heinz 0dd272694e New version 2.36. It'a leaf package and 2.36 fixes a build problem Grant
Beattie encountered on Linux.

Relevant changes sinc 2.22:

       o   Better compatibility of Makefile.PL with new MakeMaker
       o   C Code compiles with C compilers other than GCC.
       o   Detect and skip body parts that only contain MIME headers.
       o   Fixed a bug where razor-check would terminate prematurely
	   on messages for which it could not compute a signature.
       o   Introduced SOCKS support. Net::SOCKS is required in
           order to use SOCKS.  Specify socks_server in the config file.
       o   Fixed a bug where the MIME boundary was being spuriously set
	   in certain cases.
       o   A bug in the selection of zone prefixes in bootstrap
           discovery was fixed.
       o   Razorhome is gleaned from the config file passed to
           razor-agents, if all else fails. "razor-report
           -conf=/etc/razor/razor.conf spam" will use /etc/razor
           as its home if no other home is found (eg in
           $HOME/.razor).  To force a particular Razorhome value,
           use the -home=path option.
       o   Force bootstrap discovery when all discovery servers are
	   unavailable. This fixes a bug where by razor-agents would
	   try to connect to the old Razor2 discovery server found in
2003-12-01 00:24:15 +00:00

8 lines
414 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2003/12/01 00:24:15 heinz Exp $
SHA1 (razor-agents-2.36.tar.gz) = 082f90dc658311e8933b82a67584eeebfa4e7338
Size (razor-agents-2.36.tar.gz) = 78709 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 741b5462e3841430be0dacf80b0ddfcfc4869425
SHA1 (patch-ab) = 967bf2ea2476ec4205046438877bb52fccb9df50
SHA1 (patch-ac) = 38a02c02923043733b47e5bf3bca77174670f38c
SHA1 (patch-ad) = 39d7fff8a4a42093f57f99575fc518c262fa3be1