tex-a2ping{,-doc} to 2.84p
tex-animate{,-doc} to 20200425
tex-auto-pst-pdf{,-doc} to 0.6.52849
tex-chemfig{,-doc} to 1.52
tex-circuitikz{,-doc} to 1.1.1
tex-graphics-pln{,-doc} to 2020
tex-mcf2graph{,-doc} to 4.48
tex-mptopdf{,-doc} to 2020
tex-pst-node{,-doc} to 1.42a
tex-pst-pdf{,-doc} to 1.2e
tex-pst-tools{,-doc} to 0.10
tex-pstricks-add{,-doc} to 3.89a
tex-tikz-feynhand{,-doc} to 1.1.0
tex-tikzmark{,-doc} to 1.8
tex-tkz-base{,-doc} to 3.06c
tex-tkz-fct{,-doc} to 1.3c
The package provides an interface to create portable,
JavaScript driven PDF animations from sets of graphics files or
from inline graphics, such as LaTeX picture environment,
PSTricks or pgf/TikZ generated pictures, or just from typeset