adam 68ea39152d cmark: updated to 0.31.0

* Update to 0.31.2 spec.txt.

* Treat unicode Symbols like Punctuation, as per the 0.31 spec.

* Add a new function to `utf8.h`:
  `int cmark_utf8proc_is_punctuation_or_symbol(int32_t uc)`.
  The old `cmark_utf8proc_is_punctuation` has been kept for
  now, but it is no longer used.

* Add new exported function `cmark_parser_new_with_mem_into_root`
  (API change) (John Ericson).

* Avoid repeated `language-` in info string

* Fix quadratic behavior in `S_insert_emph` (Nick Wellnhofer).
  Fixes part of GHSA-66g8-4hjf-77xh.

* Fix quadratic behavior in `check_open_blocks` (Nick Wellnhofer).
  Fixes part of GHSA-66g8-4hjf-77xh.

* Track underscore bottom separately mod 3, like asterisk (Michael
  Howell). This was already implemented correctly for asterisks,
  but not for underscore.

* Use `fwrite` instead of `printf` to print results in main
  This avoids a massive slowdown in MSYS2.

* commonmark writer: less aggressive escaping for `!`

* Update libFuzzer build (Nick Wellnhofer):

  + Move fuzzing files into their own directory.
  + Use libFuzzer the modern way by compiling and linking with
    `-fsanitize=fuzzer(-no-link)` without requiring `LIB_FUZZER_PATH`.
  + Update the `libFuzzer` rule in Makefile and the

* CMake build changes (Saleem Abdulrasool).

  + Inline multiple variables in CMake, following CMake recommendations.
  + Simplify the version computation.
  + Remove the `CMARK_STATIC` and `CMARK_SHARED` options as one of the two
    must be enabled always as the cmark executable depends on the library.
    Instead of having a custom flag to discern between the
    library type, use the native CMake option `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`,
    allowing the user to control which library to build. This matches
    CMake recommendations to only build a single copy of the library.
  + Introduce an author warning for the use of `CMARK_SHARED` and
    `CMARK_STATIC` to redirect the author of the dependent package to
  + Permit incremental linking on Windows. Although incremental linking
    does introduce padding in the binary for incremental links, that
    should not matter for release mode builds in theory as `/OPT:REF`
    and `/OPT:ICF` will trigger full links, which is the default in
    release mode.
  + Hoist the CMake module inclusion to the top level.
  + Minor tweaks for speeding up the configure phase.
    Restructure the file layout to place the custom modules into the
    `cmake/modules` directory that is the common layout for CMake based
  + Squelch C4232 warnings on MSVC builds.
  + Remove check for `__builtin_expect`. Use `__has_builtin` to check
    at compile time if the feature is supported.
    This macro is supported by both clang and GCC (as of 10).
    In the case that the compiler in use is not new enough, we still
    provide the fallback so that the code will compile but without the
    additional hints for the branch probability. `config.h` has been
    removed from the code base as it is no longer needed.
  + Remove `/TP` usage on MSVC and replace `CMARK_INLINE` with `inline`.
    These were workarounds for pre-VS2015 compilers, which are no longer
  + Hoist the C visibility settings to top level
  + Clean up C4267 warnings on MSVC builds.
  + Remove some compiler compatibility checks that are no longer
    needed because VS 2013 is no longer supported
  + Adjust the policy to silence warnings on MSVC builds
    CMake 3.15+ remove `/W3` from the language flags under MSVC with
    CMP0092.  Set the policy to new to avoid the D9025 warning.
  + Reflow some text to match CMake documentation style
  + Use generator expression for path computation.
  + Use CMake to propagate `CMARK_STATIC_DEFINE`.
  + Clean up an obsoleted variable (NFC).
  + Hoist the policy settings. Policy settings may impact how
    `project` functions.  They should be set immediately after
    `cmake_minimum_required` (which implicitly sets policies).
    Use the `POLICY` check to see if a policy is defined rather
    than using a version check.
  + Replace `CMARK_TESTS` with CMake sanctioned `BUILD_TESTING`.
  + Correct typo and adjust command invocation. Use the proper
    generator expression for the python interpreter and adjust
    a typo in the component name.
  + Add an upgrade path for newer CMake.
    CMake 3.12 deprecated `FindPythonInterp`, and with CMake 3.27, were
    obsoleted with CMP0148.  Add a version check and switch to the new
    behaviour to allow building with newer releases.

* Fix regex syntax warnings in `` (Nick Wellnhofer).

* `test/`: avoid star imports (Jakub Wilk).

* ``: Add option to generate fuzz corpus (Nick Wellnhofer).
  Add an option `--fuzz-corpus` that writes the test cases to separate
  files including the options header, so they can be used as seed corpus
  for fuzz testing.

* Fix some cmark.3 man rendering issues so we can do a clean regen
  (John Ericson).

* Update Windows compilation instructions
2024-01-30 20:00:13 +00:00
Makefile cmark: updated to 0.31.0 2024-01-30 20:00:13 +00:00
PLIST cmark: updated to 0.31.0 2024-01-30 20:00:13 +00:00 cmark: updated to 0.31.0 2024-01-30 20:00:13 +00:00
distinfo cmark: updated to 0.31.0 2024-01-30 20:00:13 +00:00