time! -- save them by hand if you need them for this upgrade), add a
package hook to change ${CONFDIR}, where the binaries look for their
configuration files, and update to 1.1.26. Many bug fixes and improved
compatibility with various modems. The following were culled from the
extensive ChangeLog file's for being conceivably of general interest.
* login.c: export current tty as $DEVICE to shell
* dialin.config: added V253 codes for OUT_OF_AREA and PRIVATE.
* getdisk.c: fix overflow on file systems with > 2G (2^31 bytes) free
* getdisk.c: default MINFREESPACE from policy.h was interpreted
as *bytes*, not as *kbytes*. Which kind of defeats the purpose
of checking for "enough disk space". Fixed, work with kbytes now.
* faxrecp.c: check access rights first, space second (this will
give clearer log messages for non-existing directories)
* faxrecp.c: change fax page writing to open( O_EXCL|O_CREAT )
* locks.c: use mkstemp() to create tmp file, if available,
open( O_EXCL|O_CREAT ) otherwise.
and for vgetty...
* Fixed buffer overflow in vm and vgetty, submitted by Georg
Kirschbaum, <Georg.Kirschbaum@gimmel.franken.de>. Impact would
not have been very big since only DTMFs are under control
of the user.