(v3.71) "big" BibTeX with full support of 8-bit encodings An enhanced, portable C version of BibTeX. Enhanced by conversion to "big" (32-bit) capacity, addition of run-time selectable capacity and 8-bit support extensions. National character set and sorting order are controlled by an external configuration file. Various examples are included.
8 lines
394 B
8 lines
394 B
A multilanguage implementation of BibTeX 0.99.
(v3.71) "big" BibTeX with full support of 8-bit encodings
An enhanced, portable C version of BibTeX. Enhanced by conversion to "big"
(32-bit) capacity, addition of run-time selectable capacity and 8-bit
support extensions. National character set and sorting order are controlled
by an external configuration file.
Various examples are included.