2.11 2015/05/12 14:19:07 Europe/Oslo (cosimo)
No functional changes, only minor cleanups and a fix for RT#99810
(compilation on non-gcc based systems). Thanks to bjakubski for sending
in patches on Github.
1.23 2015.05.20
- Add version numbers to all the pm files.
1.22 2015.05.20
- Refactoring code: 3 argument open, no bareword filehandles
- Refactoring code: convert indirect calls to direct calls
- Add optional test using Test::Perl::Critic
- Fix missing file issue introduced in 1.21
- Include the Test::Comile based test
1.21 2015.05.20
- More tests (use Test::Compile)
- Refactoring code (use Path::Tiny)
- Run perltidy on the code.
- Separate packages to their own files.
- Add use warnings; use strict; remove use diagnostics;
- Remove remaining use 5.... statements.
1.20 2015.05.19
- Refactor test script to use Test::More
1.19 2015.05.18
- Include link to VCS, Bug tracking system, hopepage.
1.18 2015.05.18
- Just to let PAUSE index it.
1.17_01 2015.05.18
- New maintainer (SZABGAB)
1.899 Wed May 6 06:34:22 2015
- Fixed bug in ORD() where huge integers (in strings) were
downgraded to floating point before being (incorrectly) inflected
(thanks Dmytro!)
Changes in version - 2015-05-21
Tor fixes a bit of dodgy code in parsing INTRODUCE2 cells, and
fixes an authority-side bug in assigning the HSDir flag. All directory
authorities should upgrade.
o Major bugfixes (hidden services, backport from
- Revert commit that made directory authorities assign the HSDir
flag to relay without a DirPort; this was bad because such relays
can't handle BEGIN_DIR cells. Fixes bug 15850; bugfix
on tor-
o Minor bugfixes (hidden service, backport from
- Fix an out-of-bounds read when parsing invalid INTRODUCE2 cells on
a client authorized hidden service. Fixes bug 15823; bugfix
o Minor features (geoip):
- Update geoip to the April 8 2015 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country database.
- Update geoip6 to the April 8 2015 Maxmind GeoLite2
Country database.
Changes in version - 2015-04-06
Tor fixes two security issues that could be used by an
attacker to crash hidden services, or crash clients visiting hidden
services. Hidden services should upgrade as soon as possible; clients
should upgrade whenever packages become available.
This release also contains two simple improvements to make hidden
services a bit less vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks.
o Major bugfixes (security, hidden service):
- Fix an issue that would allow a malicious client to trigger an
assertion failure and halt a hidden service. Fixes bug 15600;
bugfix on Reported by "disgleirio".
- Fix a bug that could cause a client to crash with an assertion
failure when parsing a malformed hidden service descriptor. Fixes
bug 15601; bugfix on Found by "DonnchaC".
o Minor features (DoS-resistance, hidden service):
- Introduction points no longer allow multiple INTRODUCE1 cells to
arrive on the same circuit. This should make it more expensive for
attackers to overwhelm hidden services with introductions.
Resolves ticket 15515.
- Decrease the amount of reattempts that a hidden service performs
when its rendezvous circuits fail. This reduces the computational
cost for running a hidden service under heavy load. Resolves
ticket 11447.
1.7034 2015-05-07 14:20:57 PDT
- Improved an error message when dependency requirement in cpanfile
get conflict with prereqs in sub dependencies.
- Add one DEPENDS archivers/p5-Archive-Tar-Wrapper
to satisfy one of '# === Runtime Recommends ==='
(one more to add, Term::ReadLine::Gnu, but not for now).
- update to 5.036
5.036 2015-05-02 11:08:51-04:00 America/New_York
- BUGFIX: detection of trial status via underscore in version was
accidentally lost in v5.035; restored now!
Archive::Tar::Wrapper is an API wrapper around the 'tar' command line
utility. It never stores anything in memory, but works on temporary
directory structures on disk instead. It provides a mapping between the
logical paths in the tarball and the 'real' files in the temporary
directory on disk.
It differs from Archive::Tar in two ways:
- Archive::Tar::Wrapper doesn't hold anything in memory. Everything is
stored on disk.
- Archive::Tar::Wrapper is 100% compliant with the platform's tar
utility, because it uses it internally.
1.26 Sun Apr 12 13:37:00 2015
- Fix bug in string2hashref(), which failed on some strings, such as {a => 'b, c'}.
string2hashref() is called by read_tree().
Escaped chars are still not handled.
- Add t/string2hash.t to test new code.
1.25 Sun Mar 22 11:42:00 2015
- I've deleted the undocumented sub _dump_quote(), which butchered
Unicode characters
when it tried to convert ASCII control characters into
printable strings (on the assumption all data is
ASCII). Thanx to Dr. Petra Steiner (Germany) for discussion
and some testing. I hope no-one was relying on this sub in
output redirected to disk files, or otherwise saved for
later comparisons.
