schmonz 5253357680 = Highlight CHANGELOG
:toc-title: Contents
:toc: left
:toclevels: 1

== highlight 3.59


  - HTML output: added `white-space: pre-wrap` to pre tag CSS
  - updated mark_lines.lua plug-in accept a line range as input parameter and output xterm256 terminal sequences
  - improved Ruby code folding of the outhtml_codefold plug-in
  - updated astyle lib to rev 672
  - added support for reStructured Text (
  - added support for Rego (
  - added `outhtml_copy_clipboard.lua` plugin
  - CLI: adapted default xterm256/truecolor theme to terminal background colour
  - CLI: adapted ANSI line numbers to terminal background colour (
  - CLI: fixed segfault if the user home directory cannot be determined (
  - GUI: initial font set to Monospace
  - GUI: replaced highlight.xpm by highlight.png icon

== highlight 3.58


  - improved `--force` fallback argument handling (
  - added C++ attribute syntax support
  - added Lua function `StoreValue` to set and retrieve information across Lua states
  - added `extras/eclipse-themes/` script to retrieve themes from
  - added support for Web Assembly Text
  - updated mark_lines.lua to output 16m terminal sequences (
  - fixed issues in bash.lang (
  - fixed Bash heredoc highlighting in bash_functions.lua (
  - CLI: `highlight --version -q` only prints the version number
  - GUI: added theme contrast indicator

== highlight 3.57


  - added support for Haml (
  - added support for Wren
  - added Lua function `OverrideParam`
  - fixed regression in xterm256 or truecolor output (
  - fixed `--list-scripts` with read-only language definitions (
  - improved several language definitions
  - Windows GUI: added dark mode

== highlight 3.56


  - added support for Sequence Alignment Maps (SAM files)
  - added empty-file mode to `--no-trailing-nl` (
  - fixed issue with `--syntax-by-name` waiting for stdin (
  - fixed issue with `--syntax` reading matching files in the current working directory (
  - fixed string parsing in lisp.lang (
  - fixed output of UTF-8 text in xterm256 or truecolor output (
  - fixed regex in js.lang (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
  - fixed calculation of testcase markers with UTF-8 input
  - allowed number literals with underscores in Java, Scala, D, Julia, C#, Perl and Ada definitions
  - added Nord theme (

== highlight 3.55


  - improved handling of empty files in xterm256 and truecolor output (
  - added EncodingHint attributes to filetypes.conf and language definitions (
  - CLI: allowed file paths as --theme and --syntax argument (
  - GUI: removed deprecated QTime API call

== highlight 3.54.1


  - W32 CLI: fixed two pass mode if executed in Mingw shell

== highlight 3.54


  - fixed default colour output in BBCode (
  - fixed corner case in sh.lang
  - fixed syntax tests with UTF-8 input (
  - added support for Bash in outhtml_codefold.lua plug-in
  - added ballerina.lang
  - added block strings to java.lang
  - added author hints in themes and language definitions
  - added C++20 reserved words in c.lang
  - added editorconfig file and validated all files accordingly (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
  - CLI: fixed `--list-scripts` with `-d` or HIGHLIGHT_DATADIR env variable (
  - GUI W32: replaced multibyte path trace window by startup hint if NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation is set
  - GUI: removed AsciiDoc instruction lines from the README popup window

== highlight 3.53


  - fixed out-of-range exception with repeated `AddKeyword` calls
  - added `KeywordFormatHints`, `Priority` and `Constraints` elements to syntax definitions
  - added Lua function `AddPersistentState` (
  - renamed md.lang to markdown.lang
  - added Fish syntax definition (thanks to James Lee)
  - makefile: added _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 flag
  - CLI: added optional fallback syntax to `--force` (
  - CLI: added option `--max-size` (
  - GUI: added multibyte path trace window
  - GUI: fixed superfluous creation of the same stylesheet file

== highlight 3.52


  - added negation `~` to test state indicators (
  - added support for Hugo (
  - added 5 duotone themes (
  - CLI: fixed segfault with `--force` (
  - GUI: limited font selection to monospace fonts (

== highlight 3.51


  - SVG output: added `white-space: pre` in styles
  - HTML output: replaced ' by ' (
  - HTML output: fixed index file format (missing close tags)
  - CLI: moved syntax recognition functions to DataDir class
  - CLI: added regular expressions and default false values to `--verbose` output
  - CLI: fixed `--list-cat` without `--list-scripts` (
  - CLI: added optional argument to `--base16` (
  - CLI: added default base16 themes (
  - CLI: added `--isolate` option (
  - GUI: improved UTF16 input path handling on Windows

== highlight 3.50


  - added lineno, column parameters to OnStateChange hook
  - added support for Crystal (thanks to C R Jaensch)
  - added support for Slim (
  - compress man docs during installation (thanks to Chris Mayo)
  - fixed several typos in documentation and manpages
  - CLI: added `--syntax-by-name` option (suggested by Chris Mayo)
  - CLI: removed deprecated `--list-langs` and `--list-themes` options
  - GUI: added terminal sequence output options (

== highlight 3.49


 - fixed more problems with syntax test indicators reporting wrong states (
 - added support for Meson, Solidity, TOML and Terraform
 - improved Perl and Yaml highlighting
 - added Categories field to all config files
 - CLI: added category info in `--list-scripts` output
 - CLI: added `--list-cat` option (
 - CLI: added optional topic parameter to `--help`
 - GUI: added theme category selection
 - GUI: display categories of selected syntax or theme

== highlight 3.48


 - fixed `--list-scripts` abortion with Fedora default compilation options (
 - fixed a problem with syntax test indicators reporting wrong states after comments
 - improved Verilog syntax
 - improved quoted string highlighting for Perl and Ruby
 - detection of pkg-config's Lua version in src/makefile

== highlight 3.47


 - fixed xterm256 and truecolor whitespace output #2 (
 - fixed LaTeX, TeX, SVG and ODT whitespace output (regression of 3.45)
 - added darkplus theme (
 - converted ChangeLog to AsciiDoc
 - allowed state test indicators to match both whitespace (ws) and the enclosing state (others)
 - CLI: default output changed to xterm256 or truecolor if run in a terminal
        with color support and only a single file is outputted
 - GUI: added checkbox in the clipboard tab to output selected lines only

== highlight 3.46


 - fixed xterm256 and truecolor whitespace output (
 - converted manuals to AsciiDoc (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)

== highlight 3.45


 - added `DocumentHeader` and `DocumentFooter` plug-in hooks
 - added `RemoveKeyword` Lua function for syntax definitions
 - added syntax test indicators (see README_TESTCASES)
 - added support for ISO and R10 variants of Modula2 (thanks to Benjamin Kowarsch)
 - fixed R identifiers (
 - fixed ALAN IF identifiers (see
 - fixed issue with Bash string interpolation
 - fixed some bugs found by coverity tool (
 - added Swift keywords and types
 - added filetypes.conf.5 man page (
 - added Gradle extension mapping (

== highlight 3.44


 - fixed gcc 8 compilation warnings
 - fixed Ruby string interpolation
 - added support for ALAN IF (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - added 107 Base16 themes (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - updated Rust and Java reserved words lists
 - revised documentation
 - moved extras/css-themes into extras/themes-resources
 - added extras/themes-resources/base16 (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - GUI: added Base16 theme selection checkbox
 - CLI: added `--base16` option to enable the new themes
 - CLI: accept - as argument to read from stdin

== highlight 3.43


 - updated astyle code to release 3.1 (Rev. 655)
 - added webkit reformatting style
 - improved several language definitions
 - fixed Matlab string recognition
 - fixed Autohotkey escape sequence recognition (thanks to Klaus Daube)
 - added excel.lang (
 - improved Qt pro file (
 - CLI: added `--reformat-option`
 - CLI: added `--line-range` (
 - GUI: added Bulgarian translation  (thanks to Georgi Sotirov)

