adrianp 212a511685 Update to 5.1
Drupal 5.1, 2007-01-29
- fixed security issue (code execution), see SA-2007-005
- fixed a variety of small bugs.

Drupal 5.0, 2007-01-15
- completely retooled the administration page
* /admin now contains an administration page which may be themed
* reorganised administration menu items by task and by module
* added a status report page with detailed PHP/MySQL/Drupal information
- added web-based installer which can:
* check installation and run-time requirements
* automatically generate the database configuration file
* install pre-made 'install profiles' or distributions
* import the database structure with automatic table prefixing
* be localized
- added new default Garland theme
- added color module to change some themes' color schemes
- included the jQuery JavaScript library 1.0.4 and converted all core JavaScript
to use it
- introduced the ability to alter mail sent from system
- module system:
* added .info files for module meta-data
* added support for module dependencies
* improved module installation screen
* moved core modules to their own directories
* added support for module uninstalling
- added support for different cache backends
- added support for a generic "sites/all" directory.
- usability:
* added support for auto-complete forms (AJAX) to user profiles.
* made it possible to instantly assign roles to newly created user accounts.
* improved configurability of the contact forms.
* reorganized the settings pages.
* made it easy to investigate popular search terms.
* added a 'select all' checkbox and a range select feature to administration
* simplified the 'break' tag to split teasers from body.
* use proper capitalization for titles, menu items and operations.
- integrated urlfilter.module into filter.module
- block system:
* extended the block visibility settings with a role specific setting.
* made it possible to customize all block titles.
- poll module:
* optionally allow people to inspect all votes.
* optionally allow people to cancel their vote.
- distributed authentication:
* added default server option.
- added default robots.txt to control crawlers.
- database API:
* added db_table_exists().
- blogapi module:
* 'blogapi new' and 'blogapi edit' nodeapi operations.
- user module:
* added hook_profile_alter().
* e-mail verification is made optional.
* added mass editing and filtering on admin/user/user.
- PHP Template engine:
* add the ability to look for a series of suggested templates.
* look for page templates based upon the path.
* look for block templates based upon the region, module, and delta.
- content system:
* made it easier for node access modules to work well with each other.
* added configurable content types.
* changed node rendering to work with structured arrays.
- performance:
* improved session handling: reduces database overhead.
* improved access checking: reduces database overhead.
* made it possible to do memcached based session management.
* omit sidebars when serving a '404 - Page not found': saves CPU cycles and
* added an 'aggressive' caching policy.
* added a CSS aggregator and compressor (up to 40% faster page loads).
- removed the archive module.
- upgrade system:
* created space for update branches.
- forms API:
* made it possible to programmatically submit forms.
* improved api for multistep forms.
- theme system:
* split up and removed drupal.css.
* added nested lists generation.
* added a self-clearing block class.
2007-04-09 19:28:27 +00:00

77 lines
2.4 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2007/04/09 19:28:27 adrianp Exp $
DISTNAME= drupal-5.1
COMMENT= Open source content management system
DEPENDS+= ${APACHE_PKG_PREFIX}-${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}>=4.3.3:../../www/ap-php
DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-gd>=4.3.3:../../graphics/php-gd
DRUPAL= ${PREFIX}/share/drupal
PAX_DIRS= includes misc modules scripts themes
OWN_DIRS+= ${DRUPAL}/sites/default
CONF_FILES= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/drupal/drupal.conf \
CONF_FILES+= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/drupal/default.profile \
CONF_FILES_PERMS+= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/drupal/settings.php \
${DRUPAL}/sites/default/settings.php \
SUBST_STAGE.conf= pre-install
SUBST_FILES.conf= drupal.conf
SUBST_SED.conf= -e "s|@DRUPAL@|${DRUPAL}|g"
SUBST_MESSAGE.conf= Fixing configuration files.
.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../lang/php/"
.include ""
${CP} ${FILESDIR}/drupal.conf ${WRKSRC}
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${DRUPAL}/profiles/default
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${DRUPAL}/sites/default
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/drupal
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/drupal
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/*.txt ${PREFIX}/share/doc/drupal
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/sites/all/README.txt \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/drupal.conf \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/sites/default/settings.php \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/profiles/default/default.profile \
. for i in ${PAX_DIRS}
cd ${WRKSRC}/${i} && ${PAX} -rw . ${DRUPAL}/${i}
. endfor
${CHMOD} 0770 ${DRUPAL}/files
${FIND} ${DRUPAL} -name \*.jpg | ${XARGS} ${CHMOD} 0644
${FIND} ${DRUPAL} -name \*.png | ${XARGS} ${CHMOD} 0644
.include "../../mk/"