Changes in 0.8.4 [2020.12.09]
* Backport the Ord instances for TyCon and TypeRep to be available on
GHC 7.0.
Changes in 0.8.3 [2020.09.30]
* Backport new instances from GHC 9.0/base-4.15
- MonadFix and MonadZip instances for Complex
- Ix instances for tuples of size 6 through 15
Changes in 0.8.2 [2020.01.27]
* Backport new instances from GHC 8.10/base-4.14
- Bits, Bounded, Enum, FiniteBits, Floating, Fractional, Integral,
Ix, Real, RealFrac, RealFloat and Storable instances for
- Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, and MonadPlus instances
for Kleisli
- Functor, Applicative, and Monad instances for (,,) a b and (,,,) a
b c
- Data instances for WrappedArrow and WrappedMonad
- Data and IsList instances for ZipList
- TestEquality instance for Compose
* Backport the Typeable (() :: Constraint) instance to be available on
GHC 7.8.