== highlight 3.42


 - fixed `HL_OUTPUT` in Lua state for `HL_FORMAT_XHTML` and `HL_FORMAT_TRUECOLOR` values
 - fixed lib-shared make target
 - updated astyle code to release 3.1.0 beta
 - added Polygen and EBNF2 syntax definitions (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - added pywal terminal colouring template in extras/pywal
 - added reformatting style ratliff (replaces banner)
 - added extras/langDefs-resources/cleanslate.lang (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - improved Perl6 compatibility
 - improved PHP string interpolation
 - improved Haskell definition (
 - CLI: added `--canvas` option to define background color padding in ANSI output
 - GUI: added French translation (thanks to Antoine Belvire)
 - GUI: added Scripts tab (suggested by Tristano Ajmone)
 - GUI: minor bugfixes

== highlight 3.41


 - renamed examples directory to extras
 - line anchors (`-a`) are attached as id attribute to the first span or li tag in
   HTML output (
 - renamed ID prefix in outhtml_codefold plug-in to be compatible with `-a` IDs
 - added fstab.lang and added anacrontab in filetypes.conf
 - removed references to OutputType::HTML32
 - added extras/css-themes and extras/langDefs-resources
   (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - CLI: removed deprecated indicator of `--data-dir` option
 - CLI: added `--no-version-info` option
 - GUI: fixed initial theme selection
 - GUI: added "Omit version info comment" option
 - GUI: added "Copy with MIME type" option for HTML output

== highlight 3.40


 - fixed Ruby string parsing (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - fixed segfault on sparc64 (patch by James Clarke)
 - fixed PureBasic definition (
 - added CMake definition (
 - added email definition (
 - linked scm suffix to lisp definition
 - W32 CLI: support HIGHLIGHT_DATADIR and `--data-dir` options
 - revised documentation

== highlight 3.39


 - added syntax for Docker and Elixir
 - improved HTML, Julia, Kotlin and Smalltalk syntax definitions
 - GUI: added "Paste, Convert and Copy" button

== highlight 3.38


 - fixed Bash variable highlighting issue
 - updated astyle code to release 3.0.1 (
 - added bash_ref_man7_org.lua plugin

== highlight 3.37


 - fixed Perl string highlighting issue
 - fixed highlighting if a line continues after the nested code delimiter
 - updated astyle code to release 3.0
 - added examples/pandoc (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - added syntax mapping for markdown
 - added syntax mapping for clj
 - improved Java definition (
 - added theme to JSON converter in  examples/json
 - CLI: added support for environment variable HIGHLIGHT_OPTIONS

== highlight 3.36


 - fixed code folding plugin to support more Ruby conditional modifiers
   (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - fixed Perl quoted string highlighting (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - added new GeneratorOverride syntax definition parameter
 - added Filenames parameter in filetypes.conf to assign input filenames
   to syntax types (suggested by Andy)
 - added FASM definition and edit-fasm theme (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - added outhtml_ie7_webctrl plug-in (suggested by Tristano Ajmone)
 - GUI: file extensions can be configured for multiple languages,
   triggers syntax selection prompt
 - GUI: added Italian translation (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)

== highlight 3.35


 - fixed code folding plugin to support Ruby conditional modifiers
 - fixed JSON definition (thanks to Timothee Cour)
 - fixed output of unknown syntax warning with applied force switch
   (thanks to Andy)
 - added state trace parameter to `Decorate` plug-in function
 - added GDScript definition and edit-godot theme (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - updated SWIG code samples
 - updated Artistic Style lib (SVN Rev. 553)
 - revised docs
 - CLI: fixed creation of hidden files if output filename is prepended by its
   input path
 - CLI: added switch `--stdout` (

== highlight 3.34


 - fixed segfault with `--skip` applied on a single file input list
   (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - added support for Python 3.6 syntax
 - added Github and Sourceforge themes

== highlight 3.33


 - fixed highlighting of nested section delimiters
 - fixed PHP definition (thanks to Christoph Burschka)
 - fixed font family declaration in SVG
 - fixed user defined encoding in ODT
 - fixed unnecessary output of style file with `--inline-css`
   (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - added vimscript language definition (thanks to Max Christian Pohle)
 - added Coffeescript language definition (thanks to Jess Austin)
 - added PureBasic definition and theme (thanks to Tristano Ajmone)
 - added JSX language definition (suggested by Max Stoiber)
 - added PO translation definition
 - added plug-in outhtml_add_figure.lua
 - updated js definition
 - updated Artistic Style lib (SVN Rev. 521)
 - improved various color themes and syntax definitions

== highlight 3.32


 - added support for true color escape codes (`--out-format` truecolor)
 - fixed xterm256 output for paging with less (thanks to Fylwind)
 - fixed operator regex in rnc.lang, crk.lang and yaml.lang (thanks to Joe Klauza)
 - added Pony and Whiley definitions
 - updated Ceylon, Julia and TypeScript definitions
 - added Go, AutoHotKey, TypeScript and R to the foldable list in the
   outhtml_codefold.lua plug-in
 - removed plugins/bash_ref_linuxmanpages_com.lua
 - GUI: fixed README, ChangeLog and License file paths on Linux

== highlight 3.31


 - revised documentation
 - GUI: fixed minor layout issues

== highlight 3.30


 - the data directory can be defined with the HIGHLIGHT_DATADIR environment variable
 - fixed RTF output of UTF-8 input; needs input encoding set to utf-8
   (thanks to Kamigishi Rei)
 - fixed XML comment recognition (thanks to Mani)
 - data search directories were appended to the result of `--list-scripts`
 - revised older syntax definitions
 - updated base URLs of bash_ref_linuxmanpages and cpp_ref_qtproject plug-ins
 - GUI: added system copy and paste shortcuts for clipboard functions
   (suggested by Kamigishi Rei)

== highlight 3.29


 - added Ansible Yaml definition (thanks to Raphael Droz)
 - added Chapel definition (thanks to Lydia Duncan)
 - fixed gcc 6 warnings about deprecated auto_ptr usage
 - src/makefile: added -std=c++11 because of auto_ptr to unique_ptr transition
   (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - GUI: fixed style file output if "write to source directory" option is
   checked (thanks to Jim Pattee)

== highlight 3.28


 - added support of Pascal, Lua, Ruby and C# regions in outhtml_codefold.lua
 - improved outhtml_codefold.lua to handle embedded languages
 - added string delimiters in the Ruby definition
 - added new AssertEqualLength flag in string section of language definitions
 - improved heredoc parsing
 - fixed Lua multiline string recognition
 - improved SVG whitespace output (patch by Paul de Vrieze)
 - added Nim and mIRC Scripting definitions

== highlight 3.27


 - improved outhtml_codefold.lua to ignore brackets on the same line
 - added RTF output to mark_lines.lua
 - fixed Powershell and NSIS definitions
 - added JSON and Github Markdown definitions
 - CLI: added `--keep-injections` option to force plugin injection output with `-f`
 - GUI: added keep injections checkbox
 - GUI: fixed crash after removing selected plugins

== highlight 3.26


 - added `HL_REJECT` state to be used in a `OnStateChange` function
 - added `DecorateLineBegin` and `DecorateLineEnd` hooks
 - added mark_lines.lua, outhtml_codefold.lua, comment_links.lua plug-ins
 - fixed font face in ODT output
 - fixed Operators parameter in frink.lang and oorexx.lang
 - fixed regular expression parsing within strings for JS, Perl and Ruby
 - CLI: added `--page-color` option to include a page color in RTF output
 - GUI: added RTF page color checkbox

== highlight 3.25


 - added new SVG definition to support embedded scripting
 - improved js.lang, css.lang, scss.lang, less.lang, tsql.lang
 - modified HTML ordered list output to work better with new plug-ins
 - renamed plug-in variable `HL_INPUT_FILE` to `HL_PLUGIN_PARAM`
 - CLI: renamed `--plug-in-read` option to `--plug-in-param`
 - GUI: updated plug-in parameter label and tool-tips
 - GUI: fixed minor issues

== highlight 3.24


 - fixed TeX output for cweb documents (patch by Ingo Krabbe)
 - fixed string interpolation in bat.lang
 - added reduce_filesize.lua, outhtml_add_shadow.lua,
   outhtml_add_background_svg.lua, outhtml_add_background_stripes.lua,
   outhtml_add_line.lua plug-ins
 - added TCL extension in examples/tcl
 - added kotlin.lang, nginx.lang and julia.lang
 - updated php.lang to include version 7 keywords
 - updated ceylon.lang to include version 1.2 keywords
 - updated scripts in examples directory
 - CLI: style-infile option marked as deprecated
 - GUI: shortened paths in file input lists

