pkgsrc changes:
- Adjust module type for installation
- Adjust installed file permissions
Upstream changes:
2.08 Mon Feb 8 14:24:26 AUSEST 2010
* BUGFIX: Addeds support for chmod. Many thanks to
Jonathan Yu for reporting this (RT #50423).
* BUGFIX: Multi-arg open is now supported by open.
Many thanks to Nick Ncleaton for finding and fix this
bug. (RT #52427)
* BUILD: Updated to Module::Install 0.93
2.07 Fri Jul 31 16:35:40 BST 2009
* FEATURE: Added ->eval_error to autodie::exception, which
stores the contents of $@ at the time autodie throws its
own exception. This is useful when dealing with modules
such as Text::Balanced which set (but do not throw)
$@ on error.
* TEST: Checking for flock() support no longer causes
test failures on older VMS sysstems. (RT #47812)
Thanks to Craig A. Berry for supplying a patch.
* TEST: hints.t tests should no longer cause bogus
failures relating to File::Copy on VMS and Windows
systems prior to Perl 5.10.2.