The Biopython package contains high-quality, reusable modules and scripts written in Python to make it as easy as possible to use Python for bioinformatics. The Biopython includes the follwing: the ability to parse bioinformatics files into python utilizable data structures, including support for the formats such as Blast output, Clustalw, FASTA, GenBank, PubMed and Medicine, various Expasy files, SCOP, Rebase, UniGene, and SwissProt.
58 lines
1 KiB
58 lines
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.55 2019/08/09 21:52:34 brook Exp $
COMMENT= Software for the biological sciences
SUBDIR+= arka
SUBDIR+= azara
SUBDIR+= bcftools
SUBDIR+= bioperl
SUBDIR+= bodr
SUBDIR+= bwa
SUBDIR+= canu
SUBDIR+= cdhit
SUBDIR+= chemical-mime-data
SUBDIR+= chemtool
SUBDIR+= clustalw
SUBDIR+= coalesce
SUBDIR+= fastDNAml
SUBDIR+= fastp
SUBDIR+= fluctuate
SUBDIR+= gabedit
SUBDIR+= genesplicer
SUBDIR+= glimmer
SUBDIR+= gnome-chemistry-utils
SUBDIR+= gromacs
SUBDIR+= hisat2
SUBDIR+= hmmer
SUBDIR+= htslib
SUBDIR+= kallisto
SUBDIR+= lucy
SUBDIR+= mopac
SUBDIR+= mpqc
SUBDIR+= mummer
SUBDIR+= ncbi-blast+
SUBDIR+= nut
SUBDIR+= openbabel
SUBDIR+= p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene
SUBDIR+= pdbalign
SUBDIR+= phylip
SUBDIR+= plink
SUBDIR+= plinkseq
SUBDIR+= primer3
SUBDIR+= profit
SUBDIR+= puzzle
SUBDIR+= py-biopython
SUBDIR+= py-mol
SUBDIR+= py-pydicom
SUBDIR+= rasmol
SUBDIR+= samtools
SUBDIR+= sewer
SUBDIR+= stacks
SUBDIR+= stride
SUBDIR+= trimmomatic
SUBDIR+= vsearch
SUBDIR+= xylem
.include "../mk/misc/"