== highlight 3.23


 - added rs.lang
 - added conf.lang (thanks to Victor Ananjevsky)
 - added some extensions in filetypes.conf (patch by Victor Ananjevsky)
 - fixed Matlab definition and style (thanks to Justin Pearson)
 - CLI: fixed `--list-scripts` with unknown argument (thanks to Jens Schleusener)

== highlight 3.22


 - updated astyle code to release 2.05.1
 - fixed shebang recognition (thanks to Victor Ananjevsky)
 - GUI: added option to define line numbering start

== highlight 3.21


 - added support for LESS, SASS and Stylus CSS processors (suggested by Marcel Bischoff)
 - added support for Lua 5.3, removed LUA52 makefile option
 - fixed heredoc matching in perl.lang (thanks to cornucopia)
 - fixed Haskell lang (thanks to Daan Michiels)
 - fixed RNC lang (thanks to Daan Michiels)
 - fixed regex pattern in js.lang

== highlight 3.20


 - updated astyle code to release 2.05
 - added astyle reformatting style vtk

== highlight 3.19


 - added bold, italic and underline attributes to xterm256 ANSI output
   (patch by Andrew Fuller)
 - fixed assembler mapping in filetypes.conf (thanks to Jens Schleusener)
 - added Swift definition
 - improved ASP, F#, OCaml and Lisp syntax definitions
 - added interpolation patterns to several definitions
 - updated base URLs in cpp_ref_gtk_gnome and cpp_ref_qtproject plug-ins
 - CLI: added Pango markup output option (patch by Dominik Schmidt)

== highlight 3.18


 - filenames without extension (ie. makefile) can be mapped in filetypes.conf
   (suggested by Sam Craig)
 - fixed Rexx highlighting
 - added GDB language definition (thanks to A. Aniruddha)
 - added the.theme (thanks to Mark Hessling)

== highlight 3.17


 - updated astyle code to release 2.04
 - added astyle reformatting styles google, pico and lisp
 - improved raw string parsing in cs.lang (patch by
 - added regex recognition in js.lang (patch by Troy Sankey)
 - added PDF language definition (thanks to Roland Hieber)

== highlight 3.16.1


 - fixed debug output in sh.lang (

== highlight 3.16


 - updated astyle code to release 2.03
 - added heredoc string literal parsing for Lisp, Perl, PHP, Ruby and Bash
 - revised several language definitions
 - added DataDir::searchDataDir for the Perl SWIG bindings (thanks to David Bremner)
 - added SWIG PHP binding (patch by G. Wijaya)

== highlight 3.15


 - updated Diluculum code to release 1.0 (support of Lua 5.2)
 - patched Diluculum to support Lua 5.1 and 5.2
 - added support for Yang (thanks to A. Aniruddha)
 - fixed Ruby definition

== highlight 3.14


 - added HeaderInjection and FooterInjection variables for syntax plug-ins
 - fixed handling of CRLF files on Linux (suggested by William Bell)
 - replaced single data directory by a dynamic config file search; see README
   (suggested by Daniel)
 - added plug-ins outhtml_parantheses_matcher.lua, outhtml_keyword_matcher.lua
 - CLI: added `--list-scripts` option
 - CLI: marked `--data-dir`, `--list-langs`, `--list-themes` options as deprecated
 - CLI: removed `--add-config-dir` option

== highlight 3.13


 - added support for Crack (thanks to Conrad Steenberg)
 - added XML shebang regex (thanks to Ferry Huberts)
 - added hints to makefile to deal with Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT system libs
 - updated cpp_ref_gtk_gnome.lua plug-in
 - updated cpp_ref_cplusplus_com.lua plug-in
 - CLI: fixed segfault if `--force` was applied and unknown files were parsed
   (thanks to Jussi Judin)
 - GUI: fixed unselected theme after first program start

== highlight 3.12


 - CSS class name is omitted in HTML output if class-name option is set to NONE
 - added support for highlighting of string interpolation
 - added support for Dart and TypeScript
 - fixed SWIG module
 - GUI: added Simplified Chinese translation (thanks to Love NoAny)

== highlight 3.11 beta


 - replaced Pattern/Matcher classes by the Boost xpressive library
   (now swig example is broken)
 - updated Relax NG syntax (thanks to Roger Sperberg)
 - added new oxygenated theme (thanks to Roger Sperberg)
 - fixed to include correct lua5.1 paths
 - GUI: fixed shebang recognition

== highlight 3.10 beta


 - fixed HTML ordered lists to improve copy&paste in browsers (suggested by Nash)
 - changed default output from HTML 4.01 to HTML5
 - changed default HTML font family to include the generic monospace font
 - added ODT Flat XML output format (`--out-format=odt`)
 - added fontenc package in LaTeX output (patch by Yimin Li)
 - fixed RTF hyperlink output in several plug-ins
 - removed ctags option (functionality was replaced by plug-in)
 - CLI: added `--wrap-no-numbers` option (patch by Michael Enßlin)
 - GUI: replaced Qt file dialogs by native dialogs

== highlight 3.9


 - enhanced the plug-in interface (added Decorator function and Injections property)
 - added several example plug-ins which show how to add keyword links to online
   references (e.g.,, qtproject_org)
 - added ctags plugin (ctags_html_tooltips.lua)
 - improved Perl and N3 definitions (thanks to Heiko Jansen)
 - CLI: marked `--ctags-file` option as deprecated
 - CLI: added `--plug-in-read` option to define an input file for plug-ins
 - CLI: fixed file suffix recognition
 - GUI: added input field for a plug-in input file
 - GUI: fixed initial input tab selection
 - GUI: set initial font selection to Courier

== highlight 3.8


 - updated astyle code to release 2.02.1
 - fixed SWIG perl binding makefile (patch by David Bremner)
 - fixed shebang recognition (patch by Georgios M. Zarkadas)
 - fixed file suffix recognition (patch by Georgios M. Zarkadas)
 - fixed memory leak in astyle's ASFormatter (patch by MENG Wei)

== highlight 3.7


 - added support for Biferno (thanks to Sandro Bilbeisi)
 - added support for RPL (thanks to Frank Seidinger)
 - added support for Ceylon
 - fixed Ruby definition
 - HTML font string may contain a list of fonts, which is not enclosed in quotes
   (suggested by Sebastiano Poggi)
 - GUI: added `--portable` command line option to save config files in the current
   working directory instead of the user directory (suggested by Royi Avital)
 - GUI: fixed some language mappings

== highlight 3.6


 - added support for UPC (thanks to Viraj Sinha)
 - added support for N3, N-Triples, Turtle, SPARQL (suggested by  Heiko Jansen)
 - added Solarized color theme (thanks to Steve Huff)
 - fixed OCaml definition (thanks to Kakadu Hafanana)
 - fixed camo colour theme
 - removed sienna and desertEx colour themes
 - CLI: fixed segfault with `--print-style` option
 - GUI: added "Dock floating panels" checkbox in the main menu

== highlight 3.5


 - updated astyle code to release 2.02
 - fixed `--force` option (thanks to Stefan Bühler)

== highlight 3.4


 - added support for ABC, Algol, AS/400 CL, BCPL,  Limbo, Gambas, JavaFX,
   RPG, Transact-SQL, PL/Perl, PL/Tcl, PL/Python, Charmm
 - fixed web plugins (Serendipity, DokuWiki, Wordpress)
 - fixed BBCode closing tag order
 - GUI: Updated Czech translation (thanks to Pavel Fric)

== highlight 3.3


 - updated astyle code to release 2.01
 - fixed overwriting of files with the same name in recursive batch mode
   (thanks to Ramanathan U.)
 - added DataDir class to SWIG interface (patch by David Bremner)
 - added Andes theme (thanks to Roger Sperberg)
 - enabled deprecated @highlight pass-through (suggested by David Bremner)
 - dropped oceandeep theme
 - updated documentation

