Nothing changed from v1.4.1.
* Fix the compilation failure of cffi on CPython 3.5.0. (3.5.1 works;
some detail changed that makes some underscore-starting macros
disappear from view of extension modules, and I worked around it,
thinking it changed in all 3.5 versions---but no: it was only in
* A `better way to do callbacks`__ has been added (faster and more
portable, and usually cleaner). It is a mechanism for the
out-of-line API mode that replaces the dynamic creation of callback
objects (i.e. C functions that invoke Python) with the static
declaration in ``cdef()`` of which callbacks are needed. This is
more C-like, in that you have to structure your code around the idea
that you get a fixed number of function pointers, instead of
creating them on-the-fly.
* ``ffi.compile()`` now takes an optional ``verbose`` argument. When
``True``, distutils prints the calls to the compiler.
* ``ffi.compile()`` used to fail if given ``sources`` with a path that
includes ``".."``. Fixed.
* ``ffi.init_once()`` added. See docs__.
* ``dir(lib)`` now works on libs returned by ``ffi.dlopen()`` too.
* Cleaned up and modernized the content of the ``demo`` subdirectory
in the sources (thanks matti!).
* ``ffi.new_handle()`` is now guaranteed to return unique ``void *``
values, even if called twice on the same object. Previously, in
that case, CPython would return two ``cdata`` objects with the same
``void *`` value. This change is useful to add and remove handles
from a global dict (or set) without worrying about duplicates.
It already used to work like that on PyPy.
*This change can break code that used to work on CPython by relying
on the object to be kept alive by other means than keeping the
result of ffi.new_handle() alive.* (The corresponding `warning in
the docs`__ of ``ffi.new_handle()`` has been here since v0.8!)
.. __: using.html#extern-python
.. __: using.html#initonce
.. __: using.html#ffi-new-handle