Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.10.2 to GIMP 2.10.4
- Remove gimp_display_shell_draw_background() and all clipping hacks
for drawing the canvas background. This optimizes away one entire
step of drawing of image size, for each expose.
- Font loading does not block startup anymore. Only consequence is
that the Text tool may not be usable immediately if fonts are not
fully loaded yet (and will output an appropriate error if you do
so). All non-text related activities can be performed right away.
- Change of the URL from bugzilla to gitlab where appropriate.
- New tool option manager to better keep track of user context and
paint options in a consistent manner.
User Interface:
- The Dashboard dockable dialog now has a 'Memory' group that shows
memory-usage information: the currently used memory size, the
available physical memory size, and the total physical memory
size. It can also show the tile-cache size, for comparison
against the other memory stats. Note that the upper-bound of the
meter is the physical memory size, so the memory usage may be over
100% when GIMP uses the swap.
- The Dashboard dockable dialog now has "read" and "written" fields in
the dashboard swap group, which report the total amount of data
read-from/written-to the tile swap, respetively. Additionally, the
swap busy indicator (used as the meter's LED) has been improved,
so that it's active whenever data has been read-from/written-to
the swap during the last sampling interval, rather than at the
point of sampling.
- Fonts can now be tagged. The user interface is the same as for
brushes, patterns etc.
- Some icons fixed: larger spacing between broken chains and
gimp-tool-ellipse-select made symmetrical.
- When a plug-in cannot be applied to an image because of mismatch
in image types (e.g. layer has no alpha or image is greyscale),
GIMP now displays a message listing supported image types for this
- The Measurement tool now has an "Auto straighten" option allowing
to rotate the active drawable (layer, channel…) so that the
measurement line is used as horizon. As other transform tools, the
feature will work on linked drawables as well.
- The Smudge tool now paints correctly on images with a color
profile other than the GIMP's built-in one.
- Installer: set compatibility options to run Python plugins in
HiDPI-aware mode.
- Put back compatibility DLLs for really old plugins.
- Install binary tool `gimp-test-clipboard` on the system to allow
people to help us debug clipboard bugs.
- --enable-bundled-mypaint-brushes renamed
--enable-relocatable-bundle and also make WMF fonts looked up on
the runtime prefix of GIMP (instead of the build-time path) when
this build option was set.
- gimptool-2.0 binary now accepts source files with non-standard
extensions if it can try to guess appropriate language from the
compiler being used. It will also properly quote arguments for
shell usage.
- Run explicitly Python 2 as Python plug-in interpreter to prevent
breakage on systems where Python 3 is the default.
- raw_input()'s argument in Python console is now optional, and
input() support has been added.
File Formats:
- The PSD loader now provides an option to load "merged",
pre-composited version of the images that becomes available when a
PSD file was saved with "Maximize Compatibility" option enabled in
Photoshop. This is useful when loading PSD files that use features
that GIMP doesn't currently support, and therefore can't render
correctly, such as adjustment layers. When loading the merged
image version, we avoid loading certain additional data from the
file, such as channels, paths, and guides, while still loading
metadata. This option is currently exposed as an additional file
type ("Photoshop image (merged)"), which has to be explicitly
selected from the file-type list when opening the image.
- Embedding GIMP's built-in sRGB color profile to exported files is
now optional. The default choice can be set in the Preferences
- Updated translations: Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Russian,
Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.