The ld linker from binutils 2.22 has --no-copy-dt-needed-entries enabled by
default, which is exactly opposite of earlier versions of the linker.
Previously ld would recursively search libraries linked in by the object's
primary libraries during symbol resolution. Now linker wants all libraries
explicit requested, otherwise one gets a message such as this:
ld: <object file>: undefined reference to symbol '<symbol>'
ld: note: '<symbol>' is defined in DSO <shared library> so try adding it
to the linker command line.
If this message is encountered, the two options are either to explicitly
add it to the linker command as suggested, or use the
--no-copy-dt-needed-entries switch to return the linker to its previous
behavior. In the case of math/pari, libstdc++ was added to the library
list for the plotfltk.o object. This explicit link is required by DragonFly
which is migrated to binutils 2.22 as its default version.
is rendered and installed. Disabling the option is helpful e.g. for
web servers supporting OpenID logins, where X and TeX aren't present.
pkgsrc changes:
- Adding license (GPLv2)
- Adding X11 and GMP support (latter via option)
- Adding patches to support math/p5-Math-Pari can be build without
rebuilding pari again
Upstream changes:
* Primarily a lot of bug fixes
* Plotting API reworked
* More targets are supported
- src/kernel/sparcv8/MakeVar.SH missing from MANIFEST (hence from tarball)
- stack corruption in matsnf() [ when GC occurs ]
- incorrect result in gaffsg(s < 0, t_PADIC)
- [hi-res plot: X-Windows] rescaling bug
- [ix86 + gcc]: fix "invalid preprocessing token" Warning
- removed hack in buchall() [ function called through unappropriate
type (in init mode) to avoid inserting irrelevant arguments ]. Caused
some compiler to produce incorrect code (SEGV).
- typo in isabsolutepol(): SEGV in factorff for some t_POLs
defined over the prime field
- inconsistent error message when starting 'gp -p 436273000'
- Configure support for GNU/Hurd
1- return() could forget objects on heap [F2]
2- polhensellift(x^3+x^2+2,[x^2,x+1],2) --> pols not coprime [F3]
3- Configure missed some shared libraries [e.g RedHat 7.0] [F4]
4- requests for precision of bnfinit(x) [ = Q ] could yield SEGV [F6]
5- compatible = 3 not taken into account when reading a file [F7]
6- lines > 0: output driver didn't reset properly after user output [F9]
7- nfdisc(x^5+2*x^4+3*x^3-3*x^2+122*x-1) --> impossible inverse [F10]
8- bug in gcc-2.95: SEGV on Linux (quicksqri) [F11]
9- addrfrac: could return a t_RFRAC whose denominator wasn't a t_POL[F12]
10- bnfcertify (zimmertbound): off by two error when reading bound [F13]
BA 11- pbs in Fp_factor_irred (factoring over Fq a pol. defined over Fp)[F25]
12- typo in quadhilbertimag (SEGV for very large discriminants) [F28]
BA 13- isprime(n < 2, 2 or 3) gave wrong result [F31]
BA 14- nfgaloisconj(polcyclo(11)+1)--> oo loop [F35]
nfgaloisconj(polcyclo(40))-->incorrect result
IS 15- typo in squfof tuning on 64bit machines [F36]
16- van Hoeij's algorithm (factor(Z[X])): wrong bound in LLL_cmbf [F41]
17- rare SEGV in nfdisc [F44]
18- rare problem in isprincipal (large non Galois base field) [F56]
--> wrong result (generators not required) or infinite loop.
19- build failed with readline-4.2 [F57]
1- DOS distribution archives (GPM removed) [C1]
XR 2- try more prime ideals in nfsqff [nffactor, modular part] [C4]
3- renamed library function gsize() to sizedigit() [pb with gtk] [C10]
IK 4- let lisGEN() return NULL when EOF is met (was oo loop) [C12]
5- install the whole distribution (see ?12) + improved Configure [C17]
1- README.WIN, config/[arch-osname|locatesymbol], doc/tex2mail.1 [A1]
* Install library as libpari.a. (Previously the package installed
libpari.a.2.1 and created a symbolic link libpari.a).
* Fix warning about O_RDONLY being redefined.
PARI-GP is a package which is aimed at efficient computations in
number theory, but also contains a large number of other useful
functions. It is somewhat related to a Computer Algebra System, but
is not really one since it treats symbolic expressions as mathematical
entities such as matrices, polynomials, series, etc..., and not as
expressions per se. However it is often much faster than other CAS,
and contains a large number of specific functions not found elsewhere,
essentially for use in number theory.
This package can be used in an interactive shell (GP) or as a C/C++
library (PARI). It is free software, in the sense of freedom AND 'free
of charge'.