fox 06ff7a45af www/jira-cli: Update to 1.5.1
Changes since 1.4.0:


## What's Changed
- fix: Properly close created files by @beatbrot in #702
- fix: Skip auth type prompt if already set by @ankitpokhrel in #701

## New Contributors
- @beatbrot made their first contribution in #702

Full Changelog:


This release brings the support for mTLS authentication along with some other features like setting affects version, updating the estimate, etc.

## What's added?
- feat: Enable issue edit to read body from stdin by @erpel in #619
- feat: Affects version by @damianoneill in #642
- feat: Add mtls authentication for client certificate auth by @markhatc- in
- feat: Add support for updating the estimate by @chapmanc in #669

## What's fixed?
- fix: Issue with no-input on create by @ankitpokhrel in #655
- fix: Jira init broken due to authtype value by @ankitpokhrel in #694
- fix: Bring bearer back by @ankitpokhrel in #696
- fix: Respect jira timezone by @ankitpokhrel in #697

## Other changes
- chore: Bump go & alpine versions by @pbnj in #691
- ci: Upgrade workflow + linter by @ankitpokhrel in #695
- dep: Upgrade all by @ankitpokhrel in #643

## New Contributors
- @erpel made their first contribution in #619
- @damianoneill made their first contribution in #642
- @pbnj made their first contribution in #691
- @chapmanc made their first contribution in #669

Full Changelog:
2024-02-18 02:19:07 +00:00
Makefile www/jira-cli: Update to 1.5.1 2024-02-18 02:19:07 +00:00
PLIST www/jira-cli: Update to 1.4.0 2023-07-01 16:56:41 +00:00
distinfo www/jira-cli: Update to 1.5.1 2024-02-18 02:19:07 +00:00 www/jira-cli: Update to 1.5.1 2024-02-18 02:19:07 +00:00