SciPy 0.12.1 is a bug-fix release with no new features compared to
0.12.0. The single issue fixed by this release is a security issue in
``scipy.weave``, which was previously using temporary directories in
an insecure manner under certain circumstances.
Changes since 3.1.3:
Bug 620: Fix robustness and performance issues in JacobiSVD::solve.
Bug 613: Fix accuracy of SSE sqrt for very small numbers.
Bug 608: Fix sign computation in LDLT.
Fix write access to CwiseUnaryView expressions.
Fix compilation of transposeInPlace() for Array expressions.
Fix non const data() member in Array and Matrix wrappers.
Fix a few warnings and compilation issues with recent compiler versions.
Documentation fixes.
o The vignette hwde.Rnw has been modified to add missing text and to
conform to current Sweave markup conventions
o Code for the functions hwde() and make.contrasts() has been modified
so that R CMD check no longer reports "No visible binding for global
variable 'oset'."
=== 0.8.9 / 24.08.2013
Author: Doug Renn <>
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:10:24 2013 -0600
* Work around to handle number formats that are being mistaken time formats
Upstream changes:
1.07 Thu Jan 19 2012
- synchronised the autoseeding mechanism with that of Math::Random::MT
1.08 Mon May 28 2012
- synchronised the autoseeding mechanism with that of Math::Random::MT that
is more elegant and portable
1.09 Mon Jun 4 2012
- added the irand() function to draw random integers, as in Math::Random::MT
1.10 Mon Aug 6 2012
- made set_seed() return the seed, as does Math::Random::MT
- migrated test suite to Test::More and Test::Number::Delta
- Improvement of unit tests
Upstream changes:
6.22 Tue Sep 4 14:06:20 2012
- Enhancement to shuffle() to return an array
6.21 Mon Aug 6 17:27:37 2012
- Haiku does not support non-blocking IO
6.19 Fri Jul 27 00:48:20 2012
- Prevent use of incompatible state vectors
6.18 Thu Jan 26 14:58:57 2012
- Ignore warnings from other modules during tests
6.17 Wed Jan 11 05:55:09 2012
- Require OIO 3.85 to fix some 'used only once' warnings
Upstream changes:
0.31 2013-08-07
- Change proof certificate documentation to reflect the new text format.
- Some platforms were using __int128 when it wasn't supported. Only
x86_64 and Power64 use it now.
- Small speedup for ranged totient internals.
- Patch MPU::GMP 0.13 giving us not quite what we expected from a small
certificate. Fixed in MPU::GMP 0.14, worked around here regardless.
0.30 2013-08-06
[API Changes]
- Primality proofs now use the new "MPU Certificate" format, which is
text rather than a nested Perl data structure. This is much better
for external interaction, especially with non-Perl tools. It is
not quite as convenient for all-Perl manipulation.
[Functions Added]
- is_frobenius_underwood_pseudoprime
- is_almost_extra_strong_lucas_pseudoprime
- lucas_sequence
- pplus1_factor
- Documentation and PP is_prime changed to use extra strong Lucas test
from the strong test. This matches what the newest MPU::GMP does.
This has no effect at all for numbers < 2^64. No counter-example is
known for the standard, strong, extra strong, or almost extra strong
(increment 1 or 2) tests. The extra strong test is faster than the
strong test and produces fewer pseudoprimes. It retains the residue
class properties of the strong Lucas test (where the SPSP-2
pseudoprimes favor residue class 1 and the Lucas pseudoprimes favor
residue class -1), hence should retain the BPSW test strength.
- XS code for all 4 Lucas tests.
- Clean up is_prob_prime, also ~10% faster for n >= 885594169.
- Small mulmod speedup for non-gcc/x86_64 platforms, and for any platform
with gcc 4.4 or newer.
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed a rare refcount / bignum / callback issue in next_prime.
The cdecimal package is a fast drop-in replacement for the decimal module
in Python's standard library. Both modules provide complete implementations
of Mike Cowlishaw/IBM's General Decimal Arithmetic Specification.
This archive is identical to the mpdecimal package, except that library
tests and documentation have been removed.
For documentation, visit:
Contact: Stefan Krah <>
Upstream changes:
Changes in version 1.6-1
write.matrix.csr() now accepts a fac argument similar to read.matrix.csr(), writing factor levels instead of the numeric codes.
naiveBayes() uses a numerically more stable formula for calculating the a-posterior probabilities.
predict.naiveBayes() now accepts data with predictors in an order different from the training data, and also ignores variables not in the model (especially the response variable).
svm() checks whether parameters which are passed to the C-code are set to NULL to avoid segfaults.
plyr is a set of tools that solves a common set of problems: you
need to break a big problem down into manageable pieces, operate
on each pieces and then put all the pieces back together. For example,
you might want to fit a model to each spatial location or time point
in your study, summarise data by panels or collapse high-dimensional
arrays to simpler summary statistics. The development of plyr has
been generously supported by BD (Becton Dickinson).
