ryoon 5965fd777b Update to 20121220
* Works fine under Debian GNU/Linux 7.4, NetBSD/amd64 6.99.36
* Merge pkgsrc specific changes

Dec 20, 2012:
	fiddled makefile to get correct yacc and bison flags.  pick yacc
	(linux) or bison (mac) as necessary.

	added  __attribute__((__noreturn__)) to a couple of lines in
	proto.h, to silence someone's enthusiastic checker.

	fixed obscure call by value bug in split(a[1],a) reported on
	9fans.  the management of temporary values is just a mess; i
	took a shortcut by making an extra string copy.  thanks
	to paul patience and arnold robbins for passing it on and for
	proposed patches.

	tiny fiddle in setfval to eliminate -0 results in T.expr, which
	has irritated me for 20+ years.

Aug 10, 2011:
	another fix to avoid core dump with delete(ARGV); again, many thanks
	to ruslan ermilov.

Aug 7, 2011:
	split(s, a, //) now behaves the same as split(s, a, "")

Jun 12, 2011:
	/pat/, \n /pat/ {...} is now legal, though bad style to use.

	added checks to new -v code that permits -vnospace; thanks to
	ruslan ermilov for spotting this and providing the patch.

	removed fixed limit on number of open files; thanks to aleksey
	cheusov and christos zoulos.

	fixed day 1 bug that resurrected deleted elements of ARGV when
	used as filenames (in lib.c).

	minor type fiddles to make gcc -Wall -pedantic happier (but not
	totally so); turned on -fno-strict-aliasing in makefile.

May 6, 2011:
	added #ifdef for isblank.
	now allows -ffoo as well as -f foo arguments.
	(thanks, ruslan)

May 1, 2011:
	after advice from todd miller, kevin lo, ruslan ermilov,
	and arnold robbins, changed srand() to return the previous
	seed (which is 1 on the first call of srand).  the seed is
	an Awkfloat internally though converted to unsigned int to
	pass to the library srand().  thanks, everyone.

	fixed a subtle (and i hope low-probability) overflow error
	in fldbld, by adding space for one extra \0.  thanks to
	robert bassett for spotting this one and providing a fix.

	removed the files related to compilation on windows.  i no
	longer have anything like a current windows environment, so
	i can't test any of it.

May 23, 2010:
	fixed long-standing overflow bug in run.c; many thanks to
	nelson beebe for spotting it and providing the fix.

	fixed bug that didn't parse -vd=1 properly; thanks to santiago
	vila for spotting it.

Feb 8, 2010:
	i give up.  replaced isblank with isspace in b.c; there are
	no consistent header files.

Nov 26, 2009:
	fixed a long-standing issue with when FS takes effect.  a
	change to FS is now noticed immediately for subsequent splits.

	changed the name getline() to awkgetline() to avoid yet another
	name conflict somewhere.

Feb 11, 2009:
	temporarily for now defined HAS_ISBLANK, since that seems to
	be the best way through the thicket.  isblank arrived in C99,
	but seems to be arriving at different systems at different

Oct 8, 2008:
	fixed typo in b.c that set tmpvec wrongly.  no one had ever
	run into the problem, apparently.  thanks to alistair crooks.

Oct 23, 2007:
	minor fix in lib.c: increase inputFS to 100, change malloc
	for fields to n+1.

	fixed memory fault caused by out of order test in setsval.

	thanks to david o'brien, freebsd, for both fixes.

May 1, 2007:
	fiddle in makefile to fix for BSD make; thanks to igor sobrado.

Mar 31, 2007:
	fixed some null pointer refs calling adjbuf.

Feb 21, 2007:
	fixed a bug in matching the null RE in sub and gsub.  thanks to al aho
	who actually did the fix (in b.c), and to wolfgang seeberg for finding
	it and providing a very compact test case.

	fixed quotation in b.c; thanks to Hal Pratt and the Princeton Dante

	removed some no-effect asserts in run.c.

	fiddled maketab.c to not complain about bison-generated values.

	removed the obsolete -V argument; fixed --version to print the
	version and exit.

	fixed wording and an outright error in the usage message; thanks to igor
	sobrado and jason mcintyre.

	fixed a bug in -d that caused core dump if no program followed.

