#!/usr/bin/awk -f # $NetBSD: genreadme.awk,v 1.2 2002/11/13 01:05:03 dmcmahill Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2002 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Dan McMahill. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the NetBSD # Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Global variables #----------------- # The following associative arrays are used for storing the dependency # information and other information for the packages # # topdepends[] : index=pkgdir (math/scilab) # List of explicitly listed depencencies by name. # I.e. "xless-[0-9]* pvm-3.4.3" # # alldepends[] : index=pkgdir (math/scilab) # Flattened dependency list by name. # BEGIN { do_pkg_readme=1; # set to 1 to use "README-new.html" as the name use_readme_new=0; printf("Reading database file\n"); fflush("/dev/stdout"); } #conflicts /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab #depends /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab xless-[0-9]*:../../x11/xless pvm-3.4.3:../../parallel/pvm3 # /^(build_)?depends / { # # Read in the entire depends tree # These lines look like: # #depends /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab xless-[0-9]*:../../x11/xless pvm-3.4.3:../../parallel/pvm3 #build_depends /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab libtool-base>=1.4.20010614nb9:../../devel/libtool-base # deptype=$1; # pkg=fulldir2pkgdir($2); pkg = $2; if(pkg in topdepends) {} else {topdepends[pkg] = "";} if(pkg in topbuilddepends) {} else {topbuilddepends[pkg] = "";} for(i=3; i<=NF; i++) { split($i,a,":"); pkgpat=a[1]; pkgdir=a[2]; sub(/[\.\/]*/,"",pkgdir); if(pkgdir !~ /\//) { pkgcat=pkg; gsub(/\/.*/,"",pkgcat); pkgdir=pkgcat "/" pkgdir; if(debug) printf("Corrected missing category directory to get \"%s\"\n",pkgdir); } if(debug){ printf("package in directory %s %s on:\n",pkg,deptype); printf("\tpkgpat = %s\n",pkgpat); printf("\tpkgdir = %s\n",pkgdir); } # # store the package directory in a associative array with the wildcard # pattern as the index since we'll need to be able to look this up later # pat2dir[pkgpat]=pkgdir; if(deptype == "depends") { topdepends[pkg] = topdepends[pkg] " " pkgpat " " ; if(debug) printf("Appending %s to topdepends[%s] (%s)\n", pkgpat,pkg,topdepends[pkg]); } else { if(debug) printf("Appending %s to topbuilddepends[%s] (%s)\n", pkgpat,pkg,topbuilddepends[pkg]); topbuilddepends[pkg] = topbuilddepends[pkg] " " pkgpat " " ; } } next; } /^comment /{ dir = $2; gsub(/^comment[ \t]*/,""); tmp=substr($0,length($1)+1); gsub(/^[ \t]*/,"",tmp); gsub(/&/,"\\\\\\&",tmp); comment[dir]=tmp; next; } /^homepage /{ homepage[$2] = $3; next; } /^htmlname / { # # read lines like: # htmlname /usr/pkgsrc/archivers/arc arc-5.21e # # dir=fulldir2pkgdir($2); dir = $2; htmlname=$3; for(i=4;i<=NF;i++){ htmlname=htmlname " " $i; } dir2htmlname[dir]=htmlname; if(debug) printf("added dir2htmlname[%s]=%s\n",dir,htmlname); next; } /^index / { # # read lines like: #index /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab scilab-2.6nb3 # and store the directory name in a associative array where the index # is the package name and in a associative array that lets us lookup # name from directory. We use fuldir2pkgdir to get "math/scilab" # and drop the /usr/pkgsrc part. # # pkgname2dir[$3] = fulldir2pkgdir($2); # pkgdir2name[fulldir2pkgdir($2)] = $3; pkgname2dir[$3] = $2; pkgdir2name[$2] = $3; next; } /^license /{ license[$2] = $3; next; } /^wildcard /{ wildcard[$2] = $3; } # # Now recurse the tree to give a flattened depends list for each pkg # END { if(use_readme_new) { readme_name="README-new.html" } else { readme_name="README.html"; } readme=TMPDIR "/" readme_name; if( dependsfile == "" ) dependsfile="/dev/stdout"; if( builddependsfile == "" ) builddependsfile="/dev/stdout"; printf("Flattening dependencies\n"); fflush("/dev/stdout"); printf("") > dependsfile; for (toppkg in topdepends){ if(debug) printf("calling find_all_depends(%s)\n",toppkg); find_all_depends(toppkg); if(debug) printf("%s depends on: %s, topdepends on %s\n", toppkg,alldepends[toppkg],topdepends[toppkg]); printf("%s