dmcmahill 0ccb07d3db initial import of simian-2.1
Surface Impedance Method for Interconnect Analysis.

SIMIAN is a two dimensional frequency dependent series
impedance extraction tool for inerconnects and transmission
lines using conductors of rectangular or circular cross section.

The use of the surface ribbon method (SRM) greatly enhances
the speed of computation relative to the volume filament
method (VFM).
2001-04-28 02:36:35 +00:00

8 lines
412 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2001/04/28 02:36:35 dmcmahill Exp $
SHA1 (simian_12_98.tar.gz) = c7d57087a397970b05195f497c98a058cea1a93a
Size (simian_12_98.tar.gz) = 18474 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = fa43e88db6902537114d49ff0f14d420927c50e1
SHA1 (patch-ab) = e31c96d7fa79833dbd9dc7d22ea1f0a95b327d4a
SHA1 (patch-ac) = 64b974adb3111e21bd6f14838371eb5db5cbd050
SHA1 (patch-ad) = d3f6b068fe0d16a8c097b7e5a77d7f89d010e8b8