#!/usr/bin/awk -f # # $NetBSD: distinfo.awk,v 1.3 2007/08/14 19:22:31 jlam Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Johnny C. Lam. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the NetBSD # Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ########################################################################### # # NAME # distinfo.awk -- print distinfo information to standard output # # SYNOPSIS # distinfo.awk -- [options] [patch ...] # # DESCRIPTION # distinfo.awk generates distinfo information for the named # cksumfiles, ignorefiles and patches. The format of a distinfo # file is: # # 1. NetBSD RCS ID header # 2. a blank line # 3. digests and size information for each cksumfile and ignorefile # 4. digests for patches # # For example: # # $NetBSD: distinfo.awk,v 1.3 2007/08/14 19:22:31 jlam Exp $ # # SHA1 (make-3.81.tar.gz) = cd4fa5a3184176492bf0799593a8f250a728210c # RMD160 (make-3.81.tar.gz) = a713a72875cb9a29568677c98022465c6f55cbbf # Size (make-3.81.tar.gz) = 1564560 bytes # SHA1 (patch-aa) = ba88ee2175c7c2258fc647b3654b2f725cf75a50 # SHA1 (patch-ac) = de18956fde66fa3fc61a991bb3e6724d9c5b1eac # SHA1 (patch-af) = 067cac366694ce33e5bc52ef937603ae17d3bc2e # # OPTIONS # The following command line arguments are supported. # # -- This is a mandatory option and must always be the # first option specified. # # -a algorithm Generate a digest for the specified distfiles # using the named digest algorithm. If this option # is given more than once, then digests are # generated using each algorithm in the order # given. # # -c cksumfile Generate distinfo information for the named # cksumfile. If this option is given more than # once, then generate information for each # cksumfile in alphabetical order. # # -d distdir Directory under which cksumfiles and ignorefiles # are found. # # -f distinfo Path to an existing distinfo file. If this # option is given, then it is used to provide the # distinfo information for either cksumfiles and # ignorefiles or patches, depending on which # are not given on the command line. Also, using # this option causes the return code to be 0 if # the generated distinfo information matches the # contents of the existing distinfo file, or # non-zero otherwise. # # -i ignorefile Generate distinfo information to ignore checksum # verification for ignorefile. If this option is # given more than once, then generate information # for each ignore file in alphabetical order. # # -p algorithm Generate a digest for the patches using the named # digest algorithm. If this option is given more # than once, then digests are generated using each # algorithm in the order given. # # patch ... Generate distinfo information for the named # patches in alphabetical order. # ########################################################################### BEGIN { DIGEST = ENVIRON["DIGEST"] ? ENVIRON["DIGEST"] : "digest" SED = ENVIRON["SED"] ? ENVIRON["SED"] : "sed" TEST = ENVIRON["TEST"] ? ENVIRON["TEST"] : "test" WC = ENVIRON["WC"] ? ENVIRON["WC"] : "wc" self = "distinfo.awk" ARGSTART = 1 A = 0 # size of algorithms array D = 0 # size of distfiles array L = 0 # size of lines array P = 0 # size of patch_algorithms array N = 0 # size of patchfiles array F = 0 # size of distinfo_lines array distdir = "." distinfo = "" exitcode = 0 parse_options() if (length(distdir) > 0) { cmd = TEST " -d " distdir if (system(cmd) != 0) { print self ": " distdir " not found" exitcode = 128 } } if (length(distinfo) > 0) { cmd = TEST " -f " distinfo if (system(cmd) != 0) { print self ": " distinfo " not found" exitcode = 128 } while(getline < distinfo) { distinfo_lines[F++] = $0 } close(distinfo) } if (exitcode > 0) exit(exitcode) if (length(distinfo) == 0) { # no distinfo file header() distsum() patchsum() exitcode = 1 } else { if (D > 0 && N > 0) { # distfiles & patches header() distsum() patchsum() } else if (D > 0 && N == 0) { # distfiles only header() distsum() # # Grab the patch distinfo lines from the existing # distinfo file. # for (l = 0; l < F; l++) { file = distinfo_lines[l] sub("^[^(]*[(]", "", file) sub("[)][^)]*$", "", file) if (is_patch(file)) lines[L++] = distinfo_lines[l] } } else if (D == 0 && N > 0) { # patches only # # Grab the non-patch distinfo lines from the # existing distinfo file. # for (l = 0; l < F; l++) { file = distinfo_lines[l] sub("^[^(]*[(]", "", file) sub("[)][^)]*$", "", file) if (!is_patch(file)) lines[L++] = distinfo_lines[l] } patchsum() } exitcode = is_same_distinfo() ? 