== highlight 3.2


 - added plug-in function `AddKeyword` (suggested by Michael Serrano)
 - language definitions are cached instead of being reloaded if input syntax
 - added keyword group ID parameter to the plug-in function `OnStateChange`
 - added plug-in script bash_functions.lua
 - added theme description in output style's comment
 - added enum and union keywords in c.lang (thanks to Thiago)
 - added dl linking flag in Makefile to fix Debian build error
   (thanks to Michael Serrano)
 - added NDEBUG flag in makefile to disable asserts
 - GUI: Added Czech translation (thanks to Pavel Fric)

== highlight 3.1


 - updated Diluculum to version 0.5.3
 - fixed README
 - fixed conversion without highlighting (`--syntax txt`)
 - fixed msxml definition (thanks to Andrei Rosca)
 - added edit-flashdevelop theme (thanks to Andrei Rosca)
 - CLI: fixed minor bugs

== highlight 3.1 beta3


 - added `--config-file` option
 - CLI: fixed minor bugs
 - GUI: renamed output specific options tab
 - GUI: remember state of the dock panel

== highlight 3.1 beta2


 - moved plugin scripts from examples to new plugins directory
 - fixed web_plugin path in makefile (thanks to Jochen Schmitt)
 - fixed SWIG interface and example scripts
 - improved converted VIM colour themes
 - improved several language definitions (Fortran77, Zonnon,
   Basic, Verilog, Squirrel, R)
 - added new plugins (java_library.lua, theme_invert.lua)
 - GUI: added plug-in description label
 - GUI: moved setting controls into a dock panel

== highlight 3.1 beta1


 - enabled loading of multiple plugins
 - added MXML language definition (suggested by Neal Delfeld)
 - fixed HTML, XML, CSS, Actionscript and JavaScript definitions
 - converted 60 popular VIM colour themes

== highlight 3.0 beta


 - language definitions, themes, filetypes.conf were converted to Lua scripts
   (try examples/* to convert old files)
 - added `--plug-in` option to enable user scripts
 - renamed *.style files to *.theme
 - moved include files from src/core to src/include
 - moved examples/plugins to examples/web_plugins
 - renamed `--linenumbers` to `--line-numbers`
 - renamed several language definitions and themes
 - fixed several string delimiter issues (Ruby, Lua)
 - changed default theme for xterm256 output to edit-vim-dark
 - changed short options: `-O` is `--out-format`, `-d` is `--out-dir`, `-T` is `--doc-title`
 - disabled `--mark-line` feature
 - disabled `--add-data-dir` feature
 - disabled separate output format options (use `--out-format` instead)
 - disabled XML output (use SVG or XHTML)
 - New dependencies: Lua5.1-devel, Boost Headers (Bind)

== highlight 2.16


 - updated astyle code to release 1.24
 - added indentation styles 1tbs and horstmann
 - added `--no-trailing-nl` switch (suggested by Adiel Mittmann)
 - added Modula2 definition (thanks to Benjamin Kowarsch)
 - added EBNF definition (thanks to Mate Ory)
 - added ABNF, AutoHotKey, BBCode and Clean language definitions
 - updated C++ definition to support C++0x syntax
 - added StartupNotify switch in desktop file (patch by Jochen Schmitt)

== highlight 2.15


 - improved HTML nested language patterns (thanks to Simone)
 - improved Rexx and PL1 definitions (thanks to Robert Prins)
 - added support for NXC and NBC
 - GUI: added copy and paste support (thanks to Torsten Flammiger)
 - GUI: fixed preview of UTF-8 input

== highlight 2.14


 - fixed Rexx output (thanks to Marc Hessling)
 - added support for Go and Pure
 - added support for BNF (thanks to Julien Fontanet)
 - updated Logtalk definition (thanks to Paulo Moura)
 - updated THE theme  (thanks to Marc Hessling)
 - CLI: `--quiet` switch suppresses "Unknown source file extension" error
   (suggested by Nathan Gray)

== highlight 2.13


 - fixed SVG output (thanks to Xico)
 - GUI: added new icon

== highlight 2.12


 - fixed bug with $INCLUDE statement
 - fixed ctags file parsing
 - added nested language recognition within a source file (suggested by Pavel Striz)
 - added $NESTED statement to language definitions (pas, html, tex)
 - added support for F# (fs.lang)
 - added support for haXe (hx.lang)
 - improved various language definitions
 - revised documentation
 - LIB: added version to shared lib output name
 - CLI: added options `--start-nested` and `--print-style`

== highlight 2.11


 - added BBCode output option (`--bbcode`, suggested by Qui Peccavit)
 - added new `--delim-cr` option to cope with MacOS 9 files
   (suggested by Steven Haddock)
 - added shared lib target (make lib-shared, suggested by Dario Teixeira)
 - list of installed languages (`--list-langs`) was enhanced to include mapped file
   extensions (suggested by Martin Kammerlander)
 - improved many colour themes using Agave (

== highlight 2.10


 - fixed CR parsing bug on MacOS (thanks to Shiro Wilde)
 - fixed SWIG makefile (thanks to David Bremner)
 - license changed from GPLv2 to GPLv3 (incl. included libs)
 - updated Artistic Style lib to version 1.23
 - new indentation schemes: stroustrup, whitesmith, banner
 - removed indentSchemes and helpmsg directories
 - removed README_INDENT
 - replaced ide-devcpp theme by a new jedit theme
 - added support for Interactive Data Language (idlang, thanks to Roberto
 - added support for Rebol, Oz, Mercury, Zonnon, ATS (Applied Type System),
   CHILL, NetRexx, Inno Setup and INTERLIS
 - added pp, rjs, jnlp, groovy, gnad, es, sblc, ooc, gst, sq extensions
   to filetypes.conf
 - improved Prolog, Pike, Oberon, Nice, Java, Lisp, Lua, Haskell, C# and SML
 - improved spec.lang for RPM (thanks to Luoyi Ly)
 - CLI: option `--help-lang` is deprecated
 - API: dropped setSpecialOptions(), renamed initializing methods to init*

== highlight 2.9


 - added more customized boxes for the LaTeX `--pretty-symbols` switch
   (thanks to Romain Francois)
 - GUI: fixed makefile to pass custom paths to the Qt project makefile
   (thanks to Joerg Germeroth)
 - GUI: reduced window height (thanks to Fidel Barrera)
 - GUI: added Spanish translation (thanks to Fidel Barrera)
 - GUI: added drag and drop for input files

== highlight 2.8


 - added `--pretty-symbols` option to improve LaTeX output quality of tilde and
   braces (thanks to Romain Francois)
 - omitted warning message if `--syntax` parameter is contained in the `--skip` list
   (thanks to Bob Smith)
 - included language descriptions in `--list-langs` output
 - dropped dependency of `--replace-quotes` and `--fragment` options
 - enhanced Python SWIG example (
 - added qmake language definition
 - fixed SWIG scripts (thanks to David Bremner)
 - fixed gcc 4.4 compilation (patch by Jochen Schmitt)
 - dropped core/html32generator.*
 - dropped src/gui (wxWidgets based interface)
 - GUI: rewrote the user interface using Qt

== highlight 2.7


 - changed versioning scheme to major.minor
 - fixed infinite loop in the W32 build when outputting LaTeX/TeX as UTF-8
   (thanks to Christophe Bal)
 - fixed VHDL and Scilab definitions (thanks to Frederik Teichert)
 - fixed XML definition (thanks to Edin)
 - fixed `-r` switch (thanks to Frederik Teichert)
 - fixed default number recognition regex
 - added Clojure language definition (thanks to Pierre Larochelle)
 - added wrapping arrow in LaTeX/HTML output if `--wrap`/`--wrap-simple` is set
   (suggested by Frederik Teichert)
 - updated to match current Visual Studio appearance
   (suggested by Pieter Kruger)
 - added make targets "lib" and "cli"
 - organized sources in subdirectories (core, cli, gui) and adjusted makefiles

