include: * Installing the relevant manpages with the client programs. * Miscellaneous bug fixes. * Venus now gracefully handles the situation where getvolinfo returns different replicas compared to the cached replication information. Now we only need add server support for VSG changes and a trigger that forces venus to make a getvolinfo call and we can start moving volumes around in the system. * Avoid killing clients when receiving truncated directory data. * Block when accessing an uncached object during resolution instead of failing. This is especially useful during weak-reintegration. * Added -local flag to cfs lv to avoid client-server rpc2 traffic. * Fetch data as well as status in write-disconnected mode, the dirty status-only object would prevent subsequent data-fetches until successful reintegration completed. * Added venus.conf option 'validateattrs' to limit piggybacked fids during validate attrs to help reducing IP layer fragmentation. * Another new venus.conf option 'serverprobe' to increase server probe intervals (keeps firewalls from dropping masqueraded connections). * venus.conf.ex file now defaults to turning on both masquerading and using private mmap's for RVM. * Disallow unlinking special names with 'cfs rmm' * Optimized local-global fid replacement. * Moved /usr/bin/replay to /usr/bin/coda_replay to avoid name conflicts. * Reintroduced VSGs in venus. * Re-randomizing during hoardwalks to add fair reclaiming behaviour in the low end of the priority queue.
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.33 2002/06/20 19:28:25 jlam Exp $
PKGNAME= coda-client-${DIST_VERS}
COMMENT= client programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
.include "../../net/coda5_server/Makefile.common"
INSTALL_TARGET= client-install
CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/sidekick.intr.ex ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/sidekick.intr
CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/venus.conf.ex ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/venus.conf
cd ${PREFIX}; ${PAX} -zr \
-s "/usr\/\(man\/man.\/\)au.8/\1venus-au.8/" \
-s "/usr\/\(man\/man.\/\)replay.8/\1coda_replay.8/" \
-s "/usr\///" \
`${GREP} "^man/" ${PLIST_SRC} | \
${GREP} -v "man/man8/au.8" | \
${SED} -e "s|^|usr/|" \
-e "s|coda_replay\.8|replay.8|" \
-e "s|venus-au\.8|au.8|"`
${LN} -sf venus-au.8 ${PREFIX}/man/man8/au.8
.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../mk/"