Changes from previous:
0.08 2010.12.06
- Altered explode() to canonicalize line endings to \n, handling
DOS (\r\n) and older mac (\r) line breaks cleanly. Thanks to Matt
Gramlich for the patch.
- Removed sign() and auto_install() from Makefile.PL.
- Removed magic svn keywords.
- Converted test suite to Test::More.
- Added author tests (xt/) and modified SYNOPSIS for all modules to
make them pass the compilation test.
Pkgsrc changes:
- New prerequisite package p5-Class-ErrorHandler.
- Removed dependency on p5-Cryp-DES. Crypt::DES is not used anywhere in the
Changes since version 0.06:
0.07 2005.05.25
- Allow passing in Name and Macro parameters on encode and decode,
rather than just at initialization.
- Use Class::ErrorHandler instead of our own built-in error-handling
- Switched to using Module::Install in Makefile.PL.