Changes for 0.67 - Adam Kennedy]
* Tweaked the license detection code a bit
* Previous changes working well, going production
[Changes for 0.66_02 - Adam Kennedy]
* Adding detection of 'proprietary' license.
* "All rights reserved" clashes with or can invalidate most Open Source
licenses. Adding a warning to this effect.
[Changes for 0.66_01 - 2007-03-15]
* Adding tests_recursive to have M:I search for and explicitly list
all test scripts recursively.
* Adding configure_requires, test_requires and install_requires.
These are currently aliases for build_requires but will later result
in alternative consequences internally (ADAMK)
* Reorganising Module::Install::With on the assumption that will
be implementing PERL5_CPAN_IS_EXECUTING.
[Changes for 0.65 - 2007-03-06]
* Add install_as_core, install_as_cpan, install_as_vendor
commands to control the "installdirs" metadata field.
Requested by: Tels (renamed by ADAMK and AUDREYT)
* Add the preop command for users to customize the PREOP rule. (BINGOS)
* Implement support for $ENV{PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_EXECUTING} in the
experimental Module::Install::With. (ADAMK)
* Remove the use of features in the Module::Install Makefile.PL.
Developers should be quite capable of installing them all. (ADAMK)
* Remove the use of auto_provides in Module::Install Makefile.PL
until we fix it to not break without a pre-existing MANIFEST. (ADAMK)
* YAML::Tiny is now used as a fallback for generating META.yml. The
order of precedence is now YAML::Syck, YAML::Tiny, then YAML.
* META.yml output is now conformant to spec 1.3.
* Add MIT license to those detectable by license_from() (GAAL)