- **MongoDB**: Now endures a connection failover (Issue #123).
- **MongoDB**: Fixed ``KeyError`` when a replica set member is removed.
Also fixes celery#971 and celery/#898.
- **MongoDB**: Fixed MongoDB broadcast cursor re-initialization bug.
- **Async**: Fixed bug in lax semaphore implementation where in
some usage patterns the limit was not honored correctly.
- **Redis**: Fixed problem with fanout when using Python 3 (Issue #324).
- **Redis**: Fixed ``AttributeError`` from attempting to close a non-existing
connection (Issue #320).
- Redis: Fixed serious race condition that could lead to data loss.
The delivery tags were accidentally set to be an incremental number
local to the channel, but the delivery tags need to be globally
unique so that a message can not overwrite an older message
in the backup store.
This change is not backwards incompatible and you are encouraged
to update all your system using a previous version as soon as possible.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.4.
- Pidbox: Now makes sure message encoding errors are handled by default,
so that a custom error handler does not need to be specified.
- Redis: The fanout exchange can now use AMQP patterns to route and filter
This change is backwards incompatible and must be enabled with
the ``fanout_patterns`` transport option::
>>> conn = kombu.Connection('redis://', transport_options={
... 'fanout_patterns': True,
... })
When enabled the exchange will work like an amqp topic exchange
if the binding key is a pattern.
This is planned to be default behavior in the future.
- Redis: Fixed ``cycle`` no such attribute error.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.3.
- Fixes Python 3.4 logging incompatibility (Issue #311).
- Redis: Now properly handles unknown pub/sub messages.
- amqplib: Fixed bug where more bytes were requested from the socket
than necessary.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.2.
- Now always trusts messages of type `application/data` and `application/text`
or which have an unspecified content type (Issue #306).
- Compression errors are now handled as decode errors and will trigger
the ``Consumer.on_decode_error`` callback if specified.
- New ``kombu.Connection.get_heartbeat_interval()`` method that can be
used to access the negotiated heartbeat value.
- `kombu.common.oid_for` no longer uses the MAC address of the host, but
instead uses a process-wide UUID4 as a node id.
This avoids a call to `uuid.getnode()` at module scope.
- Hub.add: Now normalizes registered fileno.
- SQS: Fixed bug where the prefetch count limit was not respected.
per documentation. Updated to latest release, 3.0.8. From Changelog:
- Serializer: loads and dumps now wraps exceptions raised into
:exc:`~kombu.exceptions.DecodeError` and
:exc:`kombu.exceptions.EncodeError` respectively.
- Redis: Would attempt to read from the wrong connection if a
select/epoll/kqueue exception event happened.
- Redis: Disabling ack emulation now works properly.
- Redis: :exc:`IOError` and :exc:`OSError` are now treated as recoverable
connection errors.
- SQS: Improved performance by reading messages in bulk.
- Connection Pool: Attempting to acquire from a closed pool will now
raise :class:`RuntimeError`.
- Fixes Python 2.6 compatibility.
- Redis: Fixes 'bad file descriptor' issue.
- Timer: No longer attempts to hash keyword arguments (Issue #275).
- Async: Did not account for the long type for file descriptors.
- PyPy: kqueue support was broken.
- Redis: Bad pub/sub payloads no longer crashes the consumer.
- Redis: Unix socket URLs can now specify a virtual host by including
it as a query parameter.
- ``kombu.VERSION`` is now a named tuple.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.3.3.
- Redis: Fixed Python 3 compatibility problem (Issue #270).
- MongoDB: Fixed problem with URL parsing when authentication used.
- pyamqp: Fixed small issue when publishing the message and
the property dictionary was set to None.
- Fixed problem in ``repr(LaxBoundedSemaphore)``.
- Tests now passing on Python 3.3.
- common.QoS: ``decrement_eventually`` now makes sure the value
does not go below 1 if a prefetch count is enabled.
- SQS: Properly reverted patch that caused delays between messages.
- select: Clear all registerd fds on poller.cloe
- Eventloop: unregister if EBADF raised.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` version 1.3.2.
- select: Fixed problem where unregister did not properly remove
the fd.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` version 1.3.1.
- Redis: New option ``fanout_keyprefix``
This transport option is recommended for all users as it ensures
that broadcast (fanout) messages sent is only seen by the current
virtual host:
Connection('redis://', transport_options={'fanout_keyprefix': True})
However, enabling this means that you cannot send or receive messages
from older Kombu versions so make sure all of your participants
are upgraded and have the transport option enabled.
