- Make sure weak attributes remain weak when cloning (Moose 2.0007)
- Replace C++-style comments (//) with C89-style comments(/* */)
(RT #67412)
- $type_constraint->check() accepts extra arguments for extensibility
(requested by @lestrrat)
- Fix an abuse of a private Perl API, which changed at Perl 5.13.10
(Thanks to avar)
- Support the DOES() method for Mouse::Object
- Disable foreign class warnings introduced at 0.71, which affects
compatibility with Moose (and will re-introduce in more compatible
way in the future)
- Workaround SL4A where mro.pm doesn't exist even if Perl >= 5.10.0
(reported by @hide_o_55)
- Fix packaging issues
- META.yml was not updated (reported by @shohex)
- `make realclean` should remove xshelper.h
(patched by Ingy dot Net, and modified by gfx)
- Type coercion routines have been refactored; coercions are compiled
on demand.
- Role application to instances cached anonymous classes in wrong way
- Fix an error message to be compatible with Moose's
- Fix build problems
- Fix tests not to depend on platforms
- 'Int' type constraint passed dualvars (e.g. $!) while Moose's doesn't
- Wrong name for a method in Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint:
- $type_constraint->type_parameter didn't return the correct value
if it's a subtype of paramterized type constraints
- Roles which attributes has no methods could affect cache invalidation
- Resolve RT #61906 (Syohei Yoshida): A single 'accessor' did
not define the method for the attribute
- Fix a mis-use of aTHX_/pTHX_ in XS (Vincent Pit)
- Resolve RT #61852 (Vincent Pit): Parametrized type constraints didn't
call their "where" clause anymore.
- Mouse::Object::DESTROY could fail to call DEMOLISHes in some cases
(reported by @typester).
- Fix tests failed against 5.6.2
- Combination of 'isa' and 'does' for has() sugar was incorrectly
proccessed in Mouse::PurePerl.
- Fix foreign class checking routines. Please update MouseX::Foreign.
- Workaround 5.6.problems
- Fix edge cases of handles => sub { ... }
- Aoid warnigs on attribute cloning
- Diamond inheritanc without C3 mro cauld cause problems in Mouse::XS
- Workaround Test::Builder2 problem again.
Loading Mouse before loading Test::Builder 2.00_01 could causes SEGV,
so I ensure to load Test::Builder first.
- Fix some compatibility issues on perl 5.6.2
- Resolve RT #61613 (Brett)
- Internal refatoring has removed a number of incompatibilities
in Mouse::PurePerl.
- Error messages from duck types are now compatible with Moose.
- Inheritance from non-Mouse classes now produces warnings.
Use MouseX::Foreign if you want this type of inheritance.
- A new module Mouse::Meta::Role::Application has been added.
It doesn not affect public APIs, but internals are radically
changed. For users, using Mouse without roles should consume
less memory.
- Meta class reinitialization caused by Mouse::Util::MetaRole
did not work correctly