shattered 5f722d6f18 Update to 6.5. Notable changes:
Added radical search.
Added usefile toggle in multikanji search display.
'cheat' is now a toggle highlight for the current question.
Added [return] key accelerator for stroke count search.

Added handling of non-shifted JIS for cut-n-paste (rxvt support)
Added handling of ascii-escaped unicode char cut-n-paste
   (for pan, and other gtk2 based progs)
Patched doJISConvert to understand gtk2 unicode cutnpaste format.

Fixed buffer overflow in doJISConvert, that made coredumps
  for long cut-n-paste strings.
Fixed bug in matchromaji() that was giving bogus matches too soon.
2014-09-12 21:47:23 +00:00