Upstream changes:
Version 0.2-7
* Trivial changes (updated package fields, daj)
Version 0.2-6
* Removed deprecated \synopsis in some Rd files (thanks to Prof. Ripley)
Upstream changes:
Changes to Version 2.0-18
o Bug fix to boot with type="residual"
o Added densityPlot() function.
Changes to Version 2.0-17
o Add a variable to AMSsurvey.
o Fix to residualPlots to compute lack of fit tests with missing values and glms.
o Fix to residualPlots with a 0/1 variable not declared a factor.
o Boxplot() now works properly with at argument passed to boxplot() via ... (contribution of Steve Ellison).
o qqPlot.lm() now works with "aov" objects (fixing problem reported by Thomas Burk).
o Small fixes to code and docs.
Changes to Version 2.0-16
o Fixed bug in printing of hypotheses by linearHypothesis(), where numeric
constants of the form 1.* or -1.* were printed incorrectly (reported by Johannes Kutsam).
o Fixed a bug in showLabels() with multiple groups in the scatterplot() and scatterplotMatrix() function.
o linearHypothesisTest() now tolerates newlines and tabs in hypotheses (suggestion of David Hugh-Jones).
o two bugs fixed in Boot() (found by David Pain) changed argument f to f. in bootCase().
o summary.Boot(), confint.Boot() and hist.Boot() handle aliases correctly.
o Boxplot.formula() now accepts more than one conditioning variable (suggestion of Christina Yassouridis).
O Boxplot() now properly handles at argument passed through via ... to boxplot() (contribution of Steve Ellison).
o Small fixes.
Changes to Version 2.0-15
o Added an argument coef. to linearHypothesis so tests of the linear hypohtesis form can be computed without reference to a fitted model
o Added a linearHypothesis.nlsList method
o Added an nls method for Boot
o Recode() introduced as alias for recode() to avoid name clash with Hmisc.
o residualPlots for glms now ignore starting values for the computing algorithm when computing lack of fit tests; starting values previously caused an error.
o Marginal Model Plots now allow conditioning on a categorical variable.
Changes to Version 2.0-14
o Smoothers now given as arguments to scatterplot(), scatterplotMatrix(), residualPlots() and other functions; gamLine(), loessLine() (default), and quantregLine() smoothers provided.
o linearHypothesis.mer() and Anova.mer() now consistent with pbkrtest version 0.3-2.
o Small changes and fixes.
Changes to Version 2.0-13
o Added point marking (id.n, etc.) to dataEllipse
o Changed the default for id.method with the invTranPlot to "x".
o The ncvTest has been rewritten for stability, and unneeded 'data', 'subset' and 'na.action' argument have been removed
o Added new function 'Boot' that is a simple front-end to boot::boot that will be useful when bootstrapping regression models. Implemented for lm and glm, but this is likely to work for many other S3 regression models with and 'update' method, 'subset' argument.
o Fixed bug in 'compareCoefs' with non-full rank models
o Modified 'bootCase' to return a matrix of class c("bootCase", "matrix") so generic functions can be written to summarize these objects.
o Minor changes to the returned value of showLabels to give both the label and the corresponding row number. showLabels documentation tweaked.
o Improved handling of center.pch argument to ellipse() (suggestion of Rob Kushler).
o New test argument for linearHypothesis.mer() and test.statistic argument for Anova.mer() for F-tests with Kenward/Roger df, provided by pbkrtest package.
o Anova.mlm() now will do univariate repeated-measures ANOVA even if the error SSP matrix is singular.
o hccm() will now accept a weighted linear models (suggestion of Stefan Holst Bache).
o deltaMethod.default() now applies coef() and vcov() to a model for which these are supported (generalizing a suggestion by Scott Kostyshak).
o Fixed handling of labels argument in scatterplot.formula() and scatterplotMatrix.formula().
o Fixed qqPlot.default() so that it honors line="none" (bug reported by Rob Kushler).
o Added new default method for confidenceEllipse(), which now can construct confidence ellipses for linear functions of coefficients.
o globalVariables() called for R 2.15.1 or later.
o Fixed bug in logit() when percents=TRUE and largest percent is 1 (reported by Eric Goodwin).
o Added radius argument to scatter3d() (suggestion of Antonino Messina).
o Fixed spurious errors message in scatter3d() when groups present but surface=FALSE (reported by David L. Carlson).