sno d60211f310 PkgSrc changes:
- Updating module to 1.098
- Allow to select recommended dependencies using options framework

Upstream changes:

[1.098] Released on 2009-03-07

    Some Exciting News:
    The Perl Development Kit (PDK 8.0) from ActiveState now includes a
    very slick graphical interface to Perl-Critic.  I highly recommend
    that you check it out.  Here's a link to screenshots and docs:

    New Features:
    * Violation coloring is now configurable via command line or profile. The
      profile entries are color-severity-highest, -high, -medium, -low, or
      -lowest. Numbers are accepted in lieu of named severities (e.g.
      'color-severity-5' for 'color-severity-highest'), and 'colour' is
      accepted in lieu of 'color'.
    * Handling of unrecognized policy configuration items is now controlled by
      the profile_strictness. The default is to warn about them. The previous
      default was that they were fatal.
    * -p is now a synonym for --profile.
    * The --verbose option for perlcritic now supports a %C format that will
      displays the class of PPI::Element that caused the violation.

    Policy Changes:
    * ControlStructures::ProhibitNegativeExpressionsInUnlessAndUntilConditions
      didn't include "pbp" in its default themes even though it is derived
      from the book.  Now it does.  :]
    * ErrorHandling::RequireCarping now allows a here document as the last
      element if the "allow_messages_ending_with_newlines" option is true.
    * Fix Subroutines::ProhibitAmpersandSigils so it allows "defined(&x)" as
      well as "defined &x".  Patch from Kevin Ryde, RT #38855.
    * Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs now has an "allow" option to specify
      subroutines which are exempt from this policy.  RT #38678.
      Additionally, a "private_name_regex" option has been added that allows
      you to specify what a private subrouting name looks like.
    * Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking now has an "allow_subscripts" option
      to allow array slices and elements.  RT #34009.
    * Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking now has an "allow_delegation_to" option
      to allow the usual delegation idiom. Delegation to 'SUPER::' and
      'NEXT::' are allowed by default.  RT #33839.
    * Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking no longer generates a false positive
      for '$$_[]', which is an obfuscated way of saying '$_->[]'.  RT #37713.
    * ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers now has an
      allow_to_the_right_of_a_fat_comma option, which defaults to true.  Note
      that it currently only works /directly/ to the right of a fat comma.
    * Variables::ProhibitMatchVars had its default themes changed to "core
      performance pbp", instead of "core bugs pbp" because, while the match
      variables make regular expressions slow, it doesn't cause them to not
      work correctly.
    * Variables::ProhibitPackageVars has had FindBin and Log::Log4perl added
      to the default exemptions.
    * Variables::ProhibitReusedNames now has an "allow" option to specify
      names that can be reused.  It defaults to enabling $self and $class.  RT
    * Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars has a customizable set of
      exemptions via the "allow" option.

    New Developer Features:
    * The guts of perlcritic have been moved to Perl::Critic::Command.  You
      can invoke Perl::Critic::Command::run() to get the equivalent of running
      the command.  (Note, however, this interface WILL change, so don't count
      on the current one.)
    * Modules have had a "INTERFACE SUPPORT" section added which states
      whether the Perl::Critic developers consider the particular module is
      public or not.  Any removal of functionality from a public module will
      go through a deprecation cycle.  Non-public modules may have their
      interfaces changed without notice.
    * P::C::Policy now has an is_enabled() method.
    * P::C::Violation now has an element_class() method.

    Bug Fixes:
    * CodeLayout::ProhibitTrailingWhitespace didn't notice cases where PPI
      would produce instances of PPI::Token::Whitespace that contained
      multiple lines.
    * Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs no longer regards the exportable POSIX
      subroutines whose names begin with underscore as private.  RT #38678.
    * Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking mishandled a complicated sitation with
      $_ being an array reference.  RT #39601.
    * Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars now applies to subscripted
      names.  RT #29384.

    * The guts of Build.PL and Makefile.PL have been rearranged.

[1.097_002] Released on 2009-03-01
[1.097_001] Released on 2009-03-01

    Changes summarized into 1.098 above.  For exact details, see Changes on

[1.096] Released on 2009-02-01

    New Policies:
    * ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitSpecialLiteralHeredocTerminator

    Policy Changes:
    * Documentation::PodSpelling now has a stop_words_file option.
    * Modules::ProhibitEvilModules now has a modules_file option.

    Bug Fixes:
    * ErrorHandling::RequireCarping will now allow a literal newline
      as well as "\n".  Fixed by Kyle Hasselbacher, RT #25046
    * Fix InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen so it allows '-|' or '|-' as the
      second of two arguments.  Patches from Kyle Hasselbacher and Leland
      Johnson, RT #42384.
    * InputOutput::RequireBracedFileHandleWithPrint applies to printf as well
      as print.  Fixed by Kyle Hasselbacher, RT #42537.
    * TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict and
      TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings are no longer fooled by a
      block-scoped pragma.  RT #42310.
    * ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars allows for escaped
      backslashes.  Fixed by Tom Wyant, RT #38530.
    * Fix for problem in P::C::Document in dealing with underscores in
      expressions like "use 5.009_001".  Patch by Kevin Ryde, RT #36570 and
    * Fix in extras/perlcritic.el for a radio button.  Patch by Kevin Ryde, RT
    * Fix distclean target in Makefile.PL.  Patch by Richard Soderberg,
      RT #42088.
    * Fix temporary files not being cleaned up after tests.  Patch by Kyle
      Hasselbacher, RT #41443.
    * Deal with changes in Pod::Parser v1.36 in test in t/05_utils_pod.t.

    Documentation improvements contributed by Mark Grimes in response to RT

[1.095_001] Released on 2009-01-18

    Changes summarized into 1.096 above.  For exact details, see Changes on

Oked by rhaen@
2009-03-10 17:59:46 +00:00

34 lines
1.2 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2009/03/10 17:59:46 sno Exp $
DISTNAME= Perl-Critic-1.098
#PKGNAME= p5-${DISTNAME:C/0[0-9][0-9]$/.&/}
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
COMMENT= Perl 5 module providing a static Perl source code analysis engine
DEPENDS+= p5-B-Keywords>=1.05:../../devel/p5-B-Keywords
DEPENDS+= p5-Config-Tiny>=2:../../devel/p5-Config-Tiny
DEPENDS+= p5-Exception-Class>=1.23:../../devel/p5-Exception-Class
DEPENDS+= p5-IO-String-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-IO-String
DEPENDS+= p5-List-MoreUtils-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-List-MoreUtils
DEPENDS+= p5-Module-Pluggable>=3.1:../../devel/p5-Module-Pluggable
DEPENDS+= p5-PPI>=1.203:../../devel/p5-PPI
DEPENDS+= p5-Readonly>=1.03:../../devel/p5-Readonly
DEPENDS+= p5-String-Format>=1.13:../../devel/p5-String-Format
DEPENDS+= p5-version-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-version
.include ""
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/Perl/Critic/.packlist
PERL5_MODULE_TYPE= Module::Build
.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"