# Liquid Version History
## 3.0.5 / 2015-07-23 / branch "3-0-stable"
* Fix test failure under certain timezones [Dylan Thacker-Smith]
## 3.0.4 / 2015-07-17
* Fix chained access to multi-dimensional hashes [Florian Weingarten]
## 3.0.3 / 2015-05-28
* Fix condition parse order in strict mode (#569) [Justin Li, pushrax]
## 3.0.2 / 2015-04-24
* Expose VariableLookup private members (#551) [Justin Li, pushrax]
* Documentation fixes
## 3.0.1 / 2015-01-23
* Remove duplicate `index0` key in TableRow tag (#502) [Alfred Xing]
## 3.0.0 / 2014-11-12
* Removed Block#end_tag. Instead, override parse with `super` followed by your code. See #446 [Dylan Thacker-Smith, dylanahsmith]
* Fixed condition with wrong data types, see #423 [Bogdan Gusiev]
* Add url_encode to standard filters, see #421 [Derrick Reimer, djreimer]
* Add uniq to standard filters [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Add exception_handler feature, see #397 and #254 [Bogdan Gusiev, bogdan and Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Optimize variable parsing to avoid repeated regex evaluation during template rendering #383 [Jason Hiltz-Laforge, jasonhl]
* Optimize checking for block interrupts to reduce object allocation #380 [Jason Hiltz-Laforge, jasonhl]
* Properly set context rethrow_errors on render! #349 [Thierry Joyal, tjoyal]
* Fix broken rendering of variables which are equal to false, see #345 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Remove ActionView template handler [Dylan Thacker-Smith, dylanahsmith]
* Freeze lots of string literals for new Ruby 2.1 optimization, see #297 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Allow newlines in tags and variables, see #324 [Dylan Thacker-Smith, dylanahsmith]
* Tag#parse is called after initialize, which now takes options instead of tokens as the 3rd argument. See #321 [Dylan Thacker-Smith, dylanahsmith]
* Raise `Liquid::ArgumentError` instead of `::ArgumentError` when filter has wrong number of arguments #309 [Bogdan Gusiev, bogdan]
* Add a to_s default for liquid drops, see #306 [Adam Doeler, releod]
* Add strip, lstrip, and rstrip to standard filters [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Make if, for & case tags return complete and consistent nodelists, see #250 [Nick Jones, dntj]
* Prevent arbitrary method invocation on condition objects, see #274 [Dylan Thacker-Smith, dylanahsmith]
* Don't call to_sym when creating conditions for security reasons, see #273 [Bouke van der Bijl, bouk]
* Fix resource counting bug with respond_to?(:length), see #263 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Allow specifying custom patterns for template filenames, see #284 [Andrei Gladkyi, agladkyi]
* Allow drops to optimize loading a slice of elements, see #282 [Tom Burns, boourns]
* Support for passing variables to snippets in subdirs, see #271 [Joost Hietbrink, joost]
* Add a class cache to avoid runtime extend calls, see #249 [James Tucker, raggi]
* Remove some legacy Ruby 1.8 compatibility code, see #276 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Add default filter to standard filters, see #267 [Derrick Reimer, djreimer]
* Add optional strict parsing and warn parsing, see #235 [Tristan Hume, trishume]
* Add I18n syntax error translation, see #241 [Simon Hørup Eskildsen, Sirupsen]
* Make sort filter work on enumerable drops, see #239 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Fix clashing method names in enumerable drops, see #238 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Make map filter work on enumerable drops, see #233 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
* Improved whitespace stripping for blank blocks, related to #216 [Florian Weingarten, fw42]
## 2.6.3 / 2015-07-23 / branch "2-6-stable"
* Fix test failure under certain timezones [Dylan Thacker-Smith]