4.2.0 (2021-06-21)
* Add default? to PaymentMethodNonce (thanks @klouvas)
* Add error code TaxAmountIsRequiredForAibSwedish for attribute tax_amount
in transaction key for AIB:Domestic Transactions in Sweden
4.3.0 (2021-07-15)
* Add a log message to the ArgumentError at TransactionGateway.find
* Add exchange_rate_quote_id to Transaction.create
* Add error code ExchangeRateQuoteIdTooLong to Transaction
* Add the following fields to ApplePayCard and GooglePayCard:
- commercial
- debit
- durbin_regulated
- healthcare
- payroll
- prepaid
- product_id
- country_of_issuance
- issuing_bank
* Add the following fields to PayPalDetails:
- tax_id
- tax_id_type
4.4.0 (2021-08-05)
* Sanitize encrypted_card_data logs
* Add LocalPaymentExpired and LocalPaymentFunded webhook notification
4.1.0 (2021-05-25)
* Add payment_reader_card_details parameter to Transaction.sale
* Add webhook sample for GrantedPaymentMethodRevoked
* Add skip_advanced_fraud_checking to:
- Customer#create and Customer#update
- PaymentMethod#create and PaymentMethod#update
- CreditCard#create and CreditCard#update
* Include rexml in Gemspec (fixes#214)
* Fix incorrect error code constants (fixes#213)
- PaymentMethodNonceConsumed is now 93107
- CannotForwardPaymentMethodType is now 93106
4.0.0 (2021-05-10)
* Breaking Changes
- Update gemspec to require ruby >= 2.6.0
- Remove ExternalVault::CardTypeIsInvalid error code
- Remove RiskData::CustomerBrowserIsTooLong error code
- Remove paypal_vault_without_upgrade parameter from PaymentMethod#create
- Add PaymentMethodNonceDetails and PaymentMethodNonceDetailsPayerInfo
o PaymentMethodNonce#details is now an instance of
PaymentMethodNonceDetails rather than a hash
o PaymentMethodNonceDetails#payer_info is now an instance of
PaymentMethodNonceDetailsPayerInfo rather than a hash
* Add phone_number to Address
* Add paypal_messages to Dispute
* Add tax_identifiers parameter to Customer.create and Customer.update
* Add chargeback_protection_level into dispute search
* Make libxml-ruby an optional dependency instead of required (addresses
JRuby incompatibility issues raised in #203 and #205)
3.4.0 (2021-04-12)
* Add local_payment_reversed webhook notification
* Add Transaction.adjust_authorization method to support for multiple
authorizations for a single transaction
* Add merchant_account_id parameter to Transaction#refund
* Add store_id and store_ids parameters to Transaction#search
* Add support for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone when generating XML (thanks
3.3.0 (2021-03-15)
* Add decision_reasons and transaction_risk_score fields to RiskData
* Add acs_transaction_id, pares_status, three_d_secure_transaction_id,
lookup, and authentication to ThreeDSecureInfo
Existing SHA1 digests verified, all found to be the same on the
machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). Existing SHA1
digests retained for now as an audit trail.