* pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGAUGES= # none" line.
2.1.0 (2018-10-04)
Spring has sprung so let's make a new release
New features:
* Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser -- you can now pass a block to the
middleware to override the default "parse me some JSON" behaviour.
Thanks to Kris Dekeyser (@Kris-LEBIS) for the patch.
* Ruby 2.5 support -- we're now running the test suite through Ruby 2.5.1, as
well as the latest patch releases of all other Ruby releases supported by
rack-contrib (back to 2.2, the same as Rack itself). The only "interesting"
change here is that some Rack::Profiler printers no longer work, which is
not our fault, but rather a problem with ruby-prof.
Bug fixes:
* Remove a deprecation warning about has_rdoc. Thanks to Luciano Sousa
(@lucianosousa) for the patch.
2.0.1 2017/12/08
Multibytes bytes again!
This is a bugfix release, which fixes a Rack 2 incompatibility in
Rack::NotFound, where the wrong value for the Content-Length response
header was calculated (#143).
Thanks to Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA (@znz) for the bug report, and Joe Francis
(@lostapathy) for the fix.
2.0.0 2017/11/30
Rack 2.x Support Is HERE!
Thanks to the hard work of Skye Shaw, amongst others, this release of
rack-contrib supports Rack 2.x. Unfortunately, it only supports Rack
2.x; if your application is using Rack 1.x, you should continue to use
rack-contrib 1.x.
The non-backwards-compatible, user-visible changes are:
* Drop support for Ruby versions less than 2.2. Rack 2 does not support these
older releases, so there's no benefit in our doing so.
* Rack::NestedParams: switch to using Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query to parse
request bodies, which handles repeated element keys differently. See #92.
* Rack::Sendfile: removed completely. Rack core provides a middleware of the
same name that is much better, and more actively maintained, and you should
use that instead.
* Rack::AcceptFormat: removed completely, because it is terribad.
1.6.0 (2017/09/01)
* Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser: if the middleware is told a POST body is
JSON, but it doesn't parse as JSON, then... it's not really JSON, and the
request is now rejected with a 400 response. Thanks to Yukihiko SAWANOBORI
(@sawanoboly) for the fix.
1.5.0 (2017/07/19)
After an extended hiatus, rack-contrib maintenance is back on track. This
is a tidy-up release, merging things that have sat around for far too long.
* git-version-bump has now been moved to being a development dependency,
thanks to Tobias Haagen Michaelsen.
* Rack::AcceptLocale can be restricted to a set of enforced locales, thanks to
Paco Guzman.
* Rack::NotFound's path argument is now optional, thanks to Ed Morley.
* Rack::BounceFavicon now has a description and tests, thanks to Steven
* The automated Travis CI suite now tests all supported Ruby versions up to
2.4, which necessitated a few small changes.
v1.4.0: Features, Features Everywhere, and not a bug to fix
There's a bumper crop of new features this month. Share and enjoy!
* Rack::AcceptFormat is slated for removal in rack-contrib 2.0.0 (due on or
after 1 January, 2016. Using this middleware will now result in a
deprecation warning being printed to stderr. If you use this middleware, now
would be a good time to start doing things properly.
* Rack::LazyConditionalGet: new middleware, by Mig. This middleware tracks
when the last POST/PUT/DELETE request was made, and returns 304 responses to
requests which include a Last-Modified entity request header which is
greater than or equal to that time.
* Rack::StaticCache: You can now specify a custom "version" regex for your
cache invalidation, if the default doesn't do it for you. Initial patch
provided by Eric Boehs.
* Rack::Profiler: You can now run a single request through the profiler
multiple times, by adding the profiler_runs query parameter to the
URL. Patch provided by Bryce McDonnell.