This is a major update, switches to the 0.12 release branch.
Most notable change is that the color management stuff which we had
as patches in pkgsrc is official now.
Otherwise - many fixes and enhancements.
(while this is a .0 release I've been tracking the 0.11.x snapshots
and release candidate for a while so I don't expect big problems)
Release 0.10.3
* Fix a crash on documents with malformed outline. Bug #19024
* Fix leak on AnnotScreen destructor. Bug #19095
* Fix wrong PS generation when a large image is in Patterns. Bug #18908
* Remove BaseFile.h it was never used. Bug #19298
* Improve document saving
* Fix PS generation of PDF with malformed font Length2 definition
* Fix a leak while parsing annotations
* Fix rendering of some checkboxes
* Fix positioning of Form rects on PDF with cropbox
* Fix positioning of Annotation rects on PDF with cropbox. Bug #18558.
* Small documentation improvements
* Make Document::fonts() work when called more than once. Bug #19405
build system:
* CMake: look harder for openjpeg
* CMake: update the poppler core headers installation
* Autotools: do not install as it's not a header
* Fix deserialization of links right coordinate