A collection of (variously) simple tools provided as part of the LaTeX required tools distribution, comprising afterpage, array, calc, dcolumn, delarray enumerate, fileerr, fontsmpl, ftnright, hhline, indentfirst, layout, longtable, multicol, rawfonts, showkeys, somedefs, theorem, tabularx, trace, varioref, verbatim, xr, and xspace.
6 lines
335 B
6 lines
335 B
A collection of (variously) simple tools provided as part of the LaTeX
required tools distribution, comprising afterpage, array, calc,
dcolumn, delarray enumerate, fileerr, fontsmpl, ftnright, hhline,
indentfirst, layout, longtable, multicol, rawfonts, showkeys,
somedefs, theorem, tabularx, trace, varioref, verbatim, xr, and