble and if it is
false then '_buf.join("")' is used.
- When using Erubis::Eruby#evaluate(), changing local variables in
templates have affected to variables accessible with TOPLEVEL_BINDING.
It means that if you change variables in templates, it is possible
to change variables in main program. This was a bug and is now
fixed not to affect to variables in main program.
- Preprocessing is supported by Ruby on Rails helper.
- Erubis::Eruby#evaluate() (or Erubis::RubyEvaluator#evaluate()) now
creates Proc object from @src and eval it.
- Erubis::Eruby#def_method() is supported. This method defines ruby
code as instance method or singleton metod.
- Erubis::XmlHelper.url_escape() and u() which is alias of url_escape()
are added.