depends on: %s\n",toppkg,alldepends[toppkg]) >> dependsfile; flatdepends[toppkg] = alldepends[toppkg]; } close(dependsfile); # clear out the flattened depends list and repeat for the build depends delete alldepends; printf("Flattening build dependencies\n"); fflush("/dev/stdout"); printf("") > builddependsfile; for (toppkg in topbuilddepends){ find_all_depends(toppkg); printf("%s build_depends on: %s\n", toppkg,alldepends[toppkg]) >> builddependsfile; } close(builddependsfile); vfile=DISTDIR "/vulnerabilities"; # extract date for vulnerabilities file cmd="ls -l " vfile; if((cmd | getline) > 0) { vuldate=sprintf("at %s %s %s\n",$6,$7,$8); # read the vulnerabilities file printf("Reading vulnerability file \"%s\"\n which was updated %s\n", vfile,vuldate); fflush("/dev/stdout"); i=1; while((getline < vfile) > 0) { if($0 !~ /^\#/) { vulpkg[i]=$1; vultype[i]=$2; vulref[i]=$3; i=i+1; } } printf(" Loaded %d vulnerabilities\n",i-1); close(vfile); have_vfile=1; } else { vuldate="(no vulnerabilities list available)"; printf("No vulnerability file found (%s).\n",vfile); have_vfile=0; } close(cmd); fflush("/dev/stdout"); printf("Generating README.html files\n"); fflush("/dev/stdout"); pkgcnt=0; if(do_pkg_readme) { templatefile=PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.pkg"; for (toppkg in topdepends){ pkgcnt++; pkgdir=PKGSRCDIR "/" toppkg; readmenew=pkgdir "/" readme_name; if(debug)printf("Creating %s for %s\n",readme,readmenew); printf("."); if((pkgcnt % 100) == 0) { printf("\n%d\n",pkgcnt); } fflush("/dev/stdout"); printf("") > readme; htmldeps=""; delete dpkgs; split(alldepends[toppkg],dpkgs); i=1; while(i in dpkgs){ if(debug) printf("\tdpkg=%s, pat2dir[%s] = %s\n", dpkgs[i],dpkgs[i],pat2dir[dpkgs[i]]); nm=dpkgs[i]; # we need a zillion escapes here because we need to end up with \\< in 'htmldeps' so that when # we gsub htmldeps into the output file, we end up with < gsub(/&/,"\\\\\\&",nm); gsub(//,"\\\\\\>",nm); htmldeps=htmldeps " " nm ""; i=i+1; } if(debug) printf("htmldeps = \"%s\"\n",htmldeps); vul=""; if(have_vfile) { i=1; pkgbase=gensub(/-[^-]*$/,"","G",pkgdir2name[toppkg]); if(debug) printf("Checking for %s (%s) vulnerabilities\n",toppkg,pkgbase); while(i in vulpkg) { nm=vulpkg[i]; gsub(/&/,"\\\\\\&",nm); gsub(//,"\\\\\\>",nm); url=vulref[i]; gsub(/&/,"\\\\\\&",url); printurl=vulref[i]; gsub(/&/,"\\\\\\&",printurl); gsub(//,"\\\\\\>",printurl); if(vulpkg[i] ~ "^"pkgbase"[-<>=]+[0-9]") { vul=sprintf("%s
  • %s has a %s exploit (see %s for more details)\n", vul,nm,vultype[i],url,printurl); } i=i+1; } if( vul == "" ){ vul="(no vulnerabilities known)"; } } if(MULTIARCH == "no"){ cmd="ls -1 "PACKAGES "/" PKGREPOSITORYSUBDIR "/" wildcard[toppkg] PKG_SUFX " 2>/dev/null"; if(debug)printf("Checking for binary package with %s\n",cmd); binpkgs=""; while((cmd | getline) > 0) { pkgfile=$0; gsub(/.*\//,"",pkgfile); pkgnm=pkgfile; gsub(/\.tgz$/,"",pkgnm); binpkgs=sprintf("%s\n%s:%s(%s %s)", binpkgs,MACHINE_ARCH,PKG_URL,pkgfile,pkgnm,OPSYS,OS_VERSION); } close(cmd);} else { cmd="ls -1 -d "PACKAGES"/[0-9].*/*/" PKGREPOSITORYSUBDIR "/" wildcard[toppkg] PKG_SUFX " 2>/dev/null"; oldfs=FS; FS="[/]"; binpkgs=""; while((cmd | getline) > 0) { release = $(NF-3); arch = $(NF-2); pkg = $NF; pkgnm=pkg; gsub(PKG_SUFX "$","",pkgnm) if(debug) printf("%s:%s:%s (%s)\n",release,arch,pkg,pkgnm); binpkgs=sprintf("%s\n%s:%s(%s-%s)", binpkgs,arch,PKG_URL,release,arch,PKGREPOSITORYSUBDIR,pkg,pkgnm,OPSYS,release); } FS=oldfs; close(cmd); } # sort the binary pkgs (XXX would be nice to implement in memory in awk) sfile=TMPDIR "/sorted"; spipe="sort > " sfile; printf("%s",binpkgs) | spipe; close(spipe); binpkgs=""; while((getline < sfile) > 0) { binpkgs=sprintf("%s\n%s",binpkgs,$0); } close(sfile); if(debug) printf("binary packages: \n%s\n\n",binpkgs); while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ gsub(/%%PORT%%/,toppkg); gsub(/%%PKG%%/,dir2htmlname[toppkg]); gsub(/%%COMMENT%%/,comment[toppkg]); if(homepage[toppkg] == "") { gsub(/%%HOMEPAGE%%/,""); } else { gsub(/%%HOMEPAGE%%/,"

    This package has a home page at " homepage[toppkg] ".