Methods which used to call _dump_quote() now just output
the node's name by calling quote_name(), which is discussed
next. Undefined names are output as the string 'undef'.
- Add method quote_name(), which simply returns its input string
surrounded by single-quotes.
- Add method decode_lol(). This converts the output of
tree_to_lol() and tree_to_simple_lol() into something which
is easy to read. See scripts/read.tree.pl for sample usage.
- Reorder a couple of methods called tree_*(), so that they are in
alphabetical order.
- Expand the docs for methods tree_to_*(), re undefined node names.
- Add scripts/write.tree.pl, which creates the test input file
t/tree.utf8.attributes.txt. Note: This latter file is now
much more complex that in previous versions.
- Add scripts/read.tree.pl, and it's output file scripts/read.tree.log. This program
demonstrates the output produced by various methods.
- Fix the faulty syntax I had used in Build.PL to identify the github repo.
- Delete and re-create github repo after 'git push' failed to upload the new version.
1.24 Sun Jan 25 14:17:00 2015
- Clean up discussion in docs of original author's reluctance to
allow parameters to new().
- Rewrite bareword filehandles (INX) to use a variable (my $fh).
- Rename github repo from Tree--DAG_Node to Tree-DAG_Node - My new standard.
Update Build.PL and Makefile.PL to match.
- Reformat the docs, and this file, slighty, to be <= 100 chars per
line - My new standard.
- Change horizontal indentation used by node2string() to add 1
space, so '|' lines up underneath the first char of the
previous node's name. Use scripts/cut.and.paste.subtrees.pl
to see the difference.
1.10 2015-05-12 05:15:41 -0400
- Work around for buggy IPC::Run3 0.048 on MSWin32
On Windows we probe for and mitigate a bug in IPC::Run3
(see https://github.com/plicease/Test-Script/issues/1 for details)
with the intention of removing the workaround if/when IPC::Run3
is fixed.
1.09 2015-05-07 16:44:26 -0400
- If IPC::Run3::run3 throws an exception it will now fail the test
(with a helpful diagnostic) rather than crashing the test script.
- A script that is killed with a singnal is now considered a failure
as well.
- Use alternate expected exit and signal values with options as the
second argument to script_runs.
- Ability to pass input via stdin to the script with script_runs.
- Ability to capture stdout and stderr from script with script_runs.
- Functions to test stdout and stderr:
1.08 2015-05-06 05:09:13 -0400
- Now works with or without blib (rt81222, rt102743)
- Compatability with older versions of Test::Builder::Tester (rt81335)
- Requires Perl 5.6.0
- Migrate to Dist::Zilla
1.20 2015-05-17
* Search::Elasticsearch::Client::Direct in favour of
New features:
* Added support for structured JSON exceptions in Elasticsearch 2.0
* Added support for plugins
* Added Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct for the upcoming
Elasticsearch 2.0 with these changes:
* removed delete_by_query()
* removed termvector()
* removed indices.delete_mapping()
* removed nodes.shutdown()
* removed indices.status()
* added terminate_after param to search()
* added dfs param to termvectors()
* removed filter_keys param from indices.clear_cache()
* removed full param from indices.flush()
* removed force param from indics.optmize()
* removed replication param from all CRUD methods
* removed mlt() method
Bug fix:
* The bulk buffer was being cleared on a NoNodes exception
Added class:
Added methods:
* field_stats()
Added params:
* allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable to cluster.state()
* fielddata_fields to search()
* master_timeout to indices.get_template() and indices.exists_template()
* detect_noop to update()
* only_ancient_segments to upgrade()
* analyze_wildcards, analyzer, default_operator, df, lenient, lowercase_expanded_terms,
and q to count(), search_exists() and indices.validate_query()
Removed methods:
* benchmark.* - never released in Elasticsearch
* arrays of enum query string params are now flattened as CSV
* enum expand_wildcards also accepts: none, all
* Search::Elasticsearch is no longer a Moo class
* Updated elasticsearch.org URLs to use elastic.co instead
* the request body is retained in exceptions
* upgraded Hijk to 0.20
Updated devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML to 0.016
Updated devel/p5-Capture-Tiny to 0.30
Updated devel/p5-Class-ErrorHandler to 0.04
Updated devel/p5-Config-Properties to 1.80
Updated devel/p5-Data-Munge to 0.095
Updated devel/p5-Eval-Closure to 0.13
Updated devel/p5-List-MoreUtils to 0.412
Updated devel/p5-Module-Build to 0.42120
Updated devel/p5-MooseX-Declare to 0.41
Updated devel/p5-Parallel-ForkManager to 1.14