== highlight 2.6-14


 - added `--ctags-file` option to add tooltips with meta information in HTML output
 - added options to improve compatibility with GNU source-highlight: +
   `--doc`, `--no-doc`, `--tab`, `--css`, `--output-dir`, `--failsafe`, `--out-format`,
   `--src-lang`, `--line-number`, `--line-number-ref`
 - fixed ADA95, C#, Eiffel, Fortran, TCL, Bash definitions
 - added Vala language definition
 - added several file suffixes to filetypes.conf
 - fixed gcc 4.3 compilation issues (patch by Detlef Reichelt)
 - fixed race condition in makefile (patch by Jochen Schmitt)
 - added exit condition if input path matches output path
   (suggested by James Haefner)
 - GUI: added ctags file selection options (only wx2.9 version)

== highlight 2.6-13


 - added `--skip` option to ignore unknown file types (suggested by Bob Smith)
 - added Haskell LHS language definition (suggested by Sebastian Roeder)
 - added regex description for Perl and Ruby definitions
 - improved Bison, Paradox, SML, Snobol, Verilog definitions
 - renamed snobol.lang to sno.lang
 - updated Artistic Style lib to version 1.22
 - replaced dirstream lib by a faster file globbing method
   (invoked with `--batch-recursive`)
 - support for USE_FN_MATCH compile flag was dropped
 - Makefile generates libhighlight.a (suggested by Adiel Mittmann)
 - Updated SWIG makefile and documentation

== highlight 2.6-12


 - added RTF character stylesheet option (suggested by Klaus Nordby)
 - fixed filetypes.conf path in RPM specfile (thanks to Nikita Borodikhin)

== highlight 2.6-11


 - added SVG output option (`--svg`)
 - reassigned `-G` short option from `--class-name` to `--svg`
 - fixed various makefile issues (patches by Samuli Suominen)
 - added highlight.desktop file (suggested by Samuli Suominen)
 - GUI: added SVG and font selection options (only wx2.9 version)
 - GUI: reduced window height by hiding format specific input controls
 - updated highlight.spec to compile wx2.9 GUI

== highlight 2.6-10


 - fixed XHTML output (thanks to Allen McPherson)
 - added Logtalk definition (thanks to Paulo Moura)
 - added support for Eiffel ecf project files (thanks to Jérémie Blaser)
 - various code improvements (patch by Antonio Diaz Diaz)

== highlight 2.6-9


 - fixed `--validate-input` option with input from stdin
 - fixed missing DESTDIR prefix in makefile (thanks to Bob Smith)
 - fixed handling of several keyword regexes using the same group name
 - added support for Lilypond
 - added support for Arc (thanks to Pierre Larochelle)
 - added support for embedded output instructions (see README)
 - added examples/highlight_pipe.* (PHP, Perl and Python interface scripts)
 - replaced getopt_long by argparser class
 - language definition parameters $kw_list and $kw_re are merged to $keywords
 - GUI: fixed preview of UTF-8 files (thanks to Victor Woo)
 - GUI: added all-gui-wx29 target in Makefile to compile with wxWidgets 2.9

== highlight 2.6-8


 - fixed highlighting issue with nested comments, if delimiters are distinct
 - fixed XML and CSS highlighting
 - fixed C escape sequence parsing of octal and hex sequences
 - language definition tag tag_delim was dropped
 - outdated file README_ES was dropped
 - gcc4.3 compilation support was added (patch by Jochen Schmitt)
 - font-family parameter is enclosed in apostrophes in HTML output
 - added `--kw-case=capitalize` option
 - added `--enclose-pre` option
 - added file README_LANGLIST
 - improved several language definitions
 - GUI: decreased window height
 - GUI: preview window is scrolled to last view position after a content update
 - GUI: windows saves and restores previous position and size

== highlight 2.6-7


 - support for RTF background colour was added
 - regex() in language definitions  expression allows optional definition of
   capturing group number
 - added `--add-config-dir` option to define config search path
   (suggested by Nathaniel Gray)
 - allowed invocation of makefile with CFLAGS and LDFLAGS as parameters
   (patch by Nathaniel Gray)
 - fixed OCaml definition (thanks to Nathaniel Gray)
 - fixed AutoIt definition
 - added case insensitive file suffix matching (thanks to Stefan Boumans)
 - GUI: added RTF mimetype to clipboard data (thanks to Stefan Boumans)
 - GUI: fixed preview update after tab width change (thanks to Stefan Boumans)

== highlight 2.6-6


 - added Smalltalk definition and moe theme (thanks to Joerg Walter)
 - added support for diff and patch files
 - GUI: added clipboard button (suggested by Klaus Schueller and Stefan Boumans)
 - fixed Matlab definition (thanks to Andreas Boehler)
 - fixed (thanks to Albert Neu)
 - fixed output of lines with CR/LF (bug of 2.6.5)
 - fixed php and css definitions
 - updated ActionScript definition (thanks to Samuel Toulouse)
 - updated sql definition (thanks to Stefan Boumans)
 - dropped dull theme

== highlight 2.6-5


 - fixed compilation warning on 64 Bit OS (thanks to Uwe Sassenberg)
 - allowed embedded comments in Pascal definition (thanks to Helmut Giritzer)
 - fixed memory leak
 - improved performance
 - added serendipity plugin in examples/plugins
 - added support for diff (and patch) files (suggested by Dan Christensen)
 - adjusted SWIG makefiles and sample scripts
 - improved definitions of Bash, Ruby, Maya, Tcl, Agda and Haskell

== highlight 2.6-4


 - fixed TeX and LaTeX output (space after strings were omitted,
   thanks to Andre Schade)
 - fixed Perl language definition (thanks to Jens Kadenbach)
 - fixed gui.cpp compilation with wxWigets unicode build (thanks to Dennis Veatch)
 - updated R language definition (thanks to Yihui Xie)

== highlight 2.6-3


 - added `--inline-css` option to output CSS within each tag element
 - renamed previewgenerator.* files to html32generator.*
 - GUI: changed GUI configuration format (using wx config classes)
 - GUI: added inline CSS option
 - binaries are no longer stripped by default (src/makefile)
 - added notes to makefiles and INSTALL concerning static linking
   (thanks to Ken Poole)
 - improved MacOS X compatibility (thanks to Benjamin Kowarsch)
 - added ide-xcode theme (thanks to Benjamin Kowarsch)
 - README files were updated
 - updated plugin scripts to use the new `--inline-css` option

== highlight 2.6-2


 - dropped deprecated option `--format-style`
 - added `--html` option for plausibility (HTML output is still default)
 - reassigned `-H` option to `--html`
 - added option `--kw-case` to output keywords in upper case or lower case if
   the language is not case sensitive
 - added option `--mark-line` to highlight several code lines in HTML output
 - added mark-line parameter to colour themes, renamed kw_group parameter
   to kw-group
 - added option `--validate-input` to test if input file is text (if the input
   is considered binary, no parsing takes place)
 - updated astyle code to release 1.21
 - improved PHP4 compatibility of the wordpress plugin (thanks to Thomas Keller)
 - added support for Open Object Rexx (oorexx.lang)
 - updated documentation

== highlight 2.6-1


 - support of HTML colour notation in theme files (ie #12aa00)
 - fixed bad formatting of single line comment and directive substrings after
   line wrapping took place (multiline comments may still be screwed up)
 - enabled `highlight -c stdout` to print style definition to stdout
 - moved highlight/highlight subdir to highlight/src
 - removed examples/cgi
 - added examples/plugins
 - moved gui file directories ext and i18n to DATADIR/gui_files/
 - removed themes: berries-light, whatis
 - added themes: lucretia, orion
 - fixed SWIG interface files and scripts
 - fixed makefile and filetypes.conf (thanks to Axel Dyks)
 - improved ini.lang (thanks to Axel Dyks)
 - GUI: added Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to Yorick)

== highlight 2.6-0


 - fixed bug with line number count starting at zero by default
 - modified makefile to support PREFIX and DESTDIR variables (patch by Jeremy Bopp)

== highlight 2.5-6 beta


 - added new option `--class-name` (suggested by John Pye)
 - fixed XML output (thanks to Hilmar Bunjes)
 - updated README files

== highlight 2.5-5 beta


 - renamed `--line-number-width` to `--line-number-length`
 - added new option `--line-length`
 - fixed compilation error with gcc 4.3 (thanks to Martin Michlmayr)
 - added script shebang recognition with stdin input (patch by Alan Briolat)
 - added support for Boo scripting language
 - fixed translated help texts
 - added *.p, *.i, *.w as Progress file suffixes (thanks to Mark Reeves)

