%man-refs.ent; %misc.ent; %chapters; ]> The pkgsrc guide Documentation on the NetBSD packages system Alistair Crooks
Hubert Feyrer
The pkgsrc Developers
1994-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc $NetBSD: pkgsrc.xml,v 1.9 2005/06/08 13:59:30 dillo Exp $ Information about using the NetBSD package system (pkgsrc) from both a user view for installing packages as well as from a pkgsrc developers' view for creating new packages.
&chap.intro; The pkgsrc user's guide &chap.getting; &chap.platform; &chap.using; &chap.configuring; &chap.binary; &chap.faq; The pkgsrc developer's guide &chap.components; &chap.makefile; &chap.plist; &chap.buildlink; &chap.pkginstall; &chap.options; &chap.build; &chap.fixes; &chap.debug; &chap.submit; &chap.examples; &chap.logs; &chap.ftp-layout; &chap.editing;