IPython 7.20
IPython 7.20 is the accumulation of 3 month of work on IPython, spacing between
IPython release have been increased from the usual once a month for various
- Mainly as I'm too busy and the effectively sole maintainer, and
- Second because not much changes happened before mid December.
The main driver for this release was the new version of Jedi 0.18 breaking API;
which was taken care of in the master branch early in 2020 but not in 7.x as I
though that by now 8.0 would be out.
The inclusion of a resolver in pip did not help and actually made things worse.
If usually I would have simply pinned Jedi to ``<0.18``; this is not a solution
anymore as now pip is free to install Jedi 0.18, and downgrade IPython.
I'll do my best to keep the regular release, but as the 8.0-dev branch and 7.x
are starting to diverge this is becoming difficult in particular with my limited
time, so if you have any cycles to spare I'll appreciate your help to respond to
issues and pushing 8.0 forward.
Here are thus some of the changes for IPython 7.20.
- Support for PyQt5 >= 5.11 :ghpull:`12715`
- ``%reset`` remove imports more agressively :ghpull:`12718`
- fix the ``%conda`` magic :ghpull:`12739`
- compatibility with Jedi 0.18, and bump minimum Jedi version. :ghpull:`12793`