== highlight 2.5-4 beta


 - improved display quality of preview font (Courier New)
 - updated astyle to version 1.20.2

== highlight 2.5-3 beta


 - fixed bug in GUI preview update
 - reduced GUI height
 - added support for Linden script (Second Life)

== highlight 2.5-2 beta


 - added prefix and prefix_bin variables to makefile (suggested by Thomas Link)
 - removed LaTeX page dimension directives (suggested by Thomas Link)
 - improved several color themes
 - removed berries-dark, added seashell theme

== highlight 2.5-1 beta


 - fixed GTK GUI language file encoding to UTF 8
 - improved Ruby language definition
 - added gui subsection in the RPM specfile

== highlight 2.5-0 beta


 - added Miranda language definition (thanks to Peter Bartke)
 - added Powershell (Monad) language definition
 - fixed ignored conf_dir parameter in makefiles (thanks to Bob Smith)
 - included source files and additional make rules to compile a wxWidgets GUI
   (binary: highlight-gui; make all-gui; needs wxWidgets 2.6+)

== highlight 2.4-8


 - added xterm 256 color output (`-M`, `--xterm256`) (thanks to Wolfgang Frisch)
 - prints warning if output format ignores the theme background colour
 - fixed Java and Python language definitions
 - revised README files

== highlight 2.4-7


 - fixed segfault in symbol parsing procedure (thanks to Veit Wedtstein)
 - updated Lua and Lisp definitions
 - added AutoIt, NSIS, Graphviz and Qore definitions
 - updated SWIG sample scripts

== highlight 2.4-6


 - fixed segfault when outputting ANSI (thanks to Philip Jenvey)

== highlight 2.4-5


 - fixed bug which caused segfault on x86_64 (thanks to Eric Hopper)
 - fixed wrong enumeration start when outputting text w/o highlighting
   (thanks to Russell Yanofsky)
 - added anchor-prefix option (suggested by Peter Biechele)
 - added anchor-filename option (suggested by Mazy)
 - added $description entry to language file format
 - added D language file
 - updated regex classes to version 1.05.02

== highlight 2.4-4


 - added print-config option
 - added scilab definition (thanks to Gunnar Lindholm)
 - dropped support for XSL-FO (use XML instead for further processing)
 - dropped deprecated options (css-infile, css-outfile, include-css)
 - fixed line numbering (starting at 1, printed if syntax option is txt)
   (thanks to Russell Yanofsky)
 - renamed extensions.conf to filetypes.conf
 - moved content of scriptre.conf into filetypes.conf
 - renamed option help-int to help-lang
 - renamed option format-style to reformat
 - updated regex classes to version 1.04
 - code cleanup
 - updated documentation

== highlight 2.4-3


 - added RTF page-size option (suggested by David Strip)
 - fixed bug in RTF output, which prevented italic and bold output
   (patch by Jeremy Weinberger)
 - renamed colour theme parameter KW_CLASS to KW_GROUP

== highlight 2.4-2


 - added line-number-start switch (suggested by Roie Black)
 - added babel switch to make output compatible with LaTeX Babel
   package (disables Babel shorthands)
 - fixed ampl.lang (thanks to David Strip)
 - fixed error message if language definition is unknown
 - added Nemerle definition (n.lang)
 - added SAS definition (thanks to Alexandre Detiste)
 - added TTCN3 definition (thanks to Peter Biechele)
 - added tcsh.lang (thanks to Igor Furlan)
 - Unix package: moved *.conf to /etc/highlight/
   (suggested by Jochen Schmitt)

== highlight 2.4-1


 - dropped include-pkg option
 - added CSS style for list items (`--ordered-list`)
 - fixed default number regex
 - fixed VHDL event recognition
 - added missing KWD keyword style to several colour themes
 - added $STRING_UNEQUAL parameter for language definitions
 - added string CodeGenerator::generateString(const string &)
 - improved Ruby and Octave highlighting
 - added SWIG interface in examples/swig
 - removed examples/python-binding
 - removed themes: neon2 fluke greyish ide-jbuilder4 ide-jcreator2
   ide-synedit neon2 rand02 ron whitenblue website

== highlight 2.3-6 beta


 - fixed crash in language definition loader
 - saved helpmsg/ as iso-8859-2
 - added include-pkg option to define a list of LaTeX packages
   which should be included
 - fixed output of UTF-8 characters (replaced isspace by iswspace)

== highlight 2.3-5 beta


 - fixed LaTeX and TeX output
 - added support for UTF-8 LaTeX output (suggested by Sungmin Cho)
 - dropped automatic conversion of ASCII characters > 127, package
   latin1 is included instead

== highlight 2.3-4 beta


 - added font and fontsize options (submitted by Yves Bailly)
 - added line-number-width (suggested by Yves Bailly)
 - code cleanup

== highlight 2.3-3 beta


 - added kwd keyword class to most of the colour themes
 - added regular expressions to some language definitions

== highlight 2.3-2 beta


 - improved number regex
 - added `--ordered-list` option (suggested by Dominic Lchinger)
 - fixed tag parsing (broken in 2.3-1)
 - updated docs
 - added Brazilian help text (thanks to Adao Raul)
 - added Czech help text

== highlight 2.3-1 beta


 - added support for regular expressions in language definitions

== highlight 2.2-10


 - added support for PowerPC Assembler (thanks to Juergen Frank)
 - added support for AppleScript (thanks to Andreas Amann)
 - added encoding option to set proper output encoding type in XML and
   HTML output formats (default encoding: ISO-8895-1)
   Note: encoding name has to match input file encoding
 - style definitions are generated if only `--fragment` and `--style-outpath`
   options are set
 - added simple recognition of scripts without file extension
   (Bash, Perl, AWK, Python)
 - added config file scriptre.conf to configure script recognition
 - moved langDefs/extensions.conf to package base directory
 - added `--force` option to generate output if language type is unknown
 - fixed parsing of escape sequences outside of strings in Perl
   (last six points suggested by Andreas Amann)
 - fixed output of CR line terminators
 - added classes pre.hl and body.hl in CSS definitions

== highlight 2.2-9


 - fixed `--output` option
 - fixed line number indentation in TeX and LaTeX output
 - fixed compilation error for Darwin (OSX) (thanks to Plumber)
 - fixed LaTeX compilation warnings (thanks to Tyranix)
 - fixed xml default file suffix
 - closing style tags are no longer printed in the following output line
   (suggested by Yves Bailly)
 - fixed rb.lang (Ruby is case sensitive)
 - external style definitions and inclusion of user defined styles were
   added to LaTeX and TeX output
 - installation directory configuration is improved in the makefiles
   (all suggested by Thomas Link)
 - new options: style-outfile, style-infile, include-style
 - deprecated options: css-outfile, css-infile, include-css

== highlight 2.2-8


 - added XML output (suggested by Matteo Bertini)
 - added support for MS SQL (thanks to Magnus ?erg)
 - added support for Pyrex (thanks to Matteo Bertini)
 - added support for Hecl, Luban and Qu

== highlight 2.2-7


 - fixed compilation error on AMD64/gcc4.0 (thanks to Andreas Jochens)
 - fixed tab replacement (thanks to Adrian Bader)
 - fixed parsing of keywords with special characters as prefix ($ALLOWEDCHARS)
   (thanks to Magnus ?erg)
 - single spaces in (La)TeX are no longer preceded by backslash

== highlight 2.2-6


 - fixed compilation error with getopt and Solaris 5.8
   (thanks to Philippe Cornu and Jean-Emmanuel Reynaud)
 - enabled css-infile option when include-css is set
 - improved IO and Perl language definitions
 - updated dirstram classes to release 0.4
 - W32 port: fixed installation path determination

== highlight 2.2-5


 - fixed some compiler warnings in various Debian builds (thanks to Ayman Negm)
 - fixed indentation error in LaTeX output and output of "--" in bold font
   (thanks to Michael Suess)
 - added background colour attribute of body element to the CSS output to
   improve compatibility with old browsers (NS Communicator 4.8)
   (thanks to Wojciech Stryjewski)
 - in CSS output, user defined CSS definitions are now included after highlight
   style definitions to make modifications easier
 - highlight returns EXIT_FAILURE after every IO failure
 - updated Spanish manual and help message (thanks to David Villa)