This will be the default behavior in Kombu 4.0.
- Distribution: Removed file ``requirements/py25.txt``.
- MongoDB: Now disables ``auto_start_request``.
- MongoDB: Enables ``use_greenlets`` if eventlet/gevent used.
- Pidbox: Fixes problem where expires header was None,
which is a value not supported by the amq protocol.
- ConsumerMixin: New ``consumer_context`` method for starting
the consumer without draining events.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` version 1.3.
- No longer supports Python 2.5
The minimum Python version supported is now Python 2.6.0 for Python2,
and Python 3.3 for Python3.
- Dual codebase supporting both Python 2 and 3.
No longer using ``2to3``, making it easier to maintain support for
both versions.
- pickle, yaml and msgpack deserialization is now disabled by default.
This means that Kombu will by default refuse to handle any content type
other than json.
- kombu.async: Experimental event loop implementation.
- Utility function ``kombu.common.ipublish`` has been removed.
Use ``Producer(..., retry=True)`` instead.
- Utility function ``kombu.common.isend_reply`` has been removed
Use ``send_reply(..., retry=True)`` instead.
- ``kombu.common.entry_to_queue`` and ``kombu.messaging.entry_to_queue``
has been removed.
Use ``Queue.from_dict(name, **options)`` instead.
- Redis: Messages are now restored at the end of the list.
- ``StdConnectionError`` and ``StdChannelError`` is removed
and :exc:`amqp.ConnectionError` and :exc:`amqp.ChannelError` is used
- Message object implementation has moved to :class:`kombu.message.Message`.
- Serailization: Renamed functions encode/decode to
:func:`~kombu.serialization.dumps` and :func:`~kombu.serialization.loads`.
For backward compatibility the old names are still available as aliases.
- The ``kombu.log.anon_logger`` function has been removed.
Use :func:`~kombu.log.get_logger` instead.
- ``queue_declare`` now returns namedtuple with ``queue``, ``message_count``,
and ``consumer_count`` fields.
- LamportClock: Can now set lock class
- :mod:`kombu.utils.clock`: Utilities for ordering events added.
- :class:`~kombu.simple.SimpleQueue` now allows you to override
the exchange type used.
- Zookeeper transport updated to support new changes in the :mod:`kazoo`
- pyamqp/librabbitmq: Transport options are now forwarded as keyword arguments
to the underlying connection (Issue #214).
- Transports may now distinguish between recoverable and irrecoverable
connection and channel errors.
- ``kombu.utils.Finalize`` has been removed: Use
:mod:`multiprocessing.util.Finalize` instead.
- Memory transport now supports the fanout exchange type.
- Experimental new `Pyro`_ transport (:mod:`kombu.transport.pyro`).
.. _`Pyro`: http://pythonhosted.org/Pyro
- Experimental new `SoftLayer MQ`_ transport (:mod:`kombu.transport.SLMQ`).
.. _`SoftLayer MQ`: http://www.softlayer.com/services/additional/message-queue
- Eventio: Kqueue breaks in subtle ways so select is now used instead.
- SQLAlchemy transport: Can now specify table names using the
``queue_tablename`` and ``message_tablename`` transport options.
Redis transport: Now supports using local UNIX sockets to communicate with the
Redis server (Issue #1283)
To connect using a UNIX socket you have to use the ``redis+socket``
URL-prefix: ``redis+socket:///tmp/redis.sock``.
This functionality was merged from the `celery-redis-unixsocket`_ project.
Contributed by Maxime Rouyrre.
ZeroMQ transport: drain_events now supports timeout.
.. _`celery-redis-unixsocket`:
- Python3: Fixed problem with dependencies not being installed.
- Declaration cache: Now only keeps hash of declaration
so that it does not keep a reference to the channel.
- Declaration cache: Now respects ``entity.can_cache_declaration``
- Fixes Python 2.5 compatibility.
- Fixes tests after python-msgpack changes.
- ``Queue.get``: Now supports ``accept`` argument.
- safe_str did not work properly resulting in
:exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` (Issue #248).
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.0.13
- Fixed typo in Django functional tests.
- safe_str now returns Unicode in Python 2.x
- amqp: Transport options are now merged with arguments
supplied to the connection.
- Tests no longer depends on distribute, which was deprecated
and merged back into setuptools.
- ConsumerMixin now also restarts on channel related errors.
Kombu is a messaging framework for Python.
The aim of Kombu is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing
an idiomatic high-level interface for the AMQ protocol, and also provide proven
and tested solutions to common messaging problems.