5.12.2: While not adding new features, the Qt 5.12.2 release provides a number of bug fixes and other improvements. Compared to Qt 5.12.1, the new Qt 5.12.2 contains more than 250 bug fixes. For details of the most important changes, please check the Change files of Qt 5.12.2. With Qt 5.12.2 we bring back widely asked MinGW 32 bit prebuild binaries in addition to 64 bit ones. Qt 5.12 LTS will receive many more patch releases throughout the coming years and we recommend all active developed projects to migrate to Qt 5.12 LTS. Qt 5.9 LTS is currently in ‘Strict’ phase and receives only the selected important bug and security fixes, while Qt 5.12 LTS is currently receiving all the bug fixes. With Qt 5.6 Support ending in March 2019 all active projects still using Qt 5.6 LTS should now migrate to a later version of Qt.
8 lines
656 B
8 lines
656 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2019/03/26 11:14:18 adam Exp $
SHA1 (qttools-everywhere-src-5.12.2.tar.xz) = 6ed947a38227df680c86a30b68e6fea79a0bee5d
RMD160 (qttools-everywhere-src-5.12.2.tar.xz) = 40ece120e702c75784bb751b117e2481a4838d95
SHA512 (qttools-everywhere-src-5.12.2.tar.xz) = bfc415d2764ecee50b5eb1b5641ac709ebeaf3cfbbc73bc431acab307b9fd3f056f093e6b4010e2f7802f5714b56564c39ebe9fc280ce514c175fb44e0a35b8c
Size (qttools-everywhere-src-5.12.2.tar.xz) = 9808600 bytes
SHA1 (patch-src_assistant_assistant_assistant.pro) = 8d7cb7759d3b20780bc05097d5bd0d8be7d145cc
SHA1 (patch-src_designer_src_plugins_plugins.pro) = c82d154785e19ebfb3e191f08c8e7f9b07458d4a