Jan 1, 2007:
	dropped mac.code from makefile; there are few non-MacOSX
	mac's these days.

Jan 17, 2006:
	system() not flagged as unsafe in the unadvertised -safe option.
	found it while enhancing tests before shipping the ;login: article.
	practice what you preach.

	removed the 9-years-obsolete -mr and -mf flags.

	added -version and --version options.

	core dump on linux with BEGIN {nextfile}, now fixed.

	removed some #ifdef's in run.c and lex.c that appear to no
	longer be necessary.
2014-03-12 14:20:43 +00:00

209 lines
5.1 KiB

/* $NetBSD: proctab.c,v 1.3 2014/03/12 14:20:43 ryoon Exp $ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "awk.h"
#include "ytab.h"
static char *printname[93] = {
(char *) "FIRSTTOKEN", /* 57346 */
(char *) "PROGRAM", /* 57347 */
(char *) "PASTAT", /* 57348 */
(char *) "PASTAT2", /* 57349 */
(char *) "XBEGIN", /* 57350 */
(char *) "XEND", /* 57351 */
(char *) "NL", /* 57352 */
(char *) "ARRAY", /* 57353 */
(char *) "MATCH", /* 57354 */
(char *) "NOTMATCH", /* 57355 */
(char *) "MATCHOP", /* 57356 */
(char *) "FINAL", /* 57357 */
(char *) "DOT", /* 57358 */
(char *) "ALL", /* 57359 */
(char *) "CCL", /* 57360 */
(char *) "NCCL", /* 57361 */
(char *) "CHAR", /* 57362 */
(char *) "OR", /* 57363 */
(char *) "STAR", /* 57364 */
(char *) "QUEST", /* 57365 */
(char *) "PLUS", /* 57366 */
(char *) "EMPTYRE", /* 57367 */
(char *) "AND", /* 57368 */
(char *) "BOR", /* 57369 */
(char *) "APPEND", /* 57370 */
(char *) "EQ", /* 57371 */
(char *) "GE", /* 57372 */
(char *) "GT", /* 57373 */
(char *) "LE", /* 57374 */
(char *) "LT", /* 57375 */
(char *) "NE", /* 57376 */
(char *) "IN", /* 57377 */
(char *) "ARG", /* 57378 */
(char *) "BLTIN", /* 57379 */
(char *) "BREAK", /* 57380 */
(char *) "CLOSE", /* 57381 */
(char *) "CONTINUE", /* 57382 */
(char *) "DELETE", /* 57383 */
(char *) "DO", /* 57384 */
(char *) "EXIT", /* 57385 */
(char *) "FOR", /* 57386 */
(char *) "FUNC", /* 57387 */
(char *) "SUB", /* 57388 */
(char *) "GSUB", /* 57389 */
(char *) "IF", /* 57390 */
(char *) "INDEX", /* 57391 */
(char *) "LSUBSTR", /* 57392 */
(char *) "MATCHFCN", /* 57393 */
(char *) "NEXT", /* 57394 */
(char *) "NEXTFILE", /* 57395 */
(char *) "ADD", /* 57396 */
(char *) "MINUS", /* 57397 */
(char *) "MULT", /* 57398 */
(char *) "DIVIDE", /* 57399 */
(char *) "MOD", /* 57400 */
(char *) "ASSIGN", /* 57401 */
(char *) "ASGNOP", /* 57402 */
(char *) "ADDEQ", /* 57403 */
(char *) "SUBEQ", /* 57404 */
(char *) "MULTEQ", /* 57405 */
(char *) "DIVEQ", /* 57406 */
(char *) "MODEQ", /* 57407 */
(char *) "POWEQ", /* 57408 */
(char *) "PRINT", /* 57409 */
(char *) "PRINTF", /* 57410 */
(char *) "SPRINTF", /* 57411 */
(char *) "ELSE", /* 57412 */
(char *) "INTEST", /* 57413 */
(char *) "CONDEXPR", /* 57414 */
(char *) "POSTINCR", /* 57415 */
