**1.6.2** (2013-12-26)
Minor changes & compatibility fixes
* Re-tuned the :attr:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.default_rounds`
values for all of the hashes.
* Added the new :doc:`bcrypt_sha256 <lib/passlib.hash.bcrypt_sha256>` hash,
which wraps BCrypt using SHA256 in order to work around
BCrypt's password size limitations (:issue:`43`).
* :doc:`passlib.hash.bcrypt <lib/passlib.hash.bcrypt>`:
Added support for the `bcrypt <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bcrypt>`_
library as one of the possible bcrypt backends that will be
used if available. (:issue:`49`)
* :mod:`passlib.ext.django`: Passlib's Django extension
(and it's related hashes and unittests) have been updated to
handle some minor API changes in Django 1.5-1.6. They should
now be compatible with Django 1.2 and up. (:issue:`50`)