    "); } if(license[toppkg] == "") { gsub(/%%LICENSE%%/,""); } else { gsub(/%%LICENSE%%/,"

    Please note that this package has a " license[toppkg] " license.

    "); } gsub(/%%VULNERABILITIES%%/,""vul""); gsub(/%%VULDATE%%/,""vuldate""); gsub(/%%BUILD_DEPENDS%%/,""htmldeps""); gsub(/%%RUN_DEPENDS%%/,""flatdepends[toppkg]""); gsub(/%%BIN_PKGS%%/,""binpkgs""); gsub(/README.html/,readme_name); print >> readme; } close(readme); close(templatefile); cmd="if [ -d " pkgdir " ]; then if ! cmp -s "readme" "readmenew" ; then mv -f " readme " " readmenew " ; fi ; else echo "pkgdir" does not exist ; exit 1 ; fi"; if(debug) printf("Execute: %s\n",cmd); rc=system(cmd); if(rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nCould not create %s (rc=%d)\n",readmenew,rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); printf("Generating category readmes\n"); templatefile=PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.category"; print "" > readme; # string with URL's for all categories (used by the top README.html) allcat=""; # string with URL's for all pkgs (used by the top README-all.html) tot_numpkg=0; top_make=PKGSRCDIR"/Makefile"; while((getline < top_make) > 0){ if($0 ~ /^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[^\$]*$/) { category=$0; gsub(/^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[ \t]*/,"",category); catdir=PKGSRCDIR"/"category; readmenew=catdir"/"readme_name; printf("Category = %s\n",category); cat_make=catdir"/Makefile"; pkgs=""; numpkg=0; while((getline < cat_make) > 0){ if($0 ~ /^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[^\$]*$/) { pkg=$0; gsub(/^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[ \t]*/,"",pkg); dir=category"/"pkg; numpkg++; tot_numpkg++; if(debug) printf("\tAdding %s (%s : %s)\n",dir,pkgdir2name[dir],comment[dir]); pkgs=sprintf("%s%s: %s\n", pkgs,pkg,readme_name,pkgdir2name[dir],comment[dir]); allpkg[tot_numpkg]=sprintf("%s: (%s) %s\n", pkgdir2name[dir],category,pkg,readme_name,pkgdir2name[dir],category,readme_name,category,comment[dir]); # we need slightly fewer escapes here since we're not gsub()-ing allpkg[] into the output files but # just printf()-ing it. gsub(/\\&/,"\\&",allpkg[tot_numpkg]); } else if($0 ~ /^[ \t]*COMMENT/) { descr=$0; gsub(/^[ \t]*COMMENT.*=[ \t]*/,"",descr); } } while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ gsub(/%%CATEGORY%%/,category); gsub(/%%NUMITEMS%%/,numpkg); gsub(/%%DESCR%%/,descr); gsub(/%%SUBDIR%%/,pkgs); gsub(/README.html/,readme_name); print >> readme; } close(readme); close(templatefile); cmd="if [ ! -f "readmenew" ]; then cp "readme " " readmenew " ; fi ; if ! cmp -s "readme" "readmenew" ; then mv -f " readme " " readmenew " ; fi "; if(debug) printf("Execute: %s\n",cmd); rc=system(cmd); if(rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nCould not create %s (rc=%d)\n",readmenew,rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } gsub(/href=\"/,"href=\""category"/",pkgs); allcat=sprintf("%s%s: %s\n", allcat,category,readme_name,category,descr); close(cat_make); } } close(top_make); printf("Generating toplevel readmes:\n"); templatefile=PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.top"; readmenew=PKGSRCDIR "/"readme_name; printf("\t%s\n",readmenew); print "" > readme; while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ gsub(/%%DESCR%%/,""); gsub(/%%SUBDIR%%/,allcat); gsub(/README.html/,readme_name); print >> readme; } close(readme); close(templatefile); cmd="if [ ! -f "readmenew" ]; then cp "readme " " readmenew " ; fi ; if ! cmp -s "readme" "readmenew" ; then mv -f " readme " " readmenew " ; fi "; if(debug) printf("Execute: %s\n",cmd); rc=system(cmd); if(rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nCould not create %s (rc=%d)\n",readmenew,rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } templatefile=PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.all"; readmenew=PKGSRCDIR "/README-all.html"; printf("\t%s\n",readmenew); # sort the pkgs sfile=TMPDIR"/unsorted"; spipe= "sort " sfile; i=1; print "" >sfile; while(i in allpkg) { printf("%s",allpkg[i]) >> sfile; i++; } close(sfile); print "" > readme; while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ line=$0; if($0 ~ /%%PKGS%%/) { while((spipe | getline) > 0) { print >> readme; } close(spipe); } else { gsub(/%%DESCR%%/,"",line); gsub(/%%NPKGS%%/,tot_numpkg,line); gsub(/README.html/,readme_name,line); print line >> readme; } } close(readme); close(templatefile); cmd="if [ ! -f "readmenew" ]; then cp "readme " " readmenew " ; fi ; if ! cmp -s "readme" "readmenew" ; then mv -f " readme " " readmenew " ; fi "; if(debug) printf("Execute: %s\n",cmd); rc=system(cmd); if(rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nCould not create %s (rc=%d)\n",readmenew,rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } close("/dev/stderr"); exit 0; } function find_all_depends(pkg,pkgreg,i,deps,depdir){ # pkg is the package directory, like math/scilab # printf("find_all_depends(%s)\n",pkg); # if we find the package already has been fully depended # then return the depends list if (pkg in alldepends){ if(debug) printf("\t%s is allready depended. Returning %s\n",pkg,alldepends[pkg]); return(alldepends[pkg]); } # if this package has no top dependencies, enter an empty flat dependency # list for it. if (topdepends[pkg] ~ "^[ \t]*$") { alldepends[pkg] = " "; if(debug) printf("\t%s has no depends(%s). Returning %s\n",pkg,topdepends[pkg],alldepends[pkg]); return(alldepends[pkg]); } # recursively gather depends that each of the depends has pkgreg=reg2str(pkg); split(topdepends[pkg],deps); i=1; alldepends[pkg] = " "; while ( i in deps ){ # figure out the directory name associated with the package hame # in (wild card/dewey) version form depdir=pat2dir[deps[i]]; if(debug) printf("\tadding dependency #%d on \"%s\" (%s)\n",i,deps[i],depdir); # don't add ourselves to the list (shouldn't happen, but # we'd like to not get stuck in a loop if one exists) # if (" "deps[i]" "!~pkgreg){ # if we don't already have this dependency (deps[i]) listed, then add it. However, we may # have already added it because another package we depend on may also have depended on # deps[i]. if (alldepends[pkg] !~reg2str(deps[i])){ alldepends[pkg] = alldepends[pkg] " " deps[i] " " find_all_depends(depdir); } else { if(debug) printf("\t%s is already listed in %s\n",deps[i],alldepends[pkg]); } # } i=i+1; } if(debug) printf("\tcalling uniq() on alldepends[%s] = %s\n",pkg,alldepends[pkg]); alldepends[pkg] = uniq(alldepends[pkg]); if(debug) printf("\tuniq() output alldepends[%s] = %s\n",pkg,alldepends[pkg]); return(alldepends[pkg]); } # # take a string which has special characters like '+' in it and # escape them. Also put a space before and after since that's how # we'll distinguish things like gnome from gnome-libs # function reg2str(reg){ gsub(/\./,"\\\.",reg); gsub(/\+/,"\\\+",reg); gsub(/\*/,"\\\*",reg); gsub(/\?/,"\\\?",reg); gsub(/\[/,"\\\[",reg); gsub(/\]/,"\\\]",reg); reg = " "reg" "; return(reg); } # # accepts a full path to a package directory, like "/usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab" # and returns just the last 2 directories, like "math/scilab" # function fulldir2pkgdir(d){ d=gensub(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*\/[^\/]*)$/,"\\3","g",d); return(d); } # # take the depends lists and uniq them. # function uniq(list,deps,i,ulist){ # split out the depends split(list,deps); i=1; ulist = " "; while (i in deps){ # printf("uniq(): Checking \"%s\"\n",ulist); # printf(" for \"%s\"\n",reg2str(deps[i])); if (ulist !~reg2str(deps[i])){ ulist = ulist deps[i]" "; } i++; } return(ulist); }