(char *) "PREINCR", /* 57416 */
(char *) "POSTDECR", /* 57417 */
(char *) "PREDECR", /* 57418 */
(char *) "VAR", /* 57419 */
(char *) "IVAR", /* 57420 */
(char *) "VARNF", /* 57421 */
(char *) "CALL", /* 57422 */
(char *) "NUMBER", /* 57423 */
(char *) "STRING", /* 57424 */
(char *) "REGEXPR", /* 57425 */
(char *) "GETLINE", /* 57426 */
(char *) "RETURN", /* 57427 */
(char *) "SPLIT", /* 57428 */
(char *) "SUBSTR", /* 57429 */
(char *) "WHILE", /* 57430 */
(char *) "CAT", /* 57431 */
(char *) "NOT", /* 57432 */
(char *) "UMINUS", /* 57433 */
(char *) "POWER", /* 57434 */
(char *) "DECR", /* 57435 */
(char *) "INCR", /* 57436 */
(char *) "INDIRECT", /* 57437 */
(char *) "LASTTOKEN", /* 57438 */
Cell *(*proctab[93])(Node **, int) = {
nullproc, /* FIRSTTOKEN */
program, /* PROGRAM */
pastat, /* PASTAT */
dopa2, /* PASTAT2 */
nullproc, /* XBEGIN */
nullproc, /* XEND */
nullproc, /* NL */
array, /* ARRAY */
matchop, /* MATCH */
matchop, /* NOTMATCH */
nullproc, /* MATCHOP */
nullproc, /* FINAL */
nullproc, /* DOT */
nullproc, /* ALL */
nullproc, /* CCL */
nullproc, /* NCCL */
nullproc, /* CHAR */
nullproc, /* OR */
nullproc, /* STAR */
nullproc, /* QUEST */
nullproc, /* PLUS */
nullproc, /* EMPTYRE */
boolop, /* AND */
boolop, /* BOR */
nullproc, /* APPEND */
relop, /* EQ */
relop, /* GE */
relop, /* GT */
relop, /* LE */
relop, /* LT */
relop, /* NE */
instat, /* IN */
arg, /* ARG */
bltin, /* BLTIN */
jump, /* BREAK */
closefile, /* CLOSE */
jump, /* CONTINUE */
awkdelete, /* DELETE */
dostat, /* DO */
jump, /* EXIT */
forstat, /* FOR */
nullproc, /* FUNC */
sub, /* SUB */
gsub, /* GSUB */
ifstat, /* IF */
sindex, /* INDEX */
nullproc, /* LSUBSTR */
matchop, /* MATCHFCN */
jump, /* NEXT */
jump, /* NEXTFILE */
arith, /* ADD */
arith, /* MINUS */
arith, /* MULT */
arith, /* DIVIDE */
arith, /* MOD */
assign, /* ASSIGN */
nullproc, /* ASGNOP */
assign, /* ADDEQ */
assign, /* SUBEQ */
assign, /* MULTEQ */
assign, /* DIVEQ */
assign, /* MODEQ */
assign, /* POWEQ */
printstat, /* PRINT */
awkprintf, /* PRINTF */
awksprintf, /* SPRINTF */
nullproc, /* ELSE */
intest, /* INTEST */
condexpr, /* CONDEXPR */
incrdecr, /* POSTINCR */
incrdecr, /* PREINCR */
incrdecr, /* POSTDECR */
incrdecr, /* PREDECR */
nullproc, /* VAR */
nullproc, /* IVAR */
getnf, /* VARNF */
call, /* CALL */
nullproc, /* NUMBER */
nullproc, /* STRING */
nullproc, /* REGEXPR */
awkgetline, /* GETLINE */
jump, /* RETURN */
split, /* SPLIT */
substr, /* SUBSTR */
whilestat, /* WHILE */
cat, /* CAT */
boolop, /* NOT */
arith, /* UMINUS */
arith, /* POWER */
nullproc, /* DECR */
nullproc, /* INCR */
indirect, /* INDIRECT */
nullproc, /* LASTTOKEN */
char *tokname(int n)
static char buf[100];
if (n < FIRSTTOKEN || n > LASTTOKEN) {
sprintf(buf, "token %d", n);
return buf;
return printname[n-FIRSTTOKEN];