mef 7d7bac1a79 (textproc/R-xml2) Updated 1.3.2 to 1.3.6
# xml2 1.3.6

* Now compatible with libxml2 2.12.0 and later (@KNnut).

* Fixed format string issues detected in R-devel.

* Remove unused dependencies on glue, withr and lifecycle (@mgirlich).

* `print()` is faster for very long `xml_nodeset` inputs (#366, @michaelchirico).

* `xml_attr()`, `xml_attrs()`, `xml_double()`, `xml_integer()`, `xml_length()`,
  `xml_name()`, `xml_path()`, `xml_text()`, and `xml_type()` no longer use
  S3 dispatch but instead dispatch in C, leading to considerable performance
  improvements in many cases (@mgirlich, #400).

* `xml_find_int()` analogous to `xml_find_num()` for returning integers
  matched by an XPath (#365, @michaelchirico).

* `xml_serialize()` now includes the document type so that `xml_unserialize()`
  works also for HTML documents (#407, @HenrikBengtsson).

# xml2 1.3.5

* Small speedup for `xml_find_all()` (@mgirlich, #393).

* Fixes for R CMD check problems.

# xml2 1.3.4

* Fixes for R CMD check problems.

* Windows: update to libxml2 2.10.3

# xml2 1.3.3

* Hadley Wickham is now (again) the maintainer.

* xml2 has been re-licensed as MIT (#317).

* `xml_find_all.xml_node()` fails more informatively the `xpath` parameter is the wrong type (@michaelchirico)

* `xml_find_all.xml_nodeset()` gains a `flatten` argument to control whether to return a single nodeset or a list of nodesets (#311, @jakejh)

* `write_xml()` and `write_html()` now return NULL invisibly, as they did prior to version 1.3.0 (#307)

* `XPtr` gets explicit copy constructor and assignment operator definitions, which were two missing components of the [Rule of three]( (@michaelchirico)

* Windows: update to libxml2 2.9.10 and libxslt 1.1.34 and add ucrt libs
2024-01-31 21:16:04 +00:00
Makefile (textproc/R-xml2) Updated 1.3.2 to 1.3.6 2024-01-31 21:16:04 +00:00
distinfo (textproc/R-xml2) Updated 1.3.2 to 1.3.6 2024-01-31 21:16:04 +00:00