# cli 2.2.0 * New `style_hyperlink()` function to add hyperlinks, on terminals that support them. * `cli_format_method()` now works properly in knitr, and other environments that catch message conditions (#159). * ANSI strings created by `col_*`, `bg_*` and `style_*` now also add the `character` class to the result. This fixes issues with code that expect `character` objects. * New functions to manipulate ANSI strings: `ansi_aling()`, `ansi_has_any()`, `ansi_nchar()`, `ansi_regex()`, `ansi_strip()`, `ansi_strsplit()`, `ansi_substr()`, `ansi_substring()`. # cli 2.1.0 * New `cli_vec()` function to allow easier formatting of collapsed vectors. It is now also possible to use styling to set the collapsing parameters (#129). * New `pluralize()` function to perform pluralization without generating cli output (#155). * `console_width()` works better now in RStudio, and also in terminals. * Styling of verbatim text work properly now (#147, @tzakharko). * Messages (ie. `message` conditions) coming from cli now have the `cliMessage` class, so you can easily suppress them without suppressing other messages (#156). * cli prints the output to `stderr()` now, if there is an output or message sink. This is to make interactive and non-interactive sessions consistent (#153). * Pluralization works corrently now if the last alternative is the empty string (#158). * cli now caches the result of the dark background detection in iTerm on macOS. Reload cli to delete the cache (#131). * The `is_dynamic_tty()`, `is_ansi_tty()` and `ansi_hide_cursor()` and releted functions now default to the `"auto"` stream, which is automatically selected to be either `stdout()` or `stderr()`. See the manual for details (#144). * The default theme now quotes file names, paths, email addresses if they don't start or end with an alphanumeric character or a slash. This is to make it easier to spot names that start or end with a space (#167). * `make_spinner()` clears the line properly now (@tzakharko, #164). * Semantic cli functions now automatically replace Unicode non-breaking space characters (`\u00a0`) with regular space characters, right before output. They are still used to calculate the line breaks, but not outputted (#161). * Progress bars now respect `is_dynamic_tty()` and do not output `\r` when this is false (@jimhester, #177)
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$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2021/01/01 04:15:16 mef Exp $
SHA1 (R/cli_2.2.0.tar.gz) = 2984fb13422ab0c51d5dd908ac7d71f82d5db033
RMD160 (R/cli_2.2.0.tar.gz) = 5506d107250781a1a4a1093fc30c73cc121107e2
SHA512 (R/cli_2.2.0.tar.gz) = a5ec962efaf9b9f691c03fd4aa4b18ead3d3473fca4a08d4173a901358f5399e696fe65549ff744e320379a5a05ed8fce84c363b41a7a5d227145e9e7a15214f
Size (R/cli_2.2.0.tar.gz) = 120676 bytes