0 : 1 } # Print the new distinfo content to standard output. for (l = 0; l < L; l++) { print lines[l] } exit(exitcode) } function insertion_sort(a, nelem, temp, i, j) { for (i = 1; i < nelem; ++i) { for (j = i; a[j-1] > a[j]; --j) { temp = a[j] a[j] = a[j-1] a[j-1] = temp } } return } function parse_options( option) { while (ARGSTART < ARGC) { option = ARGV[ARGSTART] if (option == "-a") { algorithms[A++] = ARGV[ARGSTART + 1] ARGSTART += 2 } else if (option == "-c") { distfiles[D++] = ARGV[ARGSTART + 1] cksumfiles[ARGV[ARGSTART + 1]] = 1 ARGSTART += 2 } else if (option == "-d") { distdir = ARGV[ARGSTART + 1] ARGSTART += 2 } else if (option == "-f") { distinfo = ARGV[ARGSTART + 1] ARGSTART += 2 } else if (option == "-i") { distfiles[D++] = ARGV[ARGSTART + 1] ignorefiles[ARGV[ARGSTART + 1]] = 1 ARGSTART += 2 } else if (option == "-p") { patch_algorithms[P++] = ARGV[ARGSTART + 1] ARGSTART += 2 } else if (option == "--") { ARGSTART++ break } else if (match(option, /^-.*/) != 0) { option = substr(option, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH) print self ": unknown option -- " option > "/dev/stderr" print "usage: " self " -- [-a alg] [-c file] [-d distdir] [-f distinfo] [-i ignore] [-p alg] [patch ...]" > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } else { break } } while (ARGSTART < ARGC) { patchfiles[N++] = ARGV[ARGSTART++] } # Sort each of the resulting arrays. #insertion_sort(algorithms, A) #insertion_sort(patch_algorithms, P) insertion_sort(distfiles, D) insertion_sort(patchfiles, N) } ### ### header() ### Pull the NetBSD RCS ID file from the existing distinfo file ### if it's available, otherwise generate a new one. ### function header() { if (length(distinfo) > 0) { cmd = SED " 1q " distinfo cmd | getline; close(cmd) if ($0 ~ /^[$]NetBSD/) { lines[L++] = $0 lines[L++] = "" return } } lines[L++] = "$" "NetBSD" "$" lines[L++] = "" } ### ### is_patch(file) ### Return 1 if the file is a valid patch name, or 0 otherwise. ### function is_patch(file) { if (file ~ /^patch-local-|[.]orig$|[.]rej$|~$/) return 0 if (file ~ /^patch-/) return 1 return 0 } ### ### distsum() ### Generate digests using the ones named in the algorithms ### array, and size information for each cksumfile. Generate ### an IGNORE line for each ignorefile. ### function distsum( alg, file, cmd, a, i) { for (i = 0; i < D; i++) { file = distfiles[i] cmd = "cd " distdir " && " TEST " -f " file if (system(cmd) != 0) continue for (a = 0; a < A; a++) { alg = algorithms[a] if (cksumfiles[file] == 1) { cmd = "cd " distdir " && " DIGEST " " alg " " file cmd | getline lines[L++]; close(cmd) } else if (ignorefiles[file] == 1) { lines[L++] = alg " (" file ") = IGNORE" } } if (cksumfiles[file] == 1) { cmd = "cd " distdir " && " WC " -c " file cmd | getline; close(cmd) sub("^[ ]+", ""); sub("[ ].*", "") lines[L++] = "Size (" file ") = " $0 " bytes" } } } ### ### patchsum() ### Generate digests using the ones named in patch_algorithms ### for each patch. ### function patchsum( alg, dir, file, patch, cmd, a, i) { for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { patch = patchfiles[i] dir = patch; sub("/[^/]*$", "", dir) file = patch; sub("^.*/", "", file) cmd = TEST " -f " patch if ((system(cmd) != 0) || !is_patch(file)) continue for (a = 0; a < P; a++) { alg = patch_algorithms[a] cmd = SED " -e '/[$]NetBSD.*/d' " patch " | " DIGEST " " alg cmd | getline; close(cmd) sub("^", alg " (" file ") = ") lines[L++] = $0 } } } ### ### is_same_distinfo() ### Return 1 if the distinfo_lines and lines array match ### (so the new distinfo content and the old distinfo ### content match), and zero otherwise. ### function is_same_distinfo( l) { if (L != F) { return 0 } for (l = 0; l < L; l++) { if (distinfo_lines[l] != lines[l]) return 0 } return 1 }