== highlight 2.2-4


 - changed ANSI output colours to vim style (suggested by David Villa)
 - added new acid indentation scheme and acid colour theme
   (thanks to Alexandre "AciD" Bonneau)
 - highlight returns 1 (EXIT_FAILURE) if file operations failed
   (suggested by David Villa)
 - fixed bug in LaTeX output: `[` and `*` characters after a linebreak (`\\`)
   caused latex compilation to stop (thanks to Christian Schilling)
 - improved error reports

== highlight 2.2-3


 - applied patch to suppress compiler warnings on several platforms
   (thanks to
 - renamed the /utils directory to /examples, which moved to
   /usr/share/doc/highlight/ (suggested by Ayman Negm)
 - if `--output` is defined and output format is (X)HTML, the CSS file is stored in
   the directory given by `--output` (suggested by Vicky Brown)
 - added spanish translations: README_ES and (thanks to David Villa)
 - added support for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 files: mib.lang (thanks to Roman Surma)
 - fixed highlighting of escape sequences in Pascal (thanks to Grzegorz Tworek)
 - added Pascal multi line comment delimiters: (*, *)
 - added a third keyword style (kwc) to all themes
 - added a third keyword group: ada.lang, gawk.lang, c.lang, java.lang, pas.lang
 - fixed some language definition with old $keyword entries

== highlight 2.2-2


 - removed $STRINGDELIMITERPAIR parameter
 - internal changes

== highlight 2.2-1


 - added content-type (iso-8859-1) to HTML output
 - added possibility to define custom keyword groups (suggested by Daniel Bonniot)
 - reformatting and indentation schemes are customizable, config files are located
   in /indentSchemes (suggested by Petri Heiramo)
 - added new output format: ANSI terminal sequences (`--ansi`)
   (suggested by David Villa)
   assigned `-A` to `--ansi`, `-g` to `--fop-compatible`
 - added `$SL-COMMENT` parameter to colour themes (enables separate highlighting
   of single and multi line comments)
 - added option to fill linenumbers with zeroes
 - improved quality of colour themes
 - changed names of following command line options:
   deletetabs -> replace-tabs
   listthemes -> list-themes
   listlangs  -> list-langs
   includecss -> include-css
   printindex -> print-index
 - dropped support for C# member attributes (was a nasty workaround)
 - dropped support for Forth
 - removed unnecessary `--batch` (`-b`) option
 - removed utils/cgi/perl/README_CGI
 - fixed raw string highlighting bug: r"""\n""" in Python is parsed correctly
 - fixed some old parameters in language definitions
 - added source directory names to generated index file (`-C`)

== highlight 2.0-25


 - fixed quote replacement in LaTeX (\dq -> \dq{}) (thanks to Adrian Bader)
 - fixed crash if $HOME is not defined (thanks to Kostas Maistelis)
 - added compile flag CONFIG_FILE_PATH to define a custom path to the config file
 - added local copy of getopt, which is compiled if the system does not provide it
   (removed win32cmdline.*)
 - fixed VHDL event parsing
 - removed some poor quality colour themes and improved some others
 - added ide-eclipse style

== highlight 2.0-24


 - improved VHDL support (thanks to Aaron D. Marasco)
 - added Coldfusion MX definition (thanks to Paul Connell)
 - added $REFORMATTING option to language definitions
 - added a Python binding in utils/python-binding
 - some code clean up

== highlight 2.0-23


 - fixed ABAP definition (thanks to Kevin Barter)
 - fixed Python definition
 - fixed parsing of methods applied to numerical literals (possible in Ruby)
 - fixed indentation of line numbers in LaTeX (thanks to Michael Berndt)
 - reduced LaTeX output file size
 - improved layout of LaTeX document
 - applied some patches to Artistic Style code (see
 - added updated phpwiki-plugin utils/cgi/php/SyntaxHighlighter.php
   (thanks to Reini Urban)

== highlight 2.0-22


 - improved Fortran 77 parsing (thanks to Geraldo Veiga),
   moved parsing information to f77.lang and f90.lang
 - added highlighting of float literals like .5
 - added new language definitions: ABAP/4, ARM, Bison, Dylan, FAME,Informix, Lisp,
   Octave, R, Scala, Snobol, Verilog
 - removed `-d` option
 - added `-P` option to display a progress bar in batch mode

== highlight 2.0-21


 - added option (`-r`) to replace " by \dq in LaTeX (thanks to Nikolai Mikuszeit)
 - added option (`-E`) to define another search path, where language definitions
   and themes may be stored (suggested by a Debian package tester)
 - fixed bug which disabled HTML anchors (thanks to Richard Beauchamp)
 - fixed wrong current working directory detection in W32 code (thanks to Ian Oliver)
 - improved fragmented TeX output
 - fixed man page
 - changed path of config file to ~/.highlightrc (Unix)
 - added options to config file
 - changed parameter prefix from "/" to the more convenient "$" in configuration files
 - changed "typesmods" parameter in language definitions to "types"
 - improved some colour themes
 - added $INCLUDE statement in language definitions to include content of other files

== highlight 2.0-20


 - added new parser options: TYPEDELIMITERS and KEYWORDDELIMITERS to enable
   highlighting of variables like ${var}
 - changed RTF font to Courier New
 - added symbol highlighting (last two suggested by Anssi Lehtinen)
 - added new colour themes (darkblue, zellner, ron, peachpuff, pablo, nedit)
 - added a new directive to add a custom installation directory at compile time
   (CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIR in highlight/makefile)
 - added Doxygen documentation
 - updated spec.lang, sh.lang and make.lang
 - fixed some case insensitive language files
 - replaced make by ${MAKE} in makefile (suggested by Thomas Dettbarn)
 - removed utils/frontend (see homepage for highlight-gui package)
 - moved German help to README_DE
 - moved documentation files to /usr/share/doc/highlight (suggested by Ayman Negm)

== highlight 2.0-19


 - improved whitespace indentation in TeX and LaTeX
 - fixed output of +, -, =, <, > in TeX
 - fixed output of blank lines in TeX
   (all suggested by Milan Straka)
 - updated Java language definition to 1.5
 - added support for BibTex, Erlang, Icon, Lisp, Lotos, Maple, Objectice C,
   Prolog, PostScript and RPM Spec

== highlight 2.0-18


 - changed hskip unit in LaTeX output vom mm to em
 - fixed different font width of spaces in TeX output
   (thanks to Milan Straka)
 - added macros in TeX output to reduce file size
 - fixed bug which made first line number disappear (introduced in 2.0-17)
 - declared XSL-FO output as experimental, added a switch to provide
   modified output for both Apache FOP and xmlto/xsltproc

== highlight 2.0-17


 - enabled multiple input file names and real batch processing wildcards
 - improved debugging output
 - added new PHP Wiki plugin (thanks to Alec Thomas)
 - fixed newlines at the beginning and the ending of HTML output
 - fixed Java and Nice language definitions (thanks to Daniel Bonniot)
 - general cleanup (code, makefiles, docs)

== highlight 2.0-16


 - added new options to wrap long lines (suggested by Johannes Wei�)
 - added new colour themes: vim, vim-dark and ide-codewarrior
 - improved Java, Nice and C parsing

== highlight 2.0-15


 - improved XSL-FO output (thanks to Daniel Bonniot)
 - reduced LaTeX output file size

== highlight 2.0-14


 - added XSL-FO output format (suggested by Daniel Bonniot)
 - fixed segfault when theme file was not found
 - improved makefiles
 - ported code to Solaris (thanks to Ade Fewings)

== highlight 2.0-13


 - fixed parsing of XML comments
 - fixed conversion of umlauts and accents
 - improved parsing of numbers (suffixes like 30L, 4.5f; exponents)
 - '@' in HTML output is replaced  by HTML entity to confuse spam robots
 - fixed Avenue, Perl, Progress and Clipper language definitions
 - added support for Action Script, Objective Caml, Standard ML, Felix,
   Frink, IO, Nasal, MaxScript, Oberon, Object Script
 - replaced AutoConf build process by customizable makefile (suggested by John Skaller)

== highlight 2.0-12


 - fixed parsing of subtractions (i.e: varName-1)
 - added support for SuperX++ (thanks to Kimanzi Mati)
 - added Relax NG Compact language definition (thanks to Christian Siefkes)

== highlight 2.0-11


 - fixed LaTeX and Squirrel language definitions
   (thanks to Stephan Bhme and Alberto Dechemelis)
 - fixed number parsing (allow 'a'-'f' in Hex numbers only)
 - replaced double quotes by single quotes in fragmented LaTeX output
 - added a new subdirectory "utils/", moved "cgi/" there
 - added a new Python Qt-Frontend
 - added a PHP module (thanks to Philip Van Hoof)
 - added Nice language definition

== highlight 2.0-10


 - changed LaTeX font settings to \tt and \it
 - improved fragmented LaTeX output
 - fixed LaTeX language definition
 - fixed multi line compiler directive parsing with strings
 - added new Squirrel ans JSP language definitions

== highlight 2.0-9


 - trailing whitespace from input is ignored
 - modified LaTeX fragmented output to simplify inclusion of code in
   existing documents
 - added support for multiple line compiler directives
 - added new THE style (thanks to Mark Hessling)

== highlight 2.0-8 Hot Summer Build


 - fixed bug which prevented highlighting of escape characters within strings
   which start a new line
 - fixed XHTML line anchors attribute to "id"
 - added background colour support for plain TeX
 - improved recognition of strings with different open/close delimiters
 - added a reasonable 4th support
 - internal changes to improve speed
 - changed XHTML encoding from utf-8 to iso-8859-1 and xhtml version to 1.1
 - removed comment in XHTML header to enable highlighting when style
   definition is included in output
 - added recognition of hex, octal and unicode escape sequences (\123, \xff)
 - improved Python and Tcl support

== highlight 2.0-7


 - fixed parsing of C# simplified strings (thanks to Cerda)
 - added support for C# member attributes (thanks to Gauthier)
 - added `--listlangs` option (suggested by Mark Hessling)
 - improved plausibility of `--outdir` option (thanks to Otto Barnes II)

== highlight 2.0-6


 - fixed bug in HTML and XHTML output, which caused insertion of too many
   "</span>" tags (thanks to Mark Hessling)

== highlight 2.0-5


 - improved LaTeX, TeX and RTF colour output
 - fixed TeX output formatting errors
 - fixed LaTeX line number output (thanks to Johannes Nolte)
 - improved code portability (thanks to Gauthier)
 - added french help (thanks to Gauthier)

== highlight 2.0-4


 - improved Ada 95 output (thanks to Frank Piron)
 - added HTML index file option
 - simplified API
 - added some language definitions

== highlight 2.0-2


 - fixed bug causing lowercase output of case insensitive
   languages (thanks to David and Mark Hessling)
 - added new Matlab colour theme (thanks to David)
 - improved Rexx language definition (thanks to Mark Hessling)
 - added plain text language definition

== highlight 2.0


 - fixed memory leak in DataDir::searchDataDir()
 - fixed configuration file parsing
 - added data-dir option
 - added batch-recursive option
 - changed CmdLineoptions.cpp to compile under Windows

== highlight 2.0b-9


 - improved integer literal and C++ multiline comment parsing
   (both suggested by Benjamin Kaufmann)
 - improved directive line parsing

== highlight 2.0b-8


 - added Pike language definition (thanks to Olivier Girondel)
 - added support for Forth (suggested by Hans Bezemer)
 - fixed bugs in language definition loader method
 - fixed segfault

== highlight 2.0b-7


 - added Artistic Style indentation and reformatting

== highlight 2.0b-6


 - fixed fortran code parsing ( thanks to Henning Weber)
 - improved performance

== highlight 2.0b-5

 - fixed theme files which had DOS line terminators
 - presets reader method was fixed
 - changed RTF output to Courier and 20 pt font size
 - help screen fixed

== highlight 2.0b-4


 - added css-infile and css-outfile options to make generation of customizable css
   definitions clearer (suggested by Markus Werle)
 - fixed bug reading fontsize parameter of themes

== highlight 2.0b-3


 - improved RTF output

== highlight 2.0b-2


 - improved RTF output (added bold/italics/underline attributes)
 - improved TeX output (added theme colors [thanks to Markus Henning for TeX-URL],
   bold and italics)
 - added a description how to use the highlight parser in own applications

== highlight 2.0b


 - memory leak was fixed
 - the parser was rewritten to add more flexibility and stability
 - added ability to highlight code with tags (XML, HTML...)
 - added ability to highlight strings with prefixes
   (variableprefix, keywordprefix)
 - different source file extensions are stored in a configuration file
 - configuration reader was modified to allow storing parameter values
   in multiple lines
 - added some more language definitions

== highlight 1.3.4-2


 - added option to disable directive line bug
 - added ability to search *.style and *.lang files in different directories,
   which may be set as prefix option of ./configure
   (suggested by Jose Santiago)

== highlight 1.3.4


 - fixed LaTeX output regarding escape characters outside of strings
 - fixed unmasked escape characters
   (both bugs reported by Peter Albert)
 - added \ttfamily to LaTeX header (suggested by Peter Albert)
 - rpm-spec file allows relocatable builds (thanks to Dwight Engen)
 - added "CPP" to recognised source file suffixes (suggested by Maniac)
 - replaced verb-|- by \textbar
 - fixed php.lang and py.lang

== highlight 1.3.3


 - fixed Asm.lang (lower case of keywords/types)
 - added option to specify target directory of the output files
 - fixed bug in LateX/RTF/TeX output; last opened tag being closed now
 - improved LaTeX output
 - added ability to read presets from the configuration file $HOME/.highlight.conf
 - added simple cgi script (Perl)

== highlight 1.3.2-2


 - fixed LaTeX output of | and ~ characters (thanks to Martin Idelberger)

== highlight 1.3.2


 - fixed buffer overflow problem (thanks to Christian Perle)
 - added Rexx, Modula3, Agda, Haskell language definition
 - added (G)AWK language definition (thanks to Andreas Schoenberg)
 - added Bold and Italic font support, and background colour to LaTeX output
 - highlight compiles without warnings with gcc 3.2

== highlight 1.3.1-2


 - applied gcc 3.2 patch (thanks to Georg Young)

== highlight 1.3.1


 - fixed bug which disabled batch mode
 - added POV Ray Definition (thanks to Christian Perle)
 - added emacs and kwrite style

== highlight 1.3  (beta)


 - applied Ruby definition file patch (thanks to Jonas Fonseca)
 - introduced style definition files
 - added background colour to style definitions
 - added line anchors in HTML output

== highlight 1.2.1


 - applied patch to make highlight compile with gcc 3.x (thanks to Marc Duponcheel)
 - fixed LaTeX output of "^" and /hskip  (thanks to Dan Muller)
 - fixed TeX output

== highlight 1.2


 - fixed bug which caused wrong output file suffixes in batch mode
 - fixed (X)HTML output of french characters
 - added frech character output (accent graphe, acute) to rtf, TeX and LaTeX output
 - ability to recognize keywords with "-"
 - added new language definitions (Ruby, COBOL, Fortran)

== highlight 1.1


 - TeX output
 - fixed documentation regarding LaTeX / TeX output (Thanks to Keith Briggs)
 - fixed bug which caused single line comments left unmasked
 - french letters like ? ?are masked

== highlight 1.0 <stable>


 - reduced tex output file size
 - Perl and Visual Basic definition file
 - fixed error in help msg (Thanks to Jan van Haarst)

== highlight 0.1


 - RTF and La(Tex) output
 - Lua definition file
 - header and footer part of output file may be omitted
 - changed path of language definitions to /usr/share/highlight

== src2css 0.2


 - batch mode, converting all files matching a given wildcard
 - XHTML output
 - Python definition file

== src2css 0.1


 - initial release
2020-12-18 18:45:08 +00:00
Makefile = Highlight CHANGELOG 2020-12-18 18:45:08 +00:00 Fix textproc/highlight build with 'x11' option. 2018-07-27 07:39:12 +00:00
PLIST = Highlight CHANGELOG 2020-12-